State of SubClub and 2019 Roadmap

superchargers have ultrasonics already and they are designed as guided meditations. The point is to visualize/meditate in order to change the active state


I think a supercharger for goals, so we imagine the ideal scene of the goal we want, and we inject it with intention and energy and emotions as if it’s already happened, so we make manifesting it in our lives easier and we can synchronize our conscious and subconscious in a goal setting daily session.

I think this can be powerful. A Goal Setting guided Supercharger, using energy, visualization, setting intention, and all the good stuff that @SaintSovereign can come up with will be wonderful


Thats interesting. I would definitely try it


Here are my thoughts:

  1. The Commander: I like the idea, especially if users already have two unrelated Major Programs in their stack.

  2. Mind’s Eye: Seems okay. I like the idea of multi-stage superchargers that have a required sequence instead of a multi-stage Major program, which makes you pay for subs you won’t need (more on that later). Guiding users towards better visualization without a major program sounds good.

  3. Emperor Fitness: This is where I start to have a problem. You are saying that you are making this one a multi-stage so that users could have “more of a choice” between various approaches to fitness. If that is really the case, the solution should be to sell each approach as its own individual subliminal, instead of forcing me to buy each approach for a hundred bucks when I may only need one approach. My other problem is whether or not you will address overall health in this one, not just looks. I don’t see any appeal in a fitness program that doesn’t deal with health and vitality (hey, that could be one of your individual subs).

  4. Quantum Limitless: Don’t know enough about it. However, I am strongly opposed to turning previous subs into multi-stagers if that is what the point is. I see no appeal in complicating your products.

  5. Monarch and Women’s Products: Structurally, there is nothing wrong, but SubClub will not have a niche.

  6. Ultimate Artist Multi-Stage: Absolutely not. If you need four stages to make art, you are probably not even an artist. Stop being so dependent on these things. Again, this is based off a previous product, so I am still wondering why people would want to complicate a single sub that already is delivering results. Also, Saint mentioned that UA didn’t sell well either. This should be an easy decision.

Additional thoughts: Total Breakdown should be its own subliminal. The only other healing sub is Regeneration, but some users want the shorter, more aggressive overhaul without spending a hundred bucks on three more subs they don’t need. One scenario is that they want to run Breakdown and then follow up with Emperor.
Also, don’t stop with the single subs. They really make things less complicated. Things are starting to go off the rails with the multi-stagers.


While I appreciate your feedback, I have to point out that you’re approaching this from a consumer, “I want to keep things cheaper” standpoint rather than what’s best for the company, community and industry as a whole.

With the new scripting platform, trying to cram the entire gamut of health and fitness related topics into one subliminal isn’t effective at all. It was easier with our early titles because they were incredibly focused on ONE goal. Fitness, however, is broad and needs more attention. For example, with Spartan, because the script was already so massive, we had to focus on the more “warrior” aspects of training, and other things had to be neglected.

Also, a single stage subliminal lacks the ability for the user to customize their experience. Everyone is different, everyone will respond differently. Single stages are too broad to address ALL of the issues we ALL have. Multi-stages allow us to provide users with multiple tools to address whatever problems they may have.

If you ask twenty different people why they aren’t millionaires, they’ll all give you different reasons. We can’t address ALL of those reasons with a broad spectrum subliminal. That’s just the facts of the matter.

As for making four different titles for one purpose, that’s a logistical nightmare that will cause tons of confusion on the customer end. We already get no less than 10 emails a day asking the difference between Ascension, Emperor and Khan, even though it’s been spelled out multiple times here. Adding FOUR health products will lead to wide spread confusion and people becoming exceptionally confused about which ones they need, and will probably end up spending more, since they’ll buy all four at full price (which amounts to about $140). We’d actually make MORE money selling them individually rather than as package. Our attach rate is very high, it’s very rare for us to get an order of just one title, it’s usually 3-4. So, if the implication is that we’re making multi-stages purely to make more money, it’s wrong.

Everything we do is a balance that benefits us as a company and you as a consumer. Mind’s Eye came directly out of customer feedback – people posting that they’re having a hard time visualizing. How would we create a comprehensive visualization training system with one title of just 10 minutes? Doesn’t make any sense.

We’re not abandoning single stages, but we’re definitely going to expand our technology with multi-stage. Nothing’s “gone off the rails.”

  1. You misunderstood my criticism of Emperor Fitness. I didn’t want you to turn those things into a single sub, it won’t work. Individual approaches make more sense. Only the customer and their doctor knows the best approach to health and fitness, and you can use four, since you said the sub was going to be four stages with each one addressing an approach. And four titles for one purpose? Give me a break.
  2. You mention customers spending more for subs and being confused. Then why don’t you just be more clear and distinct in your products and sales pages? And what about bundles, coupons and sales? The only time you put products on sale is for pre-orders or for new releases!
  3. I never criticized you for your approach to Mind’s Eye. Did you even read it?
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First, I suggest you calm down. Like I said, while we appreciate all customer feedback and all suggestions will be discussed and considered by @Fire and myself, please don’t cross the line into being insulting.

Another popular subliminal producer regularly released five stage subliminals for $500. We’re doing four stages for $100. Not only is the practice, methodology and reasoning for multi-stages common, but we’re still being extremely affordable with our pricing structure while providing incredible value.

Second, you suggested “bundles.” How is a “bundle” any different from us offering a four stage title at a discount? We also don’t do pre-orders anymore. Why? Because they were confusing people. You don’t know what goes on behind the scenes.

Third, I used Mind’s Eye as an example of why multi-stages are helpful.

Again, your comments have been noted and we’ll keep it at that.


it was nice while it lasted


It will still be nice on here. Just some people like talking like they know what everyone wants lol.

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So what? I’m not allowed to disagree with anyone??


Actually I also don’t like this direction subclub is taking
but i guess it was inevitable


I thought to myself: “Let’s make another one of those TL;DR posts and see who reads it. You don’t like it, use Quantum Limitless to learn Speed Reading.” :slight_smile:

First, this is for everybody because it is something I struggled with a bit myself. Mind’s Eye is a “Mental Supercharger”, which is an entirely different category of product compared to what we all know and love as “Supercharger”. Both product lines will continue to exist. Perhaps calling them something that doesn’t have the word “Supercharger” in it (like “Mental Accelerator”) might have been slightly less confusing. To me at least.

So Mind’s Eye is a multi-stage guided program that does have, as Smyth states, a linear progression. You start at the beginning and move on once you have mastered the exercise.

Now let’s tackle the multi-stage approach of the major programs…

SubClub likes to give people the freedom of choice. When running Khan/EoG/Alchemist, the listener is free to choose to jump straight to stage 4 and be happy there.


The stages are numbered for a reason. There is most definitely a progression there even though people don’t seem to follow it very often. Stage 1 lays a foundation through healing and the removal of impediments. Stages 2 & 3 do programming, one stage for internal changes, one for external changes. Finally, stage 4 does its best to take all the refinements of the earlier stages and create something more akin to a maintenance track to be run for longer periods and smooth out all the edges.

Although I’m not privy to the research, I’m assuming that the guys concluded that cramming everything into a single stage would either create a 2-3 hour track or would make the experience (reconciliation etc) far more uncomfortable. The latter being an issue since SubClub likes the fact that its subs provide a smoother experience. It may even get people to stop listening to the subs and return them because they won’t see any results for the next 6 months (and we all know we live in an instant-gratification society).

So let’s translate that to Emperor Fitness. It takes a more global approach to fitness, meaning it needs to include health, diet and fitness. Smyth indicates the specifics are between the customer and their doctor. And that’s true. If everybody had the exact same specifics, addressing those might have fit in a single stage. And feel free to spend the money to create a custom single-stage sub to do just that. It’ll cost you more than a multi-stage one though.

But since people are all different, SubClub has to address issues that range from weight to age and disabilities (to the extent they are able). So they invest in getting professionals from different fields, including medical, dieticians and personal trainers. They pinpoint the big things that are common across the majority of people so that Fire can script new patterns to work on these. Heck, the amount of people they consult makes SubClub look like an open house.

Let’s break down the stages the way I see them…

This is a long one.

Stage one is healing. I’m thinking this would deal with beliefs and self-image a lot. People that believe they can’t get fit, people that are simply unable to imagine themselves ever being able to see their toes when standing on the scale. People that feel there’s never enough time to work out or even to go for a stroll. When it comes to getting fit, there’s always going to be a mountain of things that stop people, many of them dealing with beliefs. A lot. So we need a single stage that is directed to help you deal with those. And I see in fitness circles every day that if you try to get someone that needs a lot of work to start a full on workout schedule right at the start, they will never go with it. They need to be gently guided into it. So we can’t cram hours of fitness programming into this stage either, or people will stop listening as well, even though they don’t know why.

Let’s say the listener determines they are set on beliefs and go straight to stage 2. This is where the internal programming comes in. The bad beliefs are gone, time for the good ones to come in. This is where you stop being attracted by junk food and instead start eating healthier. Where you stop taking the elevator all the time and think it may be fun to take the stairs from now on. This is where your ideas about health and fitness change. Some people start thinking about what they will do about fitness or sports they may like, but they don’t necessarily do anything more just yet. They’ll walk more often, consider an apple to be a healthy snack. Pack a lunch so they aren’t tempted to go to the vending machine. Drink more water. Subtle, but a legion of changes.

We know a sub works better and faster if it is targeted, so this stage works better in overcoming years of bad behavior if it focuses only on that instead of piling on stage 1 or 3.

Then comes stage three. This is where we start to do more. Enlist at a gym, maybe get some equipment at home, maybe do yoga or a martial art. By now eating healthy should come pretty easy thanks to the previous stage, which supports us with energy here. If those bad habits were still here in this stage, people wouldn’t have the energy or motivation to work out. But thanks to the multi-stage approach, those issues should be resolved, making this stage more effective. This allows for easy positive reinforcements that start to exponentially grow your results.

Finally, stage 4. This is what helps you maintain your hard work. It will take some of the stage 2 programming and reinforces it, while also taking the action-driven approach of stage 3.

People are free to choose any stage they want, but this program works so much better when taking a layered approach. Much less resistance and failure.

Technically, one could create four different products, one per stage. But that would just confuse people so much more. Maybe not you. Maybe not the person that is convinced they don’t need stage one or two. But SubClub isn’t making this product just for you. It’s also making this product for the other 95% of their customers, however many that may be.

I could do the same kind of breakdown for Quantum. Artist might be slightly different because that would likely take a more branching approach, but I don’t have that information. Nobody but Saint/Fire does.

As for making Breakdown its own sub, you’re not the only one that thinks so. But you also haven’t seen the amount of questions concerning the different approaches to healing between Breakdown, Regeneration, Rebirth an what-not. So maybe putting breakdown out there as its own product would lead to even more questions.


Only because you don’t understand the nuances of the situation and you’re only focusing on one thing – cost. We will not sacrifice choice, flexibility, power and improving our technology to force everything into a one stage title. Keep in mind that another subliminal producer has returned to making single stages, but places a price tag of $120 on it.

We maxed out our ability to cram things into one stage with Spartan New Dawn, and we were barely able to create ST4 of the four stagers. To make it work, @Fire had to remove any kind of healing from ST4. (EDIT: With the exception of Alchemist, since all four scripts had some core scripting, we were to make space to keep all the “purification” scripting from ST1: Pathfinder).

Not to mention, the four stage concept came directly out of customer feedback. We encountered a lot of customers who weren’t getting benefits from a single stage – again, because a broad spectrum subliminal can’t possibly address everyone’s issues – so, we decided to adjust how we approached it.

Guys, Breakdown can’t be its own sub. Each four stage title has its OWN version of Breakdown. What purpose would an all purpose “Breakdown” serve? That title works best when there’s a specified, targeted goal. What you’re looking for is an upgrade to Regeneration, which is in the works AND is a single stage.

Like we said, we’re not abandoning single stages. @Fire was just doing some research on new ones. But we’re not going to force a title into single stage format. At that point, we’d be ripping off our customers, selling an inferior product. Not happening. We’re also not going to limit the progression of our technology either.

Our products are still the most affordable in the industry when you compare price vs. value. So, if you “don’t like the direction SubClub is going,” there are other options available.

Spoiler alert: You’re going to pay more with less choice over your subliminal experience.


Maybe a Mind’s Eye could be the official supercharger for Quantum Limitless, or Limitless v3 :smiley:


I think total breakdowns are different in each subliminal. I think every breakdown is trying to tackle the difficulties that the user is facing for the subliminal’s goal. So breakdown for khan might have some similarities to eog but will be different. Eog breakdown will breakdown financially beliefs and nothing related to sex beliefs for example

I might be wrong but this is what i understand from the description


I remember @SaintSovereign said recently that each Breakdown is different for each multi-stage.

So I think you are absolutely right @rising


The 4 stage structure seems perfectly sensible as they build on each other & culminate in ST4 combining everything. Not sure how you could break them up as they are dependent.

What I would love to see for Emperor Fitness are (maybe optional?) modules for different parts of the training process. Legacy is great to get started, maybe light scripts you could listen to during training (maybe one for muscle buildup that motivates to push harder, a different that motivates to keep going for cardio.) and maybe one for healing while you sleep/rest.


I like the idea.

A lot of people listen to music when they workout. Some 30 minute tracks with upbeat music and with the subliminal messaging encouraging you to train harder, push further, keep proper form, build muscle, be motivated to workout etc etc, this could be cool!

Gym workout tracks to use while working out. I love it. It could even be a new market on its own, subs to use while working out with cool music on it.

cc @SaintSovereign


I like to ritualize my workout. Legacy is really great for the meditation beforehand.

I normally row an hour in the evening always listening to the same music. An endurance sub would be great.

It could also help to establish routines.


I started using Legacy during my warm up routine and i can verify i feel more motivated and stronger both mentally and physically