The Power of Love ❤️

My new stack begins tomorrow:

Stark Black
Love Bomb

Day 1 ~ SB+Seductress
Day 2 ~ Rest
Day 3 ~ LB
Day 4 ~ Rest

  • repeat

I’m not sure if I’ll do full loops or reduce listening time. I’ve been consistently using full loops for several months now. I’ll take it one moment at a time!


Yes I do.

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Ah now that old song is playing in my head…

Anyway if full loops worked well for you, then I’d go with that. Right now I increased my playtime a bit, my target is eventually getting to full loops when it feels right.

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Yeah, that was a cheap shot @7empest you know that this is a place where we use mental enhancing tool(s)! Now the song is in my head AND the that Back to the Future scene is playing as well :cry:

See what works with you. If it ain’t broke, don’t break it only to fix it. Results > Trend

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Day 1 ~ Seductress + SB full loops

Feeling pretty sexy atm.
Made 2 shorts for YT and uploaded them to my other socials. Seems like I’m glowing more and have a sparkle in my eyes. My aura is brighter.

I feel lighter in this moment.

Starting psychotherapy in a few minutes with a man who has certifications in Hypnosis and NLP amongst other good stuff.

I serve and guide others so it’s important I have the support from others too. Keeping that healthy balance.

I am enjoying the generosity and friendliness from others more so. Receiving is becoming more natural for me.

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I was talking to a server at restaurant and she was saying how they are probably gonna pick between 2 wraps for the new menu

I said they should do a poll to vote on the best one for customers

She said that’s a great idea!

Earlier a friend gave me their 2 cents on my latest “shorts.” Keyword: shorts. I felt pretty arrogant in that moment. I find that it may be in my nature to be that way and SB just helps bring it out of me. I feel that it’s a healthy arrogance/confidence.

I have a method to my madness. I clearly teach specific shit on my channel. I don’t need to elaborate in a short. That’s what regular videos are for. I also offer services where we can dive deeper into what I am offering.

You can only say so much in a 60 second video. If you don’t know what I am taking about then maybe you need to ask questions in the comments which l gladly reply to with details, watch my other stuff, set up a call to chat about it or go and google to explore further. :laughing:

I was speaking about “I remember when” revision technique stating how I went through a phase of not wanting to see myself on camera which implies that’s no longer an issue of mine. Clearly since I was in front of a camera to make that short video! :laughing:

I was extra bold and spicy during a zoom session with a client.

I am becoming more comfortable being who I really am. Love bomb rocks. :metal:t2:

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Day 2 ~ rest

Before bed I told myself I wanted to be up around 7 and I was successful with that! :slight_smile:

I had a lovely shower and quiet time before my 4 year old got up for school.

My views are growing on my socials and subscribers too.

Now that my lawyer has dropped my case and others don’t feel confident they can help me, I am contemplating my present situation and what I’ll do next. Maybe this isn’t so bad what I have going on. Maybe my ex will lighten up eventually.

My pelvic physiotherapist commented on my energy being different in a good way today.

Time seemed to work in my favour all day. Seems like everyone is more fast paced around me since yesterday.

I went to a yoga class today with a different teacher who seemed pretty anal about postures. She kept stopping the class to go over stuff. This had me staying in poses waiting for far too long. I got through it but meh. I found myself giggling to myself rather than get irritated. Cool noticing.

Day 3 ~ LB full loop

Woke up to my one YT short having 1.4K views and some comments. I have ruffled some feathers. :laughing:

Stark Black is at it again. So quickly. :fire:

My average was 400 views for a while without SB.

I had some crazy dreams with minimal recall. More processing happening. I’m such a weirdo :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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You just noticed?

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Nah. Just noticing more and more of the weirdness in my deeper head space :rofl:

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Bumped up my loops to three minutes each. Not feeling much if any recon at the moment.

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That’s good :+1:

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Makes sense. I’ve been doing 5 minute loops for about a year now, and recon is much less common than in prior years. Subs became almost a chore since recon was common with most subliminals. Emperor was one I had lot of fear about since it’s pull out my anger and aggression quickly.

I changed to 5 minute loops on my last DR attempt. Suddenly, I had incredible results, not shit-tons of recon.

I took 5 minutes off the DR sales page, where it warns about recon. And dang, it worked. It really worked.

Microloops made subs enjoyable again!

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Looks like my journal got hijacked! :sweat_smile:

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Day 4 ~ Rest day

I feel a lot of anger today for some reason. I overreacted with my kids today when my teenager left my youngest alone by the lake and my youngest punched me.

I’m lying down and deep breathing now.

I brought my kids away for the weekend.

My son keeps saying things to annoy me.

Here’s some growth on my YT channel:


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Day 5 ~ Seductress & SB full loops

This stack is packing a heavy punch that is much needed for my growth and expansion.

Lots of processing dreams. Lots of introspection.
Greater awareness.

I’m realizing where I go into my familiar past and predictable future at times. Noticing more and more.

I enjoyed a short meditation in the hot tub under the stars at 4:30am at the Airbnb overlooking the lake.

I feel like I woke up early to connect with my higher self. I went to sleep earlier than usual too.

A gym instructor I connected with last week wants to meet up and discuss business. She reached out yesterday to see about meeting today. I am with my kiddos today so I am hoping to meet up with her next Sunday.

This was my 4:30am view:


Day 6 ~ rest day

My coffee smiled back at me just now…

When I was listening to SB at the beginning of this year I had someone reach out wanting to give me money. They had a kink around wanting to give me their money.
When I took a break from SB they sort of faded away and returned yesterday. They sent me $150!

One of my clients booked a 2 hour session in between their regular package sessions.

My views are climbing fast and subscribers are jumping up too! Woohoo :partying_face:

I notice that certain men reach out to me much more listening to Seductress. One wants to teach me salsa dance. :dancer:


I love how quick I get results with SB title when I take action. When I don’t take any action I become basically a wild banshee. Also looking at what even is action for me… where my head is at with that whole thing…

What’s the point of listening to a title if you don’t do anything towards the goals/objectives of it?!

I was thinking yesterday how it’s probably best to start with titles that you know you are guaranteed to take action towards and let that open up new pathways to success. A bridge to greater territory.

I know this has been said numerous times but it actually clicked for me this weekend when I was “busy doing mom stuff” and not doing much towards my business and social media stuff. I felt like crap. I had a moment of reflection and reframed because being a mom is a big part of my total vision. They are my legacy. That reframing was essentially a form of action too. That came from Phoenix stacked with SB at the beginning of this year.

Doing something and doing nothing is part of the game of life. That yin and yang balance and flow. I believe a part of me felt like I always have to be doing something. That uses up a lot of energy that could be used more constructively.

Edit 2: I was thinking about taxes when I woke up. As my business grows I have to open an HST account with the government. Not sure how that works atm. Write offs and all that came to mind as well. If I would have to increase my prices for HST or include that in my rates. This is a bit of a stumbling block for me. I don’t wanna give the government money but I also support social programs for those who need it. The system seems to be improving with getting people off social assistance quicker than before.


Day 7 ~ LB full loop

I have basically zero dream recall right now.

I’ve interacted with several people recently who I thought didn’t like me anymore after the way my separation from my fiancé went back in 2020.

I think I didn’t like myself very much at the time, masking my problems with lots of weed edibles and bong tokes, and everyone just reflected my inner world back to me.

I’m so much different now.

I notice subtle shifts day by day.

The inner critic doesn’t have the same hold or power over me.

My confidence is rising.

My former yoga school partner got back to me about doing a webinar together on grief and co leading her 8 week yoga program already designed and ready to go. She also said she would take care of making the webinar flyer and Zoom. Wow :hushed:

I feel so loved. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Day 9 ~ Seductress & SB full loops

I woke up at 6:30 today. Don’t remember my dreams atm. Sitting outside watching the sunrise with my mushroom coffee. Pulled a couple oracle cards.

One card said to become more aware of my self judgments and inner dialog. That it’s time to consciously talk to myself as if I were my best friend ~ using kindness and compassion.

That there are many wonderful blessings in my life and many more coming my way.

Free from problems, burdens, suffering.

The other card:

When I was out shopping around the other day, a flower shop worker told me I look 15. I am noticing an increase in how much people talk to me wherever I go. I’m not as annoyed by it atm.

I’m having moments where I feel like everything is gonna be okay even with some current matters I have to figure out. (Family law matters.)

I drive around and look at so many beautiful homes wondering when I’ll move to something more lovely for my family. I’ve been in the same home since 2012. Longest ever for me staying in one spot.

I want to share a home with my life partner and have the empire and all that. Sometimes it feels so far out of reach. I don’t have the life partner atm. I have been on and off with someone for 2 years, but it hasn’t been the easiest for me. No relationship really has if I’m being completely honest.

This is why I feel I benefit from LB long term. Self love is everything. Foundational. I build off that basis.

To add:

This stack seems to be going fairly smoothly for me. This is my third cycle with LB, my 4th cycle of SB & my who knows how many cycles of Seductress. This has been my main title since beginning here

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