StarkQ-Terminus and Iron Throne

@TheBoxingScientist - LOL your dreams are prophetic. SaintSovereign did say that a male enhancement module will be there in the Q Store



:joy::joy: That made me crack up so hard

I think I will re-enact that photo and upload it on my Instagram account


Very funny :joy: you made my day mate.

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Had two dates today with girls I had met on the street during the day. I pinged them to organise a second date both replied immediately as they were up for meeting me again this week. However I arranged to meet them next week as I am going to be tied up with learning some new technology and furthering my technical skills for a specific I.T niche market.

Had another dream when I took a short nap. It involved me trying to reconnect with my family, however they pushed me away and began argueing with me straight away the moment I opened my mouth. The dream then ended.

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