Subliminal club review part 3-4 (August – October 2020)


Khan st1 = 1 month (august)

Khan st4 = 3 months (was using all stages at the same time)

EOG St4 = 3 months (use each stage for 30 days)

Ultima used= libertine v1, god like masculinity, the executive (3 months)

Benefits noticed=

My relationship with my girlfriend improved massively (more intimate, more sex, more playfulness)

Social anxiety went away (this is big for me since I never could have explained what the feeling was, it only after I told a friend how I now feel out in public that’s when we reveled to me this)

Got more confidence (when it comes to doing thing, I don’t know nothing about I just take my time before I would panic, like if it was my first time doing something)

I notice a lot of welcoming looks from women (this was after I started libertine ultima)

Women smile a lot more when I look at them and laugh at my joke way more than usual, am funny but most of the joke I made I didn’t even think they were that good lol

Got over this trauma that been bothering me for the last 10 years

(so there this group of people who basically talk shit behind my back and made up false rumors about me, I ended up meeting two of them and was just feeling bad for people like that, like grow up it been like 10 years you still talking bullshit like be f**king adult now sad shit)

Ended up getting some legal work done so I can create a company to release my project (was putting this off for a while)

(Got a lot of money recently that will help out for end of this year, this came out from no way)

I feel more comfortable being who I am around strangers (don’t really care about being judged)

I stand up more for myself

I don’t subscribe to dogma (like how certain things in society were always this way so you have to do it that way, bullshit I make my own path in life please, this include idea on masculinity like paying for her on date and so on where women just get a free pass, 50/50 spilt with everything in a relationship)

I handle what is bothering me then move on to the next thing

Stick to my boundaries more and don’t let others cross it

Been catching up with old friends and staying away from those that aren’t good for me

Overall my mindset is moving the man I want to be (more independence, handling my own business)


Requesting journal closed @RVconsultant

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