The Eyeless Sight Terminus - ME.Alch/Dr 4

Please, forgive me but I’ll leave it without comment.

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No, I haven’t used any of the cores before except for ME, but it was sporadically. Although I got some effect on the standalone, I had a lot of blockage, negative, defeatist beliefs because my of condition.

But now, the effects have accelerated to the point that I am dreaming every day lol, I am so happy about it. In fact, I just had a lucid dream yesterday. I am able to visualize effortlessly and although it’s not fully colored like a non aphantasiac, it is a definite improvement.

Further, I am slowly able to control the mental picture, in which I would populate it with objects.

Now, how is Alchemist and Mind’s Eye working together, aside from empowering my ability and self-belief, self-talking? My head is in the clouds most of the day, thinking about the deeper and bigger things, especially the ancient teaching of the east. When I first got interested in these things, I couldn’t comprehend energy nor fee it for the life of me, even if I enter altered states. But now, I am becoming more sensitive to my body. Also, I have been visualizing about the elements a lot. Especially when DR overcomes something inside. I am feeling fiery and imagine dragon breath.

My creativity has also increased greatly. Being inspired by little things.

About the cognition. You are correct. Stark indeed brought out the intelligence that I buried within to the surface. ME is doing the same thing. It is incredible, I have always been fascinated about Tesla’s ability to invent something completely with his mind’s eye and I am getting there. I am also able to recall things more vividly. Could close my eyes and see things as opposed to just words to word memory.



Wow! I’m happy with how you’re noticing results! How significant are they for you?

To summarize it:

I feel like I am a new person. I am sticking to my training regimen, meditation, diet, and doing the things that I keep telling myself I should be doing, instead of wasting my time vicariously living. Heck, it is the third day in a row where I wake up, and go for a run outside. No excuses whatsoever, despite the chilling snow.


I won another 50 bucks from scratchers (30+20). Got another 3 cards and 2 of which are winning (10+30).

That’s fun :smiley: I had a dream where I was at the casino; don’t remember this one fully though, except for cigarettes, carpeted floors slot machines and colorful lights.

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I don’t know if this is the work of the alchemist, or a symptom of spiritualism, but I do feel disconnected from people in general, as if I am in my own head space. Perhaps some persistent teenage angst :smiley:

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Great summary!

Ride that high dude!

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Interesting results. I’m planning on running a similar custom based on Alchemist4, DR4 and Khan4 but haven’t decided on the technology yet. What’s your listening routine right now, please?

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I love your Messiah Custom, been toying with the idea of making a Q based one for more focus on Alchemist; but will hold on to it.

My current routine is RICH in the morning then 2-3 Loop of Eyeless Sight, followed by a loop of paragon before bed.

I am entering the 30 days more, so I’ll give more loops a shot

During this first week I my spirit was down, as if my unconscious is being redesigned; my mental faculty felt preoccupied. Almost in an android state. But its getting smoother now, was worth it :smiley:

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You’re doing DR. It’s tough. I think it has the potential to feel draining. After the worst reconciliation, I’ve had just as rewarding results. An emotional freedom unlike anything else.

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Lucky you, running 3 loops of StarkT every other day made me feel spineless in social situations and as if my mind was a bit in another dimension. Of course, your custom is much stronger than StarkT.

Thanks, I may run it in Q+ since Terminus occurred to be a little dicey to me but I may revisit StarkT for some time to ultimately decide upon that. Unless Q+ is a real killer and Terminus is not a match to it.

That’s going to be interesting to witness. :slight_smile:

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It’s more of an impression or a sense of knowing. From time to time ‘the walls’ thin somewhat and I access something that feels like inner vision. Usually, even when I access it, it feels like it’s happening on the other side of a barrier. Maybe a barrier of tension or of mental inflexibility.


Also, Q definitely takes much fewer loops than the older technology, whether it’s standard Q, Terminus, or Terminus2. That’s common knowledge and is not a controversial statement.

As you can see, depending on the density of the program in question, 1 loop of STANDARD Q was estimated to equal between 3 and 6 loops of the previous version.

So, if the target hours with the previous version was 240 hours and if you were to insist on hours-counting (as we all do sometimes), then your new target would be somewhere between 80 and 40 hours. Q, including Standard Q, represented a major power upgrade.

Having said that, there a number of alternate metrics that are preferable to hours. But still, sometimes thinking of hours can help you to get moving and feel motivated. So do what you need to do.

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Here is some more information that might help

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Thanks for posting this and the link to the original post.

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This keep popping in my head.

God Walking Among Mere Mortals. I hope that I am just missing MMOs (this was an achievement from Guild Wars) and not my ego claiming godhood. Although :thinking::smiling_imp:… lol

Something about Immortal’s blade; the description of the module ain’t no poppycock. I haven’t been engulfed by dark thoughts in a while. Even when mind wanders into the deeper questions and the realm of solipsism, and when I do get down, my mind quickly dispels the negativity that hinders rationality. impressive

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Maybe Inner Voice has its share in clearing up the negativity too. Great results!

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The Godlike feeling that has been popping up could be related to Jupiter, by god I guess my unconscious is telling me that I am in control of my reality. I am not one that seeks control. Such a freedom has a paralyzing burden, I will have to take my meditation, visualization and wishing up a notch; for it feels like I am sailing anchorless, without a compass. Free as air.

I feel like it is time for me to admit that I am having moments of clairvoyance within moments of clarity. I would be lollygagging somewhere, lost and confused, only to end up exactly where I must for that moment.

Today, without doubt, before my girl was about to tell me something interesting she learned, I immediately knew what it was going to be about, but I sealed my lips out of civil politeness and it was exactly what I had in mind: Moldavite. I am guessing its time to get one and test drive it myself. The philosophical question still remains: is it the crystal that is accentuating synchronicity or is it the belief that I will be holding it that generates it? I feel like its time to take action against inaction, to stop analyzing and take a leap. Must be Awakening.

Furthermore, I spent some half an hour yesterday in the comments section, browsed all that way to the inception. Popped into some threads and two incidents have repeated themselves today. One concerning a thread being locked for a guy refunding a product and reusing them, and another which I cannot talk about without pointing fingers. Somehow being aware over something made it pop up, or was I being guided from a future event which was supposed to happen today. I must still be time looping if I am thinking about these kind of things.


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I’ve just read a bit about Moldavite and it seems to me it does the same your stack should do:

  • heal traumas (DR)
  • clear energetical blockages (Alchemist)
  • open the heart chakra (Blue Skies)

If it comes to experiencing, I’ve concluded the same recently. Enough of “objective” knowledge attained by studying, it’s time to attain more “subjective” knowledge by experimenting and experiencing. And then see how that subjective knowledge relates to that objective one. Actually, I started doing it around two weeks ago and I can see how much of what I’m experiencing now is related to what I’ve studied. The Alechemist and the Dragon are real gems indeed.

I’m really curious how it’ll go for you since my Messiah, in its basic frame, is very similar to your Eyeless Sight.

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