The chronicles of Invictus and ZP

as @SaintSovereign put it “they’d yeet themselves out of existence” :rofl:

thank you man, I actually found out later on that it was the marketing director who called me earlier :heart_eyes:

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So while we all wait for the preview, I’m going to be running Chosen ZP with WZP, in order to get myself in check as the second interview is on Sunday.

Now WZP might get switched to Spartan ZP, but after thinking about it, I think I’ll do the switch in January, since it will be the only one to get switched (maybe even HERO will be out then).
But another reason that I almost forgot is the fact that my bday lands on Christmas Eve (24th of December) and why wouldn’t I wanna look my best on that day :wink:

This will also help you guys to observe and decide if you want to run this combo or not.


Will you be testing the subs that will have the same strength as the ones in the preview?

For CHOSEN, yes it’s the same.
WANTED, however, is slightly different.
By that I mean that the last test version I got was 30 mins, with the only difference between that and the public preview one will be half the runtime, so my results would be similar to someone running the preview WZP at 2 loops.

Think of it as me doing 1x Chosen ZP and 2x Wanted ZP (even though I’m just running one loop)


Sounds great! Thanks for clarifying.

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Actually, what do you think were your chances if you not run Chosen?

I only got the calls for the interview after running Chosen with Rich ZP, before that I had been waiting for over 2 weeks with no replies or even an automated response :sweat_smile:, without Chosen in the stack, I don’t think I would have gotten my papers sent to other departments or the call I got yesterday, which later on I confirmed to be from the marketing director of the organization.

Saint wasn’t messing around when he said that your reality will change.


So it was just not about physical presence…

Like I kept mentioning before, your words, body language, the way you lead conversations, your charisma, all of those will get boosted so much that it will change your reality and make your life go on “easy mode”.

Physical presence on Chosen is Warm (in my opinion) and that warmth does effect people’s perception of you :wink:


Based on people’s test results and your comments it seems like CHOSEN is almost mandatory. It seems like sanguine on steroids.


So after running both Chosen ZP and Wanted ZP, 2 things happened within minutes of finishing the loops:

1- my girl is begging me to skip the gym to spend time with her :sweat_smile:

2- having a hard time keeping up with notifications from the forums, social medias, and my family :sweat_smile:

Also energy is off the roof.
This is what Saint mentioned, some will feel too energetic, while others would feel sleepy and get knocked out for a bit.

Time to finish up some stuff and hit the gym before my family gets glued to me again :muscle:t3::sunglasses:


That’s a LOT of time spent on the forums just this week :slightly_smiling_face:
I need to control myself :sweat_smile:
But I just love interacting with everyone here more than on any other social media :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


How long have you been running ZP, including the testing phase?
Are you still running the 30 min or a 15min?

Awesome results!

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How have you found Chosen in relation to how it affects women? Does it make them respect you more or is it just compounded interest from using it with Wanted?

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I started my test on the 1st of October, with Diamond ZP, after that the subs kept changing based on the instructions.

For Chosen, it’s the 15 mins one (as it’s the only one)
For WANTED, it’s the 30 mins version (as I didn’t select WANTED in the final stage of the test)

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There’s respect from them, women have been more responsive and nicer to me (not in a flirty way).
It’s actually very easy to differentiate between a woman who is interested in you because of respect and adoration, and one whose interest is due to your attractiveness.

Also I haven’t ran WANTED since a washout before the stacking test (until today), which is why it was easier to see what kind of attention I’m getting, however, after running WANTED for so long (been a main staple of my stacks since it was released in may), I have reached a point where it’s extremely rare to not see at least 3 random chicks staring at me with interest and/or lust.


This did not go as planned :sweat_smile:


How do you spot those? :open_mouth:
I’ll have to start gaming like a Wanted man, I’m used to Khan and Primal Seduction.

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I’ve been observing people and self-studying human behavior and psychology for 8 years now :rofl:
Spotting attraction signs just comes naturally :sweat_smile:


Since I ran Khan and S&S, I can see when a girl is into me, but if it’s just a look, I don’t know these signs :O. I need a little bit of time to see it, interaction with her and all (I was better when I was going out at the bar tho, since I’m cooped up at home, I’ve lost some of my skills).