Support Ticket Questions & Answers

That’s what I meant. The thinking behind it was: If internal workings can bring one to bear a strong aura of love/sexiness/etc. can this root find other expressions/representations?

Would combining UWX with TrueSell lead to some kickass sales copy then?

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Hi there,
Will paragon sleep help improve mini naps or different types of sleep schedules (like biphasic sleep schedules). Or is it more just for getting good sleep at night with the 8 hours?



With enough conscious guidance you should be able to use it for different styles of sleep, but you’d have to test and see how it works for you.

Hope this helps, and do let us know if you have any further questions by opening a new ticket – we are happy to assist.

Warm regards,

– SC Support


i was about to ask the same question after i read about polyphasic sleep.

is this the community presult for the paragon sleep update? :eyes:

Can one make a custom with only one core or module and no other modules (basically to make a name-embedded major program)?

Would there be any downsides to it?


This is not yet supported.

Hope this helps, and do let us know if you have any further questions by opening a new ticket – we are happy to assist.

Warm regards,

– SC Support


Hello, I’ve been running various seduction subs for many months (since August I believe), and they’ve helped a lot, but I believe I still have blockages. Which subs would be recommended for this? Khan ST1? Or Phoenix? Or something else (Regeneration etc.)? Thank you.


Depends on what type of healing you desire and for what.

Seduction related? Khan ST1.

Overall? Dragon Reborn.

Smoother and easier? Regeneration.

Rapid rebirth? Phoenix.

Judging from what you’ve said, for seduction related blockages go with Khan ST1.

Hope this helps, and do let us know if you have any further questions by opening a new ticket – we are happy to assist.

Warm regards,

– SC Support



I asked about the difference between customs and main store titles, said that I seem to have incredible results with LE as a mainstore title, but no matter what I do, my customs with LE don’t provide the same boost… they go deep, sure, but LE is like a small daily hit of adderral that gives me consistent focus as a mainstore title, and i feel much less productive overall when LE is a custom in any form. I also asked if results enhancers were present in main store titles that weren’t in customs unless you put them in, and what modules I would need to add to main store titles to replicate the experience.



Thanks for reaching out to us. The main difference between customs and main store titles lies in the customization options available. While both versions aim to achieve similar results, custom titles offer the flexibility of adding name embedding and additional supporting modules tailored to your specific goals.

It’s true that some main store titles may include certain results enhancers not present in custom versions. However, our goal with custom titles is to provide a personalized approach that aligns with your unique needs and preferences. While we strive to make custom versions as comprehensive as possible, there may be slight variations in results compared to the main store titles.

Regarding your experience with the Limitless Executive, it’s awesome to hear that you find it beneficial for your productivity. If you’re seeking consistent, stress-free productivity similar to what you’ve experienced with the main store version, you may continue using that title or consider experimenting with custom options to find a stack that best suits your needs.

Thank you for your support and feedback. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re always happy to help!



I’m still confused and sad I’m not getting the LE results I want in customs, haha


I thought i was the only one! I dont understand either why the results are just not the same. Honestly i dont like the answer to much because it lacks clarity and insight into the question, i appreciate the effort but it doesn’t serve my needs

i ordered a custom for the 2nd time this week because i was so unhappy with the results of the first one, its just so different. Mind you i have been using customs since it was possible to order them, like you…Today I recieved my second custom(this week) with Emperor and Emperor:TWTP as cores and i really hope, it will be similar to stacking them as main stores.

Otherwise i wont be buying customs anymore until either name embedded store titles come out or this gets sorted

@SaintSovereign can you shed some light on this matter?

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What’s in the custom? Maybe there’s a certain module bottlenecking things. Want to list it here?

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Yeah sure. I’ve made four of five customs with LE in it and none of them have worked the way a mainstore title did. I won’t dig up all of them, especially because the biggest problem was that they were two-core customs. I think to get what I want out of an LE custom, it needs to be one-core.

how can modules bottleneck things? How do you know what is in it?

I don’t think you’ve made a mistake. You search the forum for valuable posts. You’re probably one of the members who reads a lot of what gets posted here and apply that to what you create.

Do you listen to microloops or full loops? Same exposure time like a store custom or less?

Well essentially everyone has their own web of beliefs. Choose a module that conflicts with some deep down core beliefs and your mind is now working twice as hard which reduces the bandwidth available for other modules or the core.

To be clear I don’t know for certain what module it would be. It’s all very highly independent on the individual. But customs are a delicate balance, you don’t always know how you’ll react to module until you run it.

Sounds like you are describing reconciliation, with over exposure. I think @ouroboros listens 30 seconds or so.

I have had a custom with Stark OG with no added modules focusing on cognitive functions. Just regular result enhancers, that i have used in so many qv2 customs, so i know how they feel. But i noticed that with the store title Stark my thoughts are more visual and methaphoric than with the custom, where i would be just as smart but less visual and no metaphor thinking(this is just an pattern i noticed over time). I dont think result enhancing modules and the way of roi and an aura module would bottleneck things in this way

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Reconciliation can happen at 30s too. It’s been stated in this forum it’s not always the quantity but the content of modules at times. You really need to know yourself with customs in my opinion and sometimes we think we do but it hits on something invisible to us.

Looking at the modules, most likely the cause is The Architect module causing a deep energetic development that is taking precedence over LE.

If you’d like to keep the LE benefits while continuing that development, stack your custom with LE. You already seem to be using LE as a quick burst daily, so might as well continue doing that.

Also, customs usually hit a lot deeper due to the name-embedding. It’s quite likely that after some time listening that the effect you’re looking for becomes easier to achieve, more effective and focused.

Ultimately, the experience of a non name-embedded title and one that is, is going to be different. Even if it was a name-embedded major title where the only difference is name embedding, it’s going to hit different and more deep, with greater change and more inner-work being done.


when are we going to get name-embedding for major titles? :pleading_face:


If you’re telling me that I can stack a custom that includes LE with the mainstore LE title I think I’m gonna die and go to heaven, brb.

I would immediately go back to a stack of something like

  1. Wealth Custom: 3-5mins of NR+LE+13 cores - (Friday, Sunday)
  2. Archetype: 3-5 mins of Stark Black - (Friday, Sunday)
  3. My Daily Dose Of Adderall: 30s of LE (Mon, Tue, Wed)

is this @Fire Approved?

So from what I understand, that’s a stack that has 1 custom with NR and LE in it, and a major Stark Black?

If this is the case, then potentially it is possible.

  1. You don’t want to add a third title - keep it to 2.
  2. You want to sweet spot it. Find the sweet spot for the stack of the two titles, then sweet spot add the LE until you find a good balance.
  3. Be aware that due to the extent of input, overall results will be wider and deeper, hence harder to notice on the short term.

Finally, take note that this does not follow official recommendations. This is not a sign for everyone to start overexposing themselves and following the same idea. This is simply a possibility and solely for more advanced users, and falls strictly under experimental listening patterns.

So if you got giddy at the thought of running an extra title or adding more exposure, this is not for you and you are completely missing the point, and should not be even considering this.

Optimally, @ouroboros, using LE as a “daily dose of adderall”, would be solely with your custom, and that is the context under which I gave you that initial, individualized (take note everyone who is interested in this) advice. This would give you plenty of space to figure out how things work and allow LE to develop deeper.

I am very hesitant to give “Fire approved” status to the whole stack, as LE in the custom isn’t executing, meaning other things in the custom are taking precedence. Hence you want to allow the custom to process whatever needs it, rather than overloading your whole stack with an extra major title (Stark Black).

Less is more, focus is power.


I can’t wait for this to be available for us. I’m gonna speedrun to name embed LBFH so fast whenever it’s announced :eyes: