The Dragon's way

Yes, thank you for the kind words. LBFH somehow touched me very deeply and I still don’t know why it made me so sad. But I think the next run through the whole thing will be better. I’ve been listening to CWON for a while now and it’s still my favorite sub. DRST4 must first show what it can do. At the moment I don’t notice anything but it was only one run.
So far all good here. :slightly_smiling_face:


Do you ever feel like running titles with DR takes away from it?

LBH nags at me periodically but I also feel like I’ll be getting in the way of DR. Do you feel stacking titles have been beneficial?

Maybe I’m just being neurotic and it’s just me.


Can it be DR instead of LBH?
Maybe LBH still have to kick in since you just started…

Interestingly I’m not seeing anything from CWON :man_shrugging:

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I do think that there are synergies between individual titles, but they are also desired. Healing subs are always in the foreground because they overlay other subs. At least that’s what it says. So I’m not worried about any sub reducing the power of DR. I’m glad I can run other subs to compensate negative effects from DR. CFW was very good for a while and GLM has also been very useful to me over the past few weeks. Let’s see what’s going on with LBFH.


No, that wasn’t DR4. I already felt how it hit me during the first few minutes of LBFH and after the loop finished i was feeling down. Of course, it may be that LBFH increases DR and that triggers some negative emotions again. Who knows?

I’ve already written a lot about CWON in my journal. Its my favorite sub at the moment and has a very positive effect on my environment. At least I think it’s CWON which has that positive influence. Of course, this can all be an effect of all subs together.
At the end of the day, what counts is moving forward. :slightly_smiling_face:



1st cycle


Day1: Dragon Reborn ST 4 ZP / LBFH ZP

AsCh ZP 1 loop/week

Sub day with CWON. Not much has happened in the last two days and therefore there is not much to report. The sadness after the LBFH loop lasted for quite a while, otherwise I couldn’t see any changes. I also don’t notice anything special about DRST4 at the moment. The dreams are all confused again and without much meaning. At least I can’t interpret any great meaning into it.
But it’s just the beginning with DRST4 and LBFH.


Can vouch for the LBH sadness. My guess is that it is healing some love-related block. The first 2 loops had me feel sad. After that it’s a mix. Some times good humored and sometimes a tinge of sadness.

I think later it will result in breaking the dam(n) block of love’s waters and there will be a flood of it.


I thought I was the only one with this sadness. Yes, after the second run it was better, but it is by no means a good mood sub for me. Something seems to be triggered by LBFH and as you say hopefully it will be resolved. At the moment this sub is not fun. :wink:


Do you feel it as bittersweet? Like melancholy? I don’t know if that is because I view sadness as sometimes a beautiful thing in an artistic way. As a way to be creative and empathise with others.

But of course sometimes sadness is just bleh haha.


No its a deep sadness and i dont know why. But as I have already written, it is not quite as strong after the second time listening. Unfortunately, I can’t get anything good out of this, but I’ll leave LBFH in my stack for now. Something has to be worked on and healed.


Yes that’s the right decision. I think a couple of loops will be a good thing. I will be running LBH for at least 1 cycle.


Thats a good decision. I will try some more loops before i decide if LBFH will stay in the stack or not.

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DAY 6 Rest Day

Rest day. After the second run of LBFH, the deep sadness was far less present. As I have already written, something seems to be addressed that is beyond my conscious access. Today I feel very balanced and really good. My mood is significantly better and I have positive thoughts about the future again. I’ll probably keep LBFH in my stack for now to see how it develops. DRST4 leaves a calm and balanced atmosphere. After the loop yesterday I feel more grounded today. Of course, this can all be a synergy of the entire stack.
However, this synergy feels very good at the moment.


Melancholy for me :heart:


DAY 11

1st cycle


Day1: Dragon Reborn ST 4 ZP / LBFH ZP

AsCh ZP 1 loop/week

Sub day. Not much to report at the moment. The stack is still the same. In general, it’s an up and down again. The meaningful problematic dreams are back and clearly show me what I still have to work on.That’s progress again.


DAY 13

1st cycle


Day1: Dragon Reborn ST 4 ZP / GLM ZP

AsCh ZP 1 loop/week

Decided to add GLM back to my stack. Somehow LBFH doesn’t suit me at the moment. I have the feeling that it makes me even softer and that is exactly the opposite of what I want. Besides, it still makes me sad. GLM was a good addition for me and that’s how it should be again. I might try LBFH again later.


Do you have ups and downs or constantly sad?

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This is a real good question. Its more up and down but after one loop LBFH i have this deep sadness and i feel very weak soft and vulnerable. Something doesn’t fit together at the moment and I now have a dislike to hear LBFH. I don’t want to break that either, but put LBFH on the sidelines for now.


DAY 17 – Last day with Dragon Reborn

1st cycle


Day1: Dragon Reborn ST 4 ZP / GLM ZP

AsCh ZP 1 loop/week

Decided to take a longer break and finish DRST4 earlier. I can’t say at the moment what DRST4 does and there’s nothing new to report. Might come back to that later. Maybe the healing is enough for the time being and things have to go differently now. Will probably choose Stark&Emperor as the next stack, but I’ll take my time with that for now. Now first a long washout.


@DarkPhilosopher @RVconsultant please close this journal. I’m going to make a new journal in the near future. Thank you.