The path of greatness (ZP experimental custom)

That depends on how much focus you wanna give to the singular title.

Cause when you make a custom, regardless of the number of cores inside, that title is considered one title, meaning that the other sub in your stack is gonna occupy the same amount of information (assuming you use both at full loops), so the expression of the singular title will be more perceivable than the joint effect of the cores in the custom.

So you could potentially end up with a genius Khan custom, and WANTED (as a single title) will add on to make that genius Khan more physically attractive.

Cores in a custom come mixed together from the Q-Store, while stacking allows you to mix subs consciously.


Just BJJ is for nerds :joy: MMA all the way


Throughout heaven and Earth … I alone am the honored one.

That’s the name of the custom for anyone who’s wondering :call_me_hand:t4:

Here’s the list again:

Inhuman ZPv2
  • Stark Core

  • WANTED core

  • Beast Unleashed core

  • Beast Within core

  • EmpB core

  • True Sell core

  • Entranced

  • Gloryseeker

  • Fearsome

  • Direct influencing aura

  • Elegance

  • Serum X

  • Cosmic Wealth

  • Spiritual Freedom

  • Mystic Osmosis

  • AsC core

  • Deep sleep

  • Yggdrasil

  • Jupiter

  • Void of Creation


So here are some updates (currently 3rd day on Inhuman + RoM):

  • my workouts are MUCH MUCH more intense, and the 2 Beast cores are taking my body to a complete new level, not only have I already gained noticeable (not just by me) amount of muscle, but I’m also recovering at a much higher pace, and yes, I don’t think this could have happened with WANTED core alone, cause I’ve tried the ZPv2 of WANTED solo, and in another custom as the sole physical shifting core, and it never felt this way, so hats off to the 2 Beast cores :sunglasses::call_me_hand:t4:.

  • not only am I growing physically, but the amount of growth I feel as a person, as well as how grounded I feel, is also pretty high, and it really seems like I’m the most ideal self that I’ve always wanted to be.

  • While the physical shifting is great and the highest I’ve ever felt, the attitude towards working out has also changed, to the point where I subconsciously apply different lifting principles subconsciously, and this is also influenced by RoM, as that sub makes me act before I even think most of the time, as if I’m in a flow state all the time.

  • in terms of my style, even if I don’t pay attention to what I’m picking to wear (happened earlier cause I was in a rush), I somehow end up with head-turning outfits haha, oh and apparently oversized and relaxed style sweaters make me seem like a celebrity to others for some reason, cause over 4 times now, people stood still while walking to get another look, but it didn’t happen when I was wearing tight shirts :thinking: so there’s that.

  • now this is the most fascinating thing (in a funny way) that I’ve noticed so far; so AsC core and the modules right under it that I posted above are all pretty good at manifesting whatever I want, but they would manifest without warning, but stacking RoM with this custom (specifically that part of the custom) has made it so I somehow intuitively “feel” the manifestation coming, and it’s funny cause at one point yesterday I got hard randomly and then saw that my girl sent me nudes :rofl::rofl: now I know this happens due to the clairvoyance and heightened intuition, but it’s still funny, considering that I was watching some Tom and Jerry clips when it happened :rofl::rofl:

  • finally, about the verbal fluency, I don’t wanna go too deep into it, cause if any of you ran WANTED, Stark, Emperor Black, and/or True Sell, you’d know how good they are, so if you wanna know how all of them work together, well, the combo is good enough to make 2 girls orgasm simultaneously, sexting each one separately of course :wink::rofl:



I’m getting a strong pull these days towards Alchemist :thinking:


All that hidden power from esoteric titles (manifestation, energy etc).

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To unleash it all :eyes:?

That doesn’t sound like a bad idea :rofl:

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Bro bout to turn into Harry Potter.


Qatary Potter*


They don’t have quidditch, they have the world cup :joy:


Hahahha @Dark @Melior

Just imagine how epic it would be if the path of spirituality, with my custom, ended up unlocking some ability :eyes:

I mean, Mind’s Eye gave me super prediction skills, while as RoM has completely altered my perception of reality, so just imagine :heart_eyes:


Let’s do a quick recap of Inhuman ZP’s effects :grin:

  • Gym and physical shifting wise:
    It’s undoubtedly the most powerful one I’ve ever felt, without causing an energy crash.
    At the gym, each every single rep is executed with perfection, in a very slow and controlled manner, and while I did reduce my weights quite a bit (ranging from 25%, up to 50% decrease in weights), I now take my time to really feel every single muscle fiber’s contractions and relaxation.

  • Charm, charisma and social effects:
    I’m using words I’ve never used before except when writing official documents, and my verbal skills (the words I choose to say, write, their tone, the way I articulate and speak out my thoughts) have seen a significant improvement from the baseline that I already developed over the last one year or so.

  • Introspection and deeper growth effects:
    This one is where a lot of the background work is happening, and I’ve been noticing my darker sides are integrating on a much deeper level, especially with how interested I’ve become in the learnings about influence and intellectual power, it has really dug deep to show me just how capable I am, especially when I let go of certain factors such as morals and ideals.


I think about this everyday. Definitely Yes!!!

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Then let go of whatever it is that you consider a limit :wink:

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So I was posting in Saint’s journal about doing a review for RoM, since I’ve kinda been on it for like 6 weeks (had some days where I didn’t run it while raw testing other subs), so here’s everything I got from the sub that I love:

  • Deeper thirst to explore and learn about the most abstract aspects and concepts of the self, life, universe, reality, and everything in between.

  • Total stillness of thoughts, which helps observing every thought from a much more of an objective POV, leading to better judgement, understanding, as well as deeper introspection.

  • Heightened intuition and reflexes, and combined with the stillness of the mind, it executes in a way that makes you feel like every movement is a result of your body automatically moving in the best way possible, as if your moving based on instinct, or in other words, acting before thinking.

  • An almost drug like effect when it comes to focus, which manifests in the form of unparalleled level of clarity and immersion, making it effortless to do anything in the most efficient and quickest way possible, as it also shows guides you towards the best actions to take.

  • The fascination with everything, and the pure bliss from being completely unchained by outer influences and intrusive thoughts.

  • Faster execution of subs (duh, this is why it dethroned Mind’s Eye for me haha).

  • Upgraded brain capabilities, especially with how easy it makes it to be able to have multiple streams of thoughts concurrently.

  • This one is probably an individual thing, but it has boosted my already high flow factor to a level where it kinda defies reality, I mean look at this:

There was no way at that time for me to know that what I said back then, would actually manifest as the most powerful custom I’ve ever made haha.


OMG, you are describing the Magic of Physics!


Magic of Physics :thinking:???

What is that meant to be :sweat_smile:

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The Magic of Physics

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Oh yes, but like I mentioned previously, those things are what I’m naturally interested in (have been self studying them since I was like 13), so I naturally gravitate towards these topics whenever I’m on cognitive enhancement subs like RoM, Mind’s Eye, Stark, and I’ve been on Stark for almost a year now haha.

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That’s great! I’m happy with your progress. I just want to encounter a sub that unleash again all those magic moments in my life.

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