Support Ticket Questions & Answers

Ultimate Writer

Hello there!

Quick question. Is there any advantage to having both Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X Core AND Ultimate Writer module in a custom?



Hello Lion,

This is Fire.

You can go with just one, unless the custom is very wide (20 modules with different areas affected) and you want to double down on the writing scripting.

Hope this helps, and do let us know if you have any further questions by opening a new ticket – we are happy to assist.

Warm regards,

– SC Support


In terms of productivity scripting, both Quantum Limitless and Limitless Executive have their unique focuses and benefits.

Quantum Limitless is designed to provide long-term cognitive enhancement, including the development of cognitive abilities such as memory, creativity, processing, pattern recognition, concentration, and more. It aims to unlock your full cognitive potential and push your productivity to the limits. While it does have productivity guidance, its primary objective is to enhance your overall cognitive abilities.

On the other hand, Limitless Executive is more focused on action-taking, ambition, confidence, and productivity. It aims to cultivate a mindset of taking massive action towards achieving your goals, improving executive function, and developing a sense of inner power and confidence. It also includes positivity scripting to help you ignore the irrational fears of others that may interfere with your productivity.

If your main priority is pure productivity and maximizing the volume of appointments in your sales role, Limitless Executive may be a suitable choice for you. It provides specific scripting to enhance productivity, ambition, and the drive to achieve your goals. However, if you also have long-term cognitive enhancement goals, Quantum Limitless can offer a broader range of cognitive benefits while still providing productivity guidance.

If you’re open to suggestions, another option to consider is stacking both Quantum Limitless and Limitless Executive together. This combination can provide a synergistic effect, leveraging the unique benefits of each program to enhance both your cognitive abilities and productivity. Stacking can be a powerful approach to customize your subliminal experience and achieve your desired outcomes.



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One of the modules i allways want to integrate in my customs but there would always be to much aura module/cores in it.

But i made one with k4/w/dd and transcendental connection.

I had better communication with people i had a hard time to talk at work

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Would Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X and Love Bomb (or any other aura core for that matter) work synergistically in a custom?

If yes: In what way? (Simplified:) Would the user become a beloved author or would the expression of love seep into the writing style?

Or in other words: Can an aura module/core have an indirect effect when combined with a pathway (RM:UWX, Virtuoso di Musica, Dance Mastery etc.)?


Thanks for reaching out to us. Yes, Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X and Love Bomb can work synergistically in a custom. While Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X focuses on enhancing your creativity and written expression, Love Bomb is designed to help you radiate a powerful aura of love, attraction, and positive energy.

By combining these two modules, you can create a custom that not only enhances your writing abilities but also amplifies your personal magnetism and charisma. This can be particularly beneficial if you want to connect with your audience on a deeper level, whether it’s through your writing or in personal interactions.

When using these modules together, it’s important to set clear intentions and goals for your custom. You can specify the areas where you want to see improvement, such as building stronger relationships, attracting more readers or clients, or infusing your writing with a captivating aura of love and positivity.

Remember, the key to a successful custom is consistency. Make sure to listen to your custom regularly and allow the modules to work together to support your goals. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. We’re always happy to help!



Sales Questions


What are the possible effects of Approachability Aura?

First of all, since it’s an “Approachability” aura, i wonder if it is only effective at distance and before you meet someone? Or would you be more “Approachable” throughout the entire conversation? Are there other words to describe how someone might be effected by Approachability Aura after someone has already “Approached” the user?



Thanks for reaching out to us. The Approachability Aura module works to enhance your overall attractiveness and make you more approachable to others. During conversations, it helps you radiate warmth, improves communication skills, and enhances positive body language. After someone has approached you, it maintains the positive energy, increases likability, and leaves a lasting impression. Keep in mind that individual experiences may vary, but the goal is to create positive social interactions. If you have more questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out! We’re always happy to help!



Is torchbearer the best module to make people trust you more, even when they’re not on your team? Or, is it better to use Torchbearer specifically when you want it to be applied to your employees/team members?

I’m looking to build trust on sales calls, specifically.

Another option is Virtue Series: Hope.

Not quite sure exactly the difference between Trusting something will work and Hoping something will work… but the way I see it, Trust is more powerful than Hope.

The way it’s described in Virtue Series: Hope, though, is an “unshakeable hope that everything will work out,” which to me sounds actually more like confidence and certainty, rather than hope - confidence is a great trait to inspire in others.



Thanks for reaching out to us. When it comes to building trust on sales calls, both Torchbearer and Virtue: Hope are excellent modules that can support you in different ways. Let’s take a closer look at each one:

Torchbearer: Torchbearer is designed to help you become a charismatic and influential communicator. It focuses on enhancing your persuasive abilities and instilling within you the confidence and magnetism needed to captivate your audience. With Torchbearer, you can develop the skills to build trust and rapport with potential clients, making them more receptive to your sales pitch. This module can be particularly beneficial if you want to excel in sales and closing deals.

Virtue: Hope: Virtue: Hope is a module that aims to instill within you a sense of optimism, positivity, and trust in yourself and others. It helps you radiate a genuine belief in the value of your product or service, which can be contagious and inspire trust in your potential clients. By cultivating a hopeful mindset, you can create a positive atmosphere during sales calls and establish a strong foundation of trust with your prospects.

Ultimately, the best module for building trust on sales calls depends on your personal preferences and goals. If you want to focus more on developing persuasive abilities and charisma, Torchbearer may be the ideal choice. On the other hand, if you believe that instilling hope and positivity is key to building trust, Virtue: Hope could be the module for you.

Remember, both modules can be powerful tools in your sales arsenal. You may even consider using them together or in combination with other relevant modules to create a customized subliminal program that aligns with your specific needs and objectives.

If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. We’re always happy to help!



Would moment immortalized make one more natural at presenting on zoom/skype/video conferencing calls?

And is there any physical shifting involved in the things that you need to do shift in order to be more photogenic? Or is it more of a relaxation/vibe that improves on camera?

Finally, does it make one better at being behind the camera and filming, the art of videography, etc?



Thanks for reaching out to us. Yes, Moment Immortalized can definitely help you feel more at ease and natural during Zoom, Skype, or video conferencing calls. It’s designed to boost your confidence, improve communication skills, and enhance your overall presence.

Here’s how it can benefit you:

  • Confidence and Presence: You’ll project a stronger, more confident presence, which can make your presentations more engaging.
  • Charismatic Communication: It enhances your ability to communicate effectively, making your ideas clear and captivating.
  • Natural Delivery: You’ll develop a more relaxed and authentic style of delivery, helping you appear more natural and relatable.
  • Impactful Presence: You’ll leave a lasting impression on your audience, creating memorable experiences.

I hope I was able to provide some helpful insights today. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out anytime. We’re always happy to help!



This might be my favourite support answer so far.

Pouring Auras into writing (or other art for that matter) opens up a lot of interesting possibilities: RM:UWX + LB for a stronger connection with the reader, PS for erotica or maybe Edge of Danger for tense fiction.

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From my experience, it doesn’t quite work like this. It’s more like, if you run PS while writing erotica, your erotica will be much more erotic and sensual, which would help you connect with the audience better. Same thing with RM:UWX + LB – your writing will reflect that inner state of loving creativity, which will connect to the audience better IF you’re still meeting their expectations. I wouldn’t run Love Bomb, then try to write a Tom Clancy-esque spy novel thinking you’ll be able to glamour them with an aura. However, if you are writing romantic fiction, like The Notebook, running Love Bomb would help infuse the romanticism into your actual prose, which can connect with them better.


If the internet has taught me anything there’s a niche for everything. Including Tom Clancey-esque romantic fiction.

If that’s your niche, run with RM:UWX + Love Bomb, lol. Would definitely be interesting.


That’s what I meant. The thinking behind it was: If internal workings can bring one to bear a strong aura of love/sexiness/etc. can this root find other expressions/representations?

Would combining UWX with TrueSell lead to some kickass sales copy then?

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Hi there,
Will paragon sleep help improve mini naps or different types of sleep schedules (like biphasic sleep schedules). Or is it more just for getting good sleep at night with the 8 hours?



With enough conscious guidance you should be able to use it for different styles of sleep, but you’d have to test and see how it works for you.

Hope this helps, and do let us know if you have any further questions by opening a new ticket – we are happy to assist.

Warm regards,

– SC Support


i was about to ask the same question after i read about polyphasic sleep.

is this the community presult for the paragon sleep update? :eyes:

Can one make a custom with only one core or module and no other modules (basically to make a name-embedded major program)?

Would there be any downsides to it?


This is not yet supported.

Hope this helps, and do let us know if you have any further questions by opening a new ticket – we are happy to assist.

Warm regards,

– SC Support


Hello, I’ve been running various seduction subs for many months (since August I believe), and they’ve helped a lot, but I believe I still have blockages. Which subs would be recommended for this? Khan ST1? Or Phoenix? Or something else (Regeneration etc.)? Thank you.


Depends on what type of healing you desire and for what.

Seduction related? Khan ST1.

Overall? Dragon Reborn.

Smoother and easier? Regeneration.

Rapid rebirth? Phoenix.

Judging from what you’ve said, for seduction related blockages go with Khan ST1.

Hope this helps, and do let us know if you have any further questions by opening a new ticket – we are happy to assist.

Warm regards,

– SC Support



I asked about the difference between customs and main store titles, said that I seem to have incredible results with LE as a mainstore title, but no matter what I do, my customs with LE don’t provide the same boost… they go deep, sure, but LE is like a small daily hit of adderral that gives me consistent focus as a mainstore title, and i feel much less productive overall when LE is a custom in any form. I also asked if results enhancers were present in main store titles that weren’t in customs unless you put them in, and what modules I would need to add to main store titles to replicate the experience.



Thanks for reaching out to us. The main difference between customs and main store titles lies in the customization options available. While both versions aim to achieve similar results, custom titles offer the flexibility of adding name embedding and additional supporting modules tailored to your specific goals.

It’s true that some main store titles may include certain results enhancers not present in custom versions. However, our goal with custom titles is to provide a personalized approach that aligns with your unique needs and preferences. While we strive to make custom versions as comprehensive as possible, there may be slight variations in results compared to the main store titles.

Regarding your experience with the Limitless Executive, it’s awesome to hear that you find it beneficial for your productivity. If you’re seeking consistent, stress-free productivity similar to what you’ve experienced with the main store version, you may continue using that title or consider experimenting with custom options to find a stack that best suits your needs.

Thank you for your support and feedback. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re always happy to help!



I’m still confused and sad I’m not getting the LE results I want in customs, haha


I thought i was the only one! I dont understand either why the results are just not the same. Honestly i dont like the answer to much because it lacks clarity and insight into the question, i appreciate the effort but it doesn’t serve my needs

i ordered a custom for the 2nd time this week because i was so unhappy with the results of the first one, its just so different. Mind you i have been using customs since it was possible to order them, like you…Today I recieved my second custom(this week) with Emperor and Emperor:TWTP as cores and i really hope, it will be similar to stacking them as main stores.

Otherwise i wont be buying customs anymore until either name embedded store titles come out or this gets sorted

@SaintSovereign can you shed some light on this matter?

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What’s in the custom? Maybe there’s a certain module bottlenecking things. Want to list it here?

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Yeah sure. I’ve made four of five customs with LE in it and none of them have worked the way a mainstore title did. I won’t dig up all of them, especially because the biggest problem was that they were two-core customs. I think to get what I want out of an LE custom, it needs to be one-core.