Subliminal Advertising Discussion

Moving this convo over here just because it’s fascinating.

I remember in High School, we looked at a magazine ad for something like Seagram’s.

Very tiny in one of the ice cubes, you could see a picture of a beautiful woman. But you had to LOOK or be shown it. So definitely subliminal in that it escapes the attention of the conscious mind.

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Thanks for this mate!

What were some of the books you read?

I read:
Subliminal Seduction by Wilson Bryan Key

Media Sexploitation by Wilson Bryan Key

The Clam-Plate Orgy and Other Subliminals the Media Use to Manipulate Your Behavior by Wilson Bryan Key

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I don’t remember any specific books on subliminal advertising. I really just remember the hot-chick-in-the-ice-cube thing

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I remember the sharks in the ice cube.

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This arrow always got me on a deep level

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Once seen it cannot be unseen.

These kind of things always strike me weird. Something was always there, but I couldn’t SEE it.

Reality is, but subconscious always picked it up. I just didn’t realize it consciously!

Also, since being on SC I am kinda paranoid on negative subliminal messaging lol

Considering how easy it is technically to plant such messaging in random Youtube videos or even commercials, it’s kind of a creepy thought.

Glad I stopped watching TV years ago, and YT very rarely as well.


And the reality of it is that ALL input you aren’t consciously aware of is subliminal.
And a lot of it isn’t deliberate messages. You can be sitting at your desk working, and if your desk is cluttered…

you can be triggered by the SubC mind noticing something on the desk that reminds you of a time you felt like absolute shit, and you’ll start feeling like absolute shit with no conscious idea why.

So much stuff in the world that can trigger our minds to go down different unpredictable paths of thought, that’s as bothersome as marketers putting negative crap in our heads with commercials.