The Eyeless Sight Terminus - ME.Alch/Dr 4

I’m better now, it has passed :slight_smile:

By the way, you were not kidding about Infinity from iAwake. It was so amazing, time got suspended and I, well there was no “I” in that Lambda state, hahaha. Thank you :+1:

Since this seems to be about unlocking new levels of sensory ability (inner/outer), this talk I just watched seems apropos. I can’t believe that this was made over 5 years ago now!


Wow, thanks a lot. That was an inspiring show, real crazy

Oh, yesterday, I felt an intense heat in my head and around my back. It was incredibly hot, like a fever on my forehead, all I could think of is Dragon’s Fire eradicating the pieces that I hold on to, no longer serving me from my mind. And then, I got inspired and was thinking about the ashes of a phoenix igniting into a dragon, I thought it was pretty cool :smiley: But, Huzzah! I can feel energy I am so excited. For years I have finally found an appropriate path of spirituality, of energy, of the beyond and I always felt left out, in that all I am able to do is learn and teach, eating papers and dissecting information. But now, my mind’s eye’s starting to work :sob:

Also, the fever could be a dance fever, because I feel like dancing. Always wanted to dance like MJ, hehehe

My mind feels like some sort of computer. The way I see things is analogous to the way machines process and analyze data. If and buts and thens and candy and nuts. I used to program instruments and machines and design processes, the how things should flow. Always felt like I am programming myself, leaves me dazed and confused when I wonder about them.

Could be my logician personality, it brings me nothing but loneliness, how I hate the way I make things difficult for myself and consume my loved ones within.

My biggest challenge is to feel. You should see the reactions and my demeanor when in those blissful moments that I do feel something. Pure ecstasy. I felt the air and the coming of spring the other day, I felt alive. In the blooming days of summer is when my self truly breathes, I wish I could be like that all the time. What a strange thing to say when love is the only imprint that I leave on others. Sigh…

A reminder for the future, for I am forgetful.


Well, I am back, briefly I suspect :smiley:

Behold… I CAN SEE & DREAM better :sob: :sob: :sob:

Visualization Report, Mind’s Eye T:

Pre-Mind’s Eye, my visualization is something akin to a blind man feeling his way through a new environment. Skeletal, grid like visualization. If I were to read a book, I can hear mental note of: okay, so there is this lady in a cat suit leaning on the wall, and the protagonis is unlocking room number 92 and there is this and that over there and then I forget the placement of everything and then its just words (reading Neuromancer) However, I am now able to see more potently, getting more immersed in the stories. I am able to visualize outcomes, now, theyre not fully colored, but its much better than before, some parts are colorful while background still be dark.

I am also finding myself easily able to visualize and day dream, without mental effort and its fascinating.

Up until two-three years ago, I used to think when people said “Imagine this, or picture that”, is just an expression of “think” about this and that. Boy, was I wrong.

My memory is improving tremendously, I am able to recall things I have forgottten, memories and excerpts of my life, to the point of an outer-body like re-investigation of a memory, a complete review of myself and the surrounding, as if you are moving the camera around and about - well, more like witnessing and observing memories. I barely would remember anything in the past.

Feeling emotions still feels strange, and most quickly do they transmute into anger and wrath :confounded: Could be something buried deep within. Eh, DR and Alchemist will take bring it forth with its internal fires.

My meditation practice has ascended and I find myself moving forward into eastern practices and arts. Still feel the Alchemist moving my awareness towards a path of spirituality (have mixed religions in my upbringing) but I find myself resonating more with those of the East.

Inner voice is supporting me daily, its like a new voice joining in. It is fighting for dominance but it will win eventually.


Current Invoker:

Hot diggity, when I read the Kybalion a while back, there was a page about mental transmutation and the ability to move from one extreme to another. Well, I think about music and my thoughts are filled with the arts, I think about imagination and novels and words, and such comes to it. I get sexual thoughts and I can move away from. Traversing my mental realms is getting easier. Huzzah :beers:


Fortune’s Favorite:


I drove to the gas station the other morning on my way to the grocery store and parked at the self-service fueler as I always do; however, the machines were not accepting my card. So I pulled over to the ordinary ones, where you have to fill and pay inside and I did. While waiting on the lady, with my hand in pocket, I started playing with a coin inside with my thumb and forefinger, as if I were turning a poker chip and the name Fortune’s Favorite came up. So I said what the hell, let me fuel up the module, pathways and whatnot, perhaps even instill this kind of mindset in my mind. I ordered a 10 bucks Scratcher ticker, the ones where you get 6 numbers and 30 others that need to match one of the 6. I couldn’t believe it, but I matched two numbers of 10$, or so I thought, as I handed the ticket to the lady, she gave me back 30$. Of course, the gambling addict in me asked to roll it up and hand me 3 more, I’ll show them. Well, lo and behold, another hit, this time for 40$. I can finally go to Disneyland :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: and then settle in Hawaii for a summer or two, then maybe Yunnan, and pay a visit to Greece. On my flying bison. That goes without saying.



Well done. Fantastic progress.

I’m also looking at improving my visualization ability in my next custom sub with StarkQ, Mind’s Eye and QLST1.

I’m not aphantasic but my visualization ability is too weak at the moment.


I am INTP too and can understand this.

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Darn, that’s a great combo!


Awesome, got another 10 bucks from a Scratcher :shamrock: :shamrock: I hope this doesn’t awaken something in me. I’m remembering younger me opening card games packs. Hmm, I’ve always been incredibly luck knocks on wood. In fact, the first time I played game of Life on PSX, among 6-8 other players if memory serves well, I scored the highest. Good times lol. Was like 5 or 6 years old.

I am loving this custom, its wide range of effects are unbelievable. I can even feel all the subliminals coming forth because of DR. Incredible.

I still feel a little form of “fear”, or perhaps, a respect because of its strength, where I am quite reluctant to go over a single loop a day. All for the best anyway.


Excellent, man! I can’t do those things at all.

I’m glad that you’re experiencing such a vivid unfolding with Mind’s Eye, Alchemist, and Dragon Reborn. :muscle:t6:

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Oh, man, you can’t? Life is becoming more exciting without this darkness in my head. Curious, how do you visualize?

And thank you :smiley:

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Found ya :stuck_out_tongue: @Sub.Zero

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Alrighty then. I’ll be counting my exposure time, slipped my mind.

Hmm… 25 hours seems right.


Will be pushing moar loops

I wanted to mention something here. I’m guessing you’re aiming for 200 hours of loops.

If you want to set this as a personal objective, that’s fine but may not be necessary to achieve what you want. This idea of going for 300 or 400 or 800 loops, as far as I can understand, is based on older technology or other companies’ subliminals. I don’t think @Fire or @SaintSovereign ever announced hundreds of loops as a necessary objective to achieve results, though perhaps with older technology 8 hours a day over 30 days could be interpreted as such.

With Q I think fewer loops are necessary.

Again, if you want to set this as a personal plan, that’s fine. But if you ever reconsider, that’s fine too.


Hmm… thanks for pointing that out :+1:

I was forcefully going out of my way to push more loops since this morning. Now that I think about what I was doing, my guess is that the game of numbers got into my head - challenging myself. Not sure if i was unconsciously trying to stone wall myself, or just testing the proverbial waters. But I am glad that you posted this.

Kinda feel torn apart between going for days or numbers. Each has their ups and downs. Maybe I should flip a coin lol. Or better yet, and I think this is the work of the alchemist, it would be wiser for myself to rely on days alone. I know how competitive I can get with myself.

:bowing_man: :dragon:

How is Alchemist in tandem with Mind’s Eye performing for you? Did you have any previous experience with any of the Cores before you got this Custom?

Memory is one of the higher faculties, so it’s interesting you mention this – on Stark as well, I’m able to recall a lot of things, on Alchemist it must have a similar effect.