Support Ticket Questions & Answers

Q: Is Mind’s Eye part of unisex? It’s not in the category. Furthermore, Seductress has somehow been placed in that category.

A: Mind’s Eye is unisex. Seductress isn’t. Thank you for pointing this out. We’ll fix it ASAP!


This thread is for posting answers.

To submit a ticket, go to My Tickets - Subliminal Club Support Hub.



My bad

Q: Does quantum limitless help with the assimilation of other subs faster? If so what stage does that?


Thanks for reaching out to us. Yes, Quantum Limitless can help. We recommend you start with stage one. You should listen to each stage for approximately one month before moving on to the next. Here is a link with more information on our recommended listening pattern for best results.

Thanks again for contacting us and please feel free to reach out to us again if you have any other questions.

Sub club.

I never knew I was listening to terminus² the wrong way.i used to give only one day rest in between instead of two. Maybe thats why I’ve been having incessant headaches. Thanks subclub for the directions. My listening pattern was
Sun: qlstg2, khanst1, Mind’s eye terminus² and ultima booster
Monday: ultima
Tuesday qlstg2, khanst1, ME t², ultima
Wed: ultima
Thursday qlstg2, khanst1, ME t², ultima
Fri: ultima
Sat: Total restday


Q: Can I listen to the old pre-Q lifechargers during my 5 day washout of ZP?

A: Preferably, you shouldn’t listen to any subliminal audio whatsoever during a washout. But listening to one of the Pre-Q superchargers once or twice shouldn’t hurt. However, if you experience any symptoms of overload or recon, stop immediately.

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Q: Is it okay if I listen to a QV2 title then listen to a QV1 or earlier or even a supercharger?

A: Sure, you’re free to experiment. Our main concern is that you do not over expose yourself and please follow our updated listening pattern for best results. Here is an article from our support page including our updated listening pattern: New Listening Pattern: How Many Loops Should I Listen To (Single and Multiple Titles) - Subliminal Club Support Hub.

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Q: Do Ultima subliminals (particularly the ultrasonic component) work via Bluetooth on earbuds with a frequency range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz?

A: Yes, that should be fine. Please remember to keep the volume low about 25% or less. Here is an article from our support page including more information on ultrasonic files:

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  1. What exactly does the Epigenetics & DNA Modulator module in the Q Store do?

  2. Are there any modules that make physical shifting faster?


It attempts to guide the epigenetic process toward fulfilling the goals of the subliminal. Keep in mind that epigenetics deals with gene expression, so it could help with physical shifting.

Please look at any modules labeled A/SPS and/or SPS for all our physical shifting modules.



An agent just replied to your ticket: Stacking stark+khan st1+khan st4 All ZP, with the ticket ID #6442:
Saint Sovereign here:

Why would you run St1 and St4? Either run one or the other, piling them up like this could lead to bad recon. When it comes to results, I’m not sure – that depends on the person. But, based off the objectives, it’s designed to create a very innovative, intelligent mastermind who is also very masculine and handsome. It COULD be a good blend, but it’s hard to say at the end of the day.

Stark + GLM + Commander is probably too much on the masculine side. It’s very aggressive and possibly a bit too much.

All titles can be consciously guided.

Thanks for your kind and honest answer, just a quick question since the ticket is closed :grimacing:
In addition to stark, from GLM and commander which should I choose to be more masculine or in other words more commanding respect and more dominance?
If I had to choose one I mean


How does PS go with PCC and emperor
I mean after using primal seduction I just talk and dont care
Does it have something like prevent you from saying things that does not go with emperor and PCC, at least PCC
Bcause u two only know about the scripts wanted to ask you directly
Thank for your honest response
I also use inner circle, house of medici ,QL4, survival instinct and rich crypto
So tell me if some of these dont go together as good as intended
I like the dominance I have with PS, but what about the power dynamics and talking?


Hello —

Primal Seduction is designed to make you bolder in your seduction approaches, including the language you use. If you’re having an issue using PS in something like a work environment, keep in mind that’s not really what it’s used for. If something like this is the case, I’d definitely avoid using PCC, as it makes you aware of when you’re being manipulated and you may inadvertently let those know that you know. Emperor should bring that effect a bit down, however, as it’s generally a “stoic” type of sub.
The stack you’re using now, however, shouldn’t cause a motormouth effect. Perhaps you aren’t used to being so brash and bold with your speech?
Hope that helps.



Q: Is it best to avoid Stage 4 cores when building ZP customs?

If I use a Stage 4 core, are there any other guidelines to follow? (e. g. less modules/cores, use the 4 Stager before etc.)

A: Yes, you can, however you may run the risk of creating a build that is too dense. You may want to use less cores or modules to avoid that outcome.


Does Astral projection X and remote viewing X have any healing in it?

Thanks for reaching out to us. Sorry for the delay in the response. No, there is no healing in Astral Projection X or Remote Viewing X. You shouldn’t experience intense recon. Thanks again for contacting us and please feel free to reach out to us again if you have any other questions


Waiting for the answer for now


I may add PCC, WANTED, GLM and Commander as cores of my customs. Please tell me if they clash in any way.
what is the difference between the definitions of power in PCC and Commander? Does Commander diminish a bit of PCC’s lone wolfish vibe? By lone wolf I mean the enigma, the intention concealer…

Will I talk about my intentions if I use The Commander alongside PCC? What about the aggressiveness? Will it be “selective” feeding the enigmatic side and also avoiding battles which you doubt winning at?
Does Commander diminish that “Royalty” sense of PCC or feed it? In PCC necessarily you will feel superior and valued just as a king(I know it), and it brings massive advantages. Does commander alone have an Aura of mystery around it? Since being enigmatic is a pillar of charisma.

What should I expect by PCC’s mysteriousness, when used Solo?

What should I expect from The Commander’s enigma standalone?


I presume WANTED has rogue module in it, and it gives you a profound sense of not caring about others’ opinions unless they are helpful. When in certain circumstances WANTED is mixed with code of honor module: what should I expect, having honor without caring about others’ opinions? Having a diminished result of that specific module? Tell me any possible situations.

I presume WANTED has some scripts about giving you some sense of “superiority” similar to PCC’s “superiority”-A much higher value than others. Correct me If I am wrong and elaborate please. Thanks.

How are the enigmatic WANTED, PCC user and Commander(if there is any enigma in him) different when ran solo. And how they would blend(in terms of mysteriousness) when mixed in a custom and in a stack. Tell me if there is difference between adding them as a stack and as custom cores, except the fact of ZP primary script and additional modules’ effect on results.

Please give me an elaborate description about the results to expect (despite the notion of ZP will make you your own version of PCC user and additional modules of the customs effects) from Adding GLM, Commander, Wanted and PCC in two customs, a custom and a solo or running all in a stack(if there is any difference in between).

will GLM’s masculinity boost and EXPRESSION avoid playing power game according to PCC? I assume it will be a good compliment to The Commander, but in PCC case; IDK.

Finally, Tell me about all the small modules which are included in those 4 cores, despite the fact that scripts are kinda different and geared towards those cores’ objectives; but tell me please. Saint sometimes talked incomplete and vague about modules in a core in the customs question thread; but I want solid and very detailed listing of the modules. This is my right to know about them, and it NEVER exposes the trade secret and build type secrets. So tell me.

As saint and everyone in the forum know I am a good fan of Subclub and very limited in my financial resources, so I can not risk making a custom in 60%uncertainty. There must be a difference between the idea of titles (pcc, wanted…) and the idea of the build.
I don’t want a charismatic agent giving me instructions, I want solid and specific details and I am not going to share any of these anywhere…cuz I am aware of the controversies.

Tell me about the result enhancers I don’t NEED to add to my custom cuz they are already there.

let’s take “direct influencing aura” I assume — correct me if I am wrong — The Commander has it and it is not NEEDED in the custom. But what if I add it anyways? Will the scripting repetition increase or no? What happens if it increases? Does it give FAST results or INTENSE results?

What is SC’s definition of “character” in GLM

What is the difference between the “Dominance” in GLM and Khan?

Tell me about the Ambition of GLM, is this ambition about reaching heights of POWER or INTENSELY focused on creating high value for the Society?

Thank you

April 17, 2022 1:55 pm

Let’s take “code of loyalty” as another example

Assuming that code of loyalty is there in The Commander; will it decrease PCC’s carefulness?despite the fact that code of loyalty has a certain carefulness in itself.

I think I addressed my point clearly that I wanna know every little detail about the effect of your subliminals on my life.

Thank you

I could not login to my Q store account with the same email and pass of the major store acc. Then I made another acc in q with the same email, but there is no discount.

also establishing a crypto payment method would be very very great and helpful

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… the amount of questions you have in there is well a lot lol. Your message is like a 3 page essay and a lot of the question you could find on the forum most likely


holy crap i feel sorry for the support agents if this is the kinda stuff they’re getting


ROFL, you don’t know the half of it. We had someone write a massive novel last night, then end the ticket with something along the lines of, “I don’t even have a question, I just had recon and needed to vent.” I’m not sure who it was, the support agent just quickly showed it to me.


F**king hell :rofl:

@Alphamale does not disappoint, even better than I thought it would be.

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May God have mercy upon your soul who reads that. :rofl:

That’s so much information and questions to ask.



I’d like to help but I don’t know where to start.

You are wanting to build a custom, and I don’t think any of those modules will clash or diminish each other.

What do you want to accomplish in the next 90 days?

Perhaps as another perspective, think about going in the general direction to your destination rather than needing a very specific detailed map.