The Body Keeps the Score

Ok this is fun… since I started some weeks ago with this whole process of taking care of my back, you know… Paragon, exams, doctors, kinesiologist, QiGong, all the different things starting at different moments, Ive noticed the evolution.

At first I became aware of the angle Ive positioned my pelvic bone and my lower back and how twisted it was, then I became obsesive about checking and correcting it, looking for a no pressure angle.

Over the days I was constantly finding my lower back/pelvic bone in the incorrect angle that Ive been used to for years and kept on moving it, looking for a better one.

After some days I discovered a position of no effort and my mind began to check so everytime I put my back in the old position, I felt pain and immediately corrected the position to the new one.

Today for the first time, while telling a friend about my back, I realized that I was naturally holding the right position, with no effort. I tried to put it in the old one for a test and it felt weird, unnatural. That was surprsing and felt really good.

I am so much more aware of my back and pelvic bone now and Im automatically checking it in the background.

Its important to notice that this realization came to me today and today very early in the morning, was my first loop of my new custom. Im not saying this custom made everything happen, because its a process that started a couple of weeks ago, but maybe Im saying it was a factor in helping me achieve the next level of unconscious, automatic, body change.


Ready for more!!


Im waking up less sore and Im having less pain overall during the day, which of course is a pretty strong boost for my mood.

Last night I did my QiGong practice and it was simply amazing, its been only a week since I started and the levels of energy I felt flowing through my body were super strong… I felt waves of energy, tingling on my skin, and clear images of parts of my body releasing sickness.

Ive only listened to my custom twice, but yesterday while doing QiGong I was certain that the jump in intensity of the practice was also related to SPS: Nervous System and SPS: Endocrine System.


Today I recieved the results from the second blood test and it came out good too. Its good news yet not definitive to reach a conclusion.
I an hour Im going to the clinic for an MRI.

Early this morning I did 5 minutes of my custom and 5 more of RoM.


Ive been having this very vivid images of my sacrum bone for the last 3 days aprox. They keep appearing constantly in my mind and they get brighter, bigger and clearer.

Might be SPS: Skeletal System at work surely, but also I think is all the energy Ive been regenerating in that area with my QiGong practice.


Its worth mentioning that the image of the sacrum is 3D and it floats there in the air, I can look at it from different angles and the fact that it gets brighter, whiter and clearer gives me the impression of a gain in energy, a gain in health, a strengthening.


Im waiting to be called to what hopefully is my last exam. I havent recieved the results from the MRI I did yesterday, but I should have both by thursday.

I keep doing my QiGong practice and going to the kinesiologist.


The progress you made is amazing. That is truly inspiring!


Ok… I have the results for all the exams, they came quicker than expected and tomorrow I have a doctors appointment.
According to my interpretation of the results there are about 6 things that could indicate a specific type of arthritis, 5 of those came out good and 1 not so much.

The test shows inflammation in the left sacroiliac joint and its referred to as incipient. What I was worried about was permanent damage, since this type of arthritis is linked to the fusion of the spinal bones. Mine are ok.

Anyway Ive been experiencing pain, probably because Ive been stressed during this whole process.
The good news is theres no permanent damage and I have tools to achieve health.


Final Showdown is paying off… Ive neglected important things about my health for years and now Im diving deep in all the things I have avoided. Not gonna lie, its scary and its nerve wrecking, but there is no stopping.

Also I think adding Attachment Destroyer, Growth Through Pain and Path to Forgiveness was a genius move.

I did 6 minutes of my custom today.
In the afternoon I have Kinesiologist.
Tomorrow doctor and Hypnotherapy.


I just wanna eat and sleep…


Sounds like half of my life… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Yeah I have zero desire for anything… besides my body hurts, its like all old hurts decided to pop up at the same time.
Its not an intense pain though, Im taking no pain killers.


Get well soon :pray:


Give the body what it needs and it will reward you for it :pray:


Im pretty much doing that… had to go out for the kinesiologist, but I’ll be back to bed as soon as I can.


Ive been experiencing pain since yesterday in different joints, the strongest being the lower back.

Yesterday while doing my QiGong practice, the part in which you activate and clean all the energy channels of your body, I though maybe this is triggering pain, since Im starting to move and clear lots of old stagnant energies associated with negative experiences and trauma.

It might also be fear, since Im getting closer and closer to have a diagnosis from the best reumatologist, having good contacts can find you. Since I read the exams results, I also found a sign that I could have arthritis and that left me emotionally weak.


News are bittersweet, with all the exams in hand the doctor confirmed the diagnosis… spondylitis. Thats a type of arthritis.

The good thing is that its a very slow paced disease and its not dangerous. Treatment can control the symptoms or even make them disappear over time.
I have no damage in my body, only inflammation and Im already taking my medication.

The plan stays the same with just a minor adjustment.

•Paragon-Elixir Custom

Today I also had my hypnosis session and it was pretty powerful, feelings of loneliness, fear and anger were released and transmuted. All emotions caused by old stored trauma related to spondylitis.


I woke up feeling optimistic and went for 6 minutes of Paragon-Elixir and 5 of TLX.

Last night I started taking some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and I already feel the pain going down, but it must be the compounding effects of Paragon-Elixir, the fact that I finished the diagnosis process (all the exams and doctors), last night hypnosis and starting the medicines.

I still notice lots of emotions moving in the background.


Finished my Qigong practice an hour ago and Im blissing out, feeling real good and optimistic.

Im proud of myself for finally taking care of something thats been bothering me for years and always pushed to the side.

Final Showdown, Attachment Destroyer, Growth Through Pain, Path of Forgiveness and Ares, they all work great as a cluster.