Summit | Mountains of Wealth (Custom Emperor + EoG)

Translating to Standard Forum Language:

"Taking Action on your goals reduces Reconciliation."




…thanks for translating my word salad


I’m at the one month mark of running Spartan in my stack and wanted to note some of the changes…

  • my body recomp seems to be going more smoothly, averaging 1 pound of fat loss per week now, and I broke through a plateau I’ve yoyoed around for months
  • consistently putting in 45 minutes of hard work with kettlebells 5-6 days per week, whether I feel like it or not
  • finding and pushing through mental and physical barriers – safely – during my workouts, and better able to ride the line of close to max effort
  • recovery seems to be faster as I’m never “too sore” to move and function day-to-day (but some evenings I don’t want to move even to feed myself :laughing: )

I’ve incorporated more flexibility training into my weeks (something I’ve found mind-numbingly boring in the past), and I feel “sharper” in my martial arts training. It’s like I can “see” more, or feel more, of what’s possible. I even did some weapons training after months of not touching any, and it felt smoother than I expected…since these are all perishable skills, it was a cool experience.

It seems like my sleep is deeper and I generally feel more energetic during the day.

And I can’t say anything about my organs officially because I haven’t done any before and after tests, but I haven’t experienced certain sensations in my digestive track this month, which is awesome – I’ll spare everyone the dirty details :wink:

One thing stood out the most though: Spartan hasn’t caused any recon whatsoever that I can tell.

I figure that because my behaviors already somewhat aligned with the sub’s goals, it was able to incorporate and express more easily even though I needed a lot of work in the discipline and iron will departments.

Compare that with my wealth subs, where it’s taken 6 months for me to experience a significant breakthrough – which I now know is because I needed more clarity and congruent action to help allow the sub to do it’s thing.

And I didn’t expect this, but the synergy of Spartan with my wealth stack seems to be boosting the expression of certain modules like Machine: Action and Productivity Unleashed…they’re coming through much louder and clearer this month than they have the previous two. I’m guessing that it’s due to the mental toughness aspects of Spartan.

Anyway, those are the things I can think of off the top of my head for now.

Spartan kicks ass.


To paraphrase something I’ve heard expressed in various ways:

“You think you’re enlightened? Go visit your family.”

Well, I’m visiting with family right now and it’s in this context that I’m getting a chance to see how deeply Pathbreaker has changed me.

I won’t go into the details or depth of the dysfunction (every family has some, I’m assuming), but I’m naturally directing my attention and navigating shit tests like a fucking boss. Or rather, like an Emperor. And it feels normal to me.

Another thing that’s interesting is that I’m treating the little things as big, and the big things as little…to butcher some wise saying I sort of remember.

For example, after I put the kettle on to make some tea for myself and my grandma, my cousin came and poured himself a cup before I’d used it. He knew exactly what he was doing too. He was there when I offered the tea. Well, when I called him out he did that nervous laughter people do when they’ve been caught, and made some jokey excuse about it. I simply told him – in a calm, assertive tone – if there wasn’t enough water left that I’d take it from his cup, and left it at that. It was simply a matter of fact. He mumbled, “Sure…” and some blah blah blah, then left his tea to go hide shred papers in his room. He’s a grown man.

So why did that stand out to me?

Because in the past, I would’ve acted a little differently. I wouldn’t have dispassionately told him I’d take the water out of his cup, that’s for sure. :laughing:

I still have a lot of room for improvement, but it feels like my awareness is heightened re: the social dynamics and my place in it.

Recently, I picked up HOM for it’s scripting geared towards improving family dynamics and relationship building, but now that the preview line-up is released I’m looking forward to see what Chosen can do in this context.


This past week visiting family…I failed. A lot.

I failed to get all my work done.
I failed to protect my sleep schedule.
I failed to structure my days well.
I failed to stick to the 75 day program.
I failed to value my time highly enough.

(That’s the short list.)

But paradoxically, it was one of the best times I’ve had visiting with family for Thanksgiving in recent memory. And it’s largely because of my efforts to do all of the things I eventually failed at doing every day. The difference between my visit back in late August and this time around is like night and day – and happens to be the exact amount of time I’ve run my custom Emperor sub.

The unexpected side effects of my changes in behavior – and how I felt naturally high status, internally powerful, and certain of the value I bring to any relationship – is that everyone seemed to be a lot more relaxed, open, and responsive to what I said and did.

I influenced some to workout and go for walks with me. Most started going to bed earlier by the third day I was there. And at one point or another, everyone found a way to have an hours long, one-on-one chat with me about things going on in their lives (with some being more direct than others in wanting my opinion, but all being receptive to my feedback).

And I noticed that my patience was at an all-time high with everyone. Even when one of my family members called me an “unvaccinated fuck.” I shut that down unequivocally without anger, then proceeded to “build a bridge” between us – that’s the imagery in my mind, but I’m just saying I listened deeply with an open mind intent to find common ground – and it resulted with him apologizing, us understanding each other better, and ultimately becoming tighter.

I’m seriously looking forward to the magic of ZP, but I have to say that reflecting on the profound changes I’m already experiencing on Qv2, I’m just grateful to be here and have found this community. @SaintSovereign and @Fire you have made a customer for life. Thank you guys.


Decided to go all in with a ZP-only stack and pause my custom Emperor sub for now to let it bloom – plus I’m going to rebuild it with different modules around the end of my ZP test run.

So, I’m jumping into the ZP Preview with the following stack:

  • Chosen ZP
  • Limitless ZP

…and running 1x Chosen ZP & 1x Limitless ZP on the same day, and RICH ZP on the next listening day.

Chose Limitless over Spartan for this run because it aligns more with my intent to acquire the necessary skills to grow my business and monthly cash flow, while also increasing my discipline and dedication. I already know I’ll continue to workout everyday, and maybe with Limitless I’ll discover new ways to improve my functional fitness and health.

In fact, I already found new information (to me) that I’m going to implement immediately – and I found it here after listening to my loop of Chosen and Limitless – it’s the act of grounding yourself. @Tobyone shared the documentary here (thanks, man!): Earthing Documentary

I vaguely remember hearing about this years ago, but never looked into it. It sounds incredible and too easy to do, so I have to test it for myself.

ZP already living up to the hype.

Since I’m dropping my custom Emperor for the next 45 days, there are a couple noteable things the past few days that let me know certain modules kicked in:

  • I practiced singing and had two songs down after a few hours – this has to be Unlimiter because I’ve never done this before and used to tell the story to myself and others that “I don’t sing.” Well, now I do (and need more practice of course)
  • while walking with a weighted vest, I asked myself how I could make it more challenging apart from taxing my legs more by running or lunging – instantly, or more like the answer was waiting for me to ask the question – my mind served up the answer: apnea walking. (I had to google it when I got back home because I didn’t know what it was called while walking…I just started to hold my breathe on exhales and count steps. It’s not easy.) I vaguely remember reading about it over a decade ago while learning about breathe holding and that info got served up immediately…pretty fkn cool and I’m thinking I.Q. and Cognitive Booster and Potentiator are at work here.

My overall increased sense of power, authority and worth, just being me, is at a level I haven’t experienced before. And it’s not ego or arrogance either, I know the hollow feeling of operating from that place. This feels natural. Substantial. Real. Like I’m a force of nature.

I imagine that this is largely due to the Emperor core working its magic, but I’m sure Dominion gave it the needed boost to work on me this way.

And there’s more bloom yet to come.

I’m really looking foward to what this foundation + Chosen ZP will help me create in the coming weeks.

(Chosen already boosting my courage and fearlessness about realizing my success? :thinking: …yep )


It’s so stupid and simple that it seems absurd. But when I lived in a big city until recently, I never almost touched the ground with my bare feet. Now it’s kind of painful, because it’s like 12 fahrenhieit where I live ATM, but I do it with my hands instead :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s my current situation… big city apartment dweller. Wondering about how effective standing on my backyard’s concrete would be :thinking: , but I can always walk somewhere to find some grass. And I’m already considering how I could create a makeshift grounding pad to put beneath my desk :nerd_face:

Yes, I am interested in one of those you place at the foot of your bed. Imagine being grounded for so many hours when you sleep :slight_smile:

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Went to a nice patch of cold, damp grass; took off the shoes and socks; did some Tai Chi and stood around enjoying the atmosphere of the unusually thick fog.

Well, nothing happened. No magic moment. No sense of being grounded.

It was a novel experience, for sure. Don’t remember the last time I went barefoot on cold, wet grass.

But then, while starting the walk back home, I got several waves of euphoria.

And even an hour after putting my shoes back on, I’m having sensations in my head like I just ran my subs.

Obsession with grounding activated.

Woke up feeling rested today after only 5.5 hours of sleep.

I had an early call this morning with a client to have a hard conversation. (I created the “hard” by not managing expectations well enough up front.)

Noticed a lot of “old programming,” or old beliefs, coming up last night and a little this morning before the call that would’ve changed the way I handled the perceived issue, if I had let them take hold. But it somehow felt like I was remembering someone else’s behavior, and I easily moved past those limiting thoughts.

Instead, I went into the conversation certain that I could resolve the issue at its core. And even though my client entered the call with some frustration, by the time we hung up we were on the same page and he sounded relieved.

I know the result of our call was only possible because I went passed the surface issue and addressed his deeper feeling that he didn’t outright express. After I did, finding and leading the way forward was easy.

I’ve never had to have a call like this before, and I know Chosen made it that much smoother in how I connected with my client and addressed my mistake while still maintaining my position of authority.

Now it’s time to tackle a few things on the task list and for getting less than 6 hours of sleep, I feel alert and like my focus is better than yesterday.

Is that a potential effect from Limitless? I’m gonna go with yes.


Yesterday was my first run of RICH ZP and even though I noticed head sensations while running the sub, it didn’t feel like it had much of an effect on me. Not like Chosen and Limitless had.

For almost 7 hours after running it, I procrastinated from taking care of business. Then “out of nowhere” something shifted and I got to work, but I only had a couple of hours to work before I had to leave. So I “wasn’t able” to get everything I had wanted done, and it contributed to a higher baseline of stress today.

Not until I thought about it this morning did I have a better view of the way RICH came into play yesterday.

During the time I procrastinated, I…

  • read a couple chapters of a business book
  • listened to a business podcast where they touched on “finding the burn” (your why), I AM statements, and “aggressive patience”
  • wrote down several ideas that could become side hustles
  • and was contacted by someone I reached out to months ago who might want to collaborate on a project

The other thing that happened was I began to question if I really wanted the wealth I said I did because my actions didn’t add up. Then I “just happened to” listen to a successful entrepreneur talk about the phases of his journey and how things changed as he grew his wealth.

“The world changes around you,” he said.

And I finally understood that one of my deeply held, subconscious fears up until now has been how my family dynamic will change if I achieve all of my lofty goals…so I haven’t been in a hurry to get there. Hence, the procrastination and “making it hard” for myself.

So, where I initially thought RICH didn’t have much an effect yesterday, it turned out to create an extremely deep one. One that I hadn’t experienced running my custom RICH ultima.

And today, when I spoke my I AM statement about wealth, the tension and disbelief dissipated when I got more specific with it.

And it feels inevitable now.


Yesterday was my second round of 1x Limitless ZP and 1x Chosen. Played back to back.

I noticed that while I mostly felt sensations arcing across the top of my head from temple to temple while Limitless played, the sensations were in completely different areas and focused more around the crown of my head while running Chosen.

I don’t know what that might mean since I haven’t learned about energetics, or chakras beyond some Joe Dispenza meditations, but it was interesting to feel the literal difference of each sub doing its thing.

And the good stuff started happening almost immediately after the last track ended…

First, I came across an awesome video re: elite coaching and leadership shared by @Sinusoid, which I recommend watching if those things interest you.

That fueled me to head out for a 4 mile run to test my legs, since I have a Spartan race coming up in 6 days. And that’s when the real magic happened.

To put it as succinctly as I can: my perspective shifted so dramatically, and the surge of emotional release I felt was so powerful, that I began to act like a lunatic and give a wave and a smile to EVERYONE I ran passed. I felt so much joy that I couldn’t help myself. And watching most people’s faces light up where they’d initially appeared walled off was priceless.

Ok, so I got happy and waved at people. So what. Where’s the magic?

Well, it came in the form of releasing something that had been hidden deep down inside. And it was something that’d always been there.

And now I have an I AM about leadership that fires me up.

During the hardest part of the run, on an incline that felt like it stretched on and on, that’s when the insight struck and the emotions surged.

It was like nothing I’d ever felt, whether working out or otherwise. I became weightless for a minute as I let the emotional energy flow through every part of me.

A part of me wondered if it was just “runner’s high,” but even if it was, it still facilitated a massive shift in how I view myself. And I just relaxed further into it.

Now with that said, I wasn’t very productive yesterday.

It might be the fact that I’m still acclimating to the new ZP tech, and that I’m running 3 titles instead of one, so maybe I’m experiencing waves of recon that result with me putting things off. But I don’t feel much anger, sadness or depression though, so I don’t know.

But what I do know is that even though I didn’t work on my business, I took action to solve the deeper issue by signing up for a coaching program that will give me a new mental model to take my daily performance to higher levels. And then I began working through the steps right away, which “just happened to” prepare me for a group call with my business mentor this morning where I was unexpectedly singled out to share my thoughts re: a big picture question.

After an initial wave of anxiety around sharing my lofty ideas, it almost instantly transformed and I became freely expressive. That’s not an exaggeration either.

In fact, what and how I shared my ideas inspired my mentor to the point where we spent 30 minutes of a 90 minute call talking about what I shared, with him arriving at a new conclusion.

“Well now I’m going to work with [those people]. And that’s all because of you, summit,” he said.

And it solidified the I AM I found on my run in a new way. I mean, leading the (very successful) leader I explicitly pay for mentorship was a cool reinforcement to experience.

There were some other little things that have happened, but I’ll save that for another post.


“You only have so much energy in your life. You only have so much focus in your life. You only have so much ability in your life to choose what you’re going to do, and what your going to be, and what your identity and your self-image is going to be.” – very successful guy

This hit me in the gut on my walk tonight. Right before I’d been thinking about my relationship with death.

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Ran 1x RICH ZP in the morning yesterday and then wrestled with procrastination and fear most of the day.

The fears were concentrated mostly around my performance in business, which fed into a scarcity mindset, and therefore, nothing significant got done. These are the same fears I’ve wrestled with for a long time now.

But I have a new sense that the tide is turning…today.

Not yesterday though. Yesterday I was completely “in it” and pushed around by it. No sense of the turn.

Yet, I noticed a similar thing happened yesterday that happened when I ran my first loop of RICH ZP 5 days ago: I didn’t do much all day (wrestling with the limiting self-talk), and then “switched on” in the evening. Well, this time it was the early afternoon when it felt like the switch flipped on, and then I cranked out a deliverable for a client fairly easily (they loved it too).

So today, I had the thought to re-read the sales page for RICH because I wanted to see if I could gain an insight into specific actions I could do every day to help the script express…and help me push the reality I want into existence.

And I found one.

I don’t have an external result yet, but I’m writing this down because I want to document it now and refer back to this when it does happen.

Oh and the internal result, the sense of the tide turning today, is I’m beginning to see business as experiments in creating positive impacts in other people’s lives (without the short-sightedness I’d had before around money). Feels good, man.


Yesterday was another round of 1x Chosen and 1x Limitless.

I wondered yesterday if I made a mistake running 3 ZP titles and dropping my custom Emperor sub. But that’s exactly what recon would want me to think, right?


Regardless, I’m committed to this test run of RICH, Chosen, and Limitless, so recon doesn’t get a say either way.

Lately, I’ve been questioning things (more than usual), and going down rabbit holes. I love the feeling of digging deeper into new territory, except I’m not focused on information I can use to build my wealth usually :sweat_smile:

Which probably means I still have some limits there. Looking forward to Emperor ZP to help with that.

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I had a couple awesome manifestations from RICH today, and one of them just saved me $300.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around how it happened while also trying to reinforce that this is just how it is now…these are the kinds of things that happen in my reality now.

One day, it’ll be expected and no big, but it is not this day :laughing:


Woke up this morning to a power outage, and I couldn’t be more grateful for it.

It showed me the truth: I spend far too much time online, tapped into an endless stream of information almost immediately after waking up.

But there was no choice this morning. Not even my cell phone was able to get a signal.

It was liberating.

And I saw a little more clearly what I needed to do with my business, and life. All I needed was the disconnection and the space for my mind to do its thing free from constant inputs. I used to know this, but have gotten swept up in the idea of “maximizing my time” by constantly having something going on in the background whether it’s a podcast, audio book, or other thing to learn.

The power came back online and so did I, almost immediately. But the awareness of needing to disconnect, focus on creating, and limit inputs is there now.

Maybe there’s also a factor of Mogul ZP at play with the push to create output.

I made the tough choice to swap Chosen for Mogul and ran 1 loop yesterday along with 1x Limitless ZP.

Overcoming my wealth ceiling and limiting beliefs with business is my number one priority, so Chosen is out for now.

The new stack is Mogul ZP, Limitless ZP, and RICH ZP.


One loop of Mogul yesterday, and the celebrity-like aura is already in effect…

Somebody stopped me on my walk today – which hasn’t happened before probably because of the paramilitary look of my weight vest – to make some small talk about how heavy it was and his experiences with weight vests.

Shortly before that, an older woman on the opposite side of the street gave me the brightest smile as she waved and continued to stare at me as I walked passed – granted, I was walking backwards – but I got the sense that she was open to chatting too, if I’d stopped.

ZP fast at work


Dao Zou with a weight vest?