The Eyeless Sight Terminus - ME.Alch/Dr 4

Ok! Thanks for clarifying!

Broke my rest day.

Felt like I needed to listen to Love Bomb. Feeling overtly masculine, destructive and angry and hollow at the same time; all of which are but a veil and a mask for sadness. Nothing a bit of love can’t overturn.

Its about 25 minutes in and can feel a shift of inner energy. What angers and pisses me off is that I do condone this state as powerful and peaceful - but vulnerable at the same time - unarmed. Perhaps I am just frustrated. The battle of ids and egos.

Perhaps I just need to learn how to traverse the world with this state. After all, the problems that I see are all but mental. Hmm, I feel like I should drop the word instrumental in here for a rhyme, but that seems to obvious.

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Oh, right. All better by 30 minutes in. Finished the whole loop. It is really a beautiful title. Complete state shift.

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Another LB

Rest day 2.

Update on visualizing: it’s becoming effortless to summon mental images, even revising scenes, and even transporting myself to some kind of area in my head. As I was falling asleep, I began having mental exercises, as in running in my usual daily jogginng path and recalling the layout of the street


There was one dream sequence that stuck up with me after waking up. Something to do with Rockstar energy drinks Diet, a whole carton of them just started flying upward towards the heavens, with tiny wings on each can. The energy drink seems to got mixed with Redbull “gives you wings”, both of which are energy drinks.

I thought to myself that it popped up because I felt like a rockstar the other day from Wanted.

As I wander aimlessly in the forum, I stumbled upon this, right before turning the phone off.

Umm. Cool, was dreaming of this moment I guess :+1:

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Very interesting dreams. Your Eyeless Sight sees

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Man, oh, man. The feelings this sub is giving me is becoming different.

Every Friday since the past two months, and for the next few days, I would feel like I am in mourning. At some point during that period, I would contact family and ask if everyone’s okay and question their health. But truth is that, this mourning, this death, is of the old self and its past ways. This must be The fourth stage of the Scripting of reBorn, Death and rebirth - perhaps its the higher self mourning over one of the other ones.

Synchronicities are, turning into a daily occurrence, a part of the daily life. I’d go to the post office, and a guy would be wearing a shirt of Heath Ledger’s Joker " Why So Serious?" on the same day that I would have rented the new Joker.

I’d be typing something, and the TV would say the exact same word at the time of the finger pressing upon the first letter button.


Taking a sip of The Elixir. It has been a while

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I forgot how powerful The elixir was, jeez. I actually had some belly laughter late into the night

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There’s this persistent thought that comes up and manifests into anger, frustration and confusion. It’s because I did not go through the first stage of Alchemist. Who would’ve thought that Alchemist could give you reconciliation, go figure. Always jumping straight into the deep end of the pool - true story.

For months it’s been popping up and I’d dismiss it into one thing or another, such as “it’s judt my love for learning, and attaining wisdom of the old”. I’m getting these “calls” to some of the olden religions that I’ve been indoctrinated to. I grew up in a quite unconventional religious upbringing, one with quite a handful of beliefs and religions mixed in, one had to follow for survival, because of the community. Heck, I remember the confusion I’ve gone through in my early life. Until one day, I just gave up on all. That’s when the synchronicities began non-stop, drove me mad.

Still I suffer from confusion if I let my guard down, cognitive dissonance and pathetic denials. I’d dare to say it’s some sort of cult brainwashing, but I digress. Part of me still believes there must be a common point, a core belief in goodness and divinity of human beings and the world within them, but I am a romantic at heart and a fool. I am absolutely certain of which path resonates with the me now, no lollygagging, no waste of mental space.

reconciliation resolved, I have reconciled. :smile:

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You didn’t need to find the truth; you needed to find your choice.

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Hmm, that is true :smile:

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Alright, time to take a wash :stuck_out_tongue:

Day one - off.

I have this desire to create a new spirituality custom… Too many modules, not enough space :frowning:

I will hold on until Q+, or the new one stager of “alchemist”. Maybe mix them in with Alch 4 + ME + new alchemist

Meh, could be just recon :slight_smile:

My sweet patootie lmfao

How about a week off?

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That’s the plan :smiley:

It has just occurred to me that I haven’t but thought about solipsism and it’s dark realities in quite some time. Contemplating it now, it’s just, not for me anymore :slight_smile:

I also seem to be seeing things differently, the environment and my perspective (visually), as if it’s more appealing. Color, texture and shape wise, and the finer things. It’s said that the eyes aren’t the ones really seeing, I pretty much needed that upgrade. Not sure whether it’s minds eye, Alchemist or Paragon.

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