The Commandant - Thread

I’m hoping for inner circle, beyond quantum limitless, and mind’s eye. And ofcourse commandant will be cool too.

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This whole shit has been quiet for weeks. What’s going on?

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Once the countdown reaches 00 we’ll have a response

Are you sure the timer is large enough?

One of those times I wish I had moderator permissions so I could replace your timer with a 00 and respond by saying “Nope, nothing happened.” :slight_smile:

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Okay then!



The experimental subliminal @Fire made for me has been causing me to have the most ridiculously vivid dreams ever. These dreams have narratives like you’d find in a movie. Last night was basically an episode of Law & Order.

I hear this tech is going in Quantum Limitless…


I want the power give me this product now :rofl::rofl:


With Quantum Limitless, Inner Circle and Commandant, I shall have the power to be Commander of the Universe.


Same here, i’ve been waiting for the commander for months :star_struck:

I really need more consistancy at work, in my project and in my attitude. Dominance over myself and my life is something that could really help.


Do you know what will help with except the overall status? Or how it is supposed to help?


Will it create a “don’t fuck with me” vibe? Does it have skills to respond verbally to imtimidation? Will it help with a deeper, projecting voice? Will it push you to take charge whatever the circumstances?

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“Master yourself, master the ennemy” - Master Yi
(pretty sure it is inspired by Sun Tzu’s original rule)

@rising You will naturally start to emanate lots of dominance. Have you ever lived an event in your life that gave you the feeling you could do anything and have total control over your life? It generates so much confidence that you will naturally know how to act dominant, how to act as the alpha… it is engrained in our minds and… when you WIN you act like a WINNER, people notice, they respect you (enchanced status). After that, if you want to build something to increase your status even more, total control over yourself will greatly help :wink:

@Michel if you want to work your banter’s skills, try running Khan or Daredevil/primal seduction (banter+assertion) will help you in verbal intimidation cases. Deeper voice can come with calm and sense of control, it may takes a little of practice. Taking charge can come when you feel like you are responsible and you are in control of the situation!


Thanks for the advice. I’m on Khan currently, so good to know.


Yeah, but Khan is a big program, i’d also do some free association games to speed things up!


@King are you prepared to handle such power ? I


With the additional help of Power can Corrupt?

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Wouldn’t be surprised if the CIA is monitoring this forum everyday.,


They are ! :slight_smile:


They have an allien to do it while smoking weed


What if the CIA nabbed Fire amd Saint?

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