STARKhan Journal

Going through some recon right now. I feel a deep cleansing is taking place. Been dealing with a lot mentally this week - even though on the outside everything is more than good. Probably TB just ripping out the deeply rooted stuff holding me back.

Haven’t had a particularly productive or great week but I’m hanging in there. I know this is all for the best and this too shall pass. May take an early rest day tomorrow depending how I’m feeling and what my gut instinct is telling me.

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Ended up lowering my Khan TB loops from 2 to 1 the last couple days as a result. May still take an early rest day or two.

This is your gut and subconscious speaking… I am asking you to take a rest day starting now. Maybe call it “a week”. Maybe restart on Monday.

Maybe listen to 1 loop when you restart Monday?

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Thank you @RVconsultant definitely taking a couple rest days until the weekend, and perhaps a short washout until next Monday. Maybe even a long washout until the following Monday, since I am traveling next Thursday. Taking it day by day but definitely feels like the right choice to rest for now.

Thinking of these subs similar to how I treat my body for workouts (they’re kind of like a workout for the mind given how dense they are). Some days even though I might have planned to workout my body is so fatigued and resting is more appropriate to allow for proper recovery rather than risk injury.

The same analogy applies to rest with subs. For a while I tried forcing myself to stick with a strict 5 days on 2 days off schedule, but am learning to be more flexible and intuitive about my rest. When I need it I will take it, hence why I’m resting now after just 3 days on.


Yes please consider this.

Ooof I’m so glad I’m taking these rest days. Still processing a lot right now and haven’t listened to my stack since Wednesday. I’m definitely purging something deep right now, and it’s manifesting in inner emotional turmoil - it’s manageable and I’m still functioning at work and everything, but moreso just this background cleansing taking place internally.

More interestingly, I’m purging on a physical level. Had acne breakout for the first time in a longgg time, despite sticking with a healthy diet, drinking lots of water, and getting plenty of sleep. In fact I’ve been sleeping much more than usual and still feeling lethargic this week. All signs that some healing is taking place.

While it’s been somewhat of a rough week, I’m still very excited and happy with this process. It’s been smooth for the most part and I KNOW I’m due for a massive breakthrough once this purging clears. It’s only a matter of time.


Also been noticing a change in my standards, for women but also more generally for the people in my life.

I’m realizing more and more my exceptional value and unless they bring the same to the table, I don’t really care for them even if they are objectively gorgeous on the outside.

As for friends, similar concept. If they’re not bringing anything to the table I don’t have time for them nor do I need them in my life. I spent so long bending over backwards to try to make everyone happy and be kind and friendly to everyone, but now I’m realizing the importance of being very discriminatory and selective about the people I surround myself with.

Thanks Khan and IC


Was processing a lot while trying to sleep last night. Definitely clearing something deep. Feeling a bit lighter after waking up, but still giving my brain an extended rest from sub input, probably til Monday. Then I’ll get another extended rest end of next week since I’ll be at my buddies bachelor party.

Still debating this custom but thinking I may stack RM first before putting it in a custom with Stark. That’d mean I have to take away IC which I am enjoying, but a lot of my blocks are around self expression and I think RM once I start Khan Stage 2 would pair really nicely. Still got time to decide, as I’m not changing anything until I’m finished with Stage 1. I know there’s still work to be done with ST1 and I’m not rushing this process at all, because I know the payoff by being patient will be monumental.

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I know the feeling.

Been getting some bloomage this weekend as the recon finally settled. Rest is sooo important and I’m glad I’m not being as rigid with the 5-2 schedule - these 4 days off have been excellent.

A couple notable events this weekend:

  • My roommate who I’ve spoken about earlier officially asked me if I wanted to go into business with him. This is a fantastic opportunity and I think our skills complement each other ideally. Very excited for our future success.

  • Two different friends (one guy, one girl) from different friend groups called me “king” yesterday. It’s an interesting manifestation that stuck out in my mind - a seeming syncronicity of the King-like effects of Khan.

Anyway, back on my stack tomorrow and excited for more results.


That’s the spirit mate!

And that’s the results mate!

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Hey Ice I’m about to keep closer view of your journal and I just wanted to know if you’re still running khan and stark

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Are you Australian? Love the Aussie slang

Yeah @Yazooneh KhanST1, Stark, and IC right now. May switch to ST2 in a couple weeks when it feels right to do so

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Thanks mate!

I’m in the USA.

Have a great arvo.

:joy::joy: thanks you too mate

I watch BBC comedies and I think the Aussie and Brit slang kind of rub off on me.

Back on my stack yesterday and it felt pretty damn good. Ran RICH Solace which was cool, I like the listening experience better with that one.

Here’s some interesting manifestations:

  • My manager who’s pregnant started breaking down crying in front of me about some work related stress. I gave her a hug and consoled her, and I could tell she really appreciated my masculine presence. Not in a sexual way at all, more just like I was a rock and helping her deal with a tough situation. It’s very interesting because she’s almost 20 years older than me but felt comfortable not only opening up to me but also how easily I was able to calm her down.

  • A girl I’ve had a bit of a crush on (spoken about in a previous journal) posted a pic on Instagram and damn she looked good! She had a boyfriend so I let things unfold naturally and never put the moves on her, but based on her post I can tell she’s single.

  • When it comes to this girl, I noticed a sense of panic set in - a familiar feeling that I’ve had towards girls I’ve had crushes on in the past. Almost like my monkey mind telling me “you better act quick and do something before she gets scooped up by some other guy.” That’s scarcity mentality at play, and in the past has caused me to act irrationally, or not act at all. I’m so grateful KhanTB has given me that awareness, as that kind of thinking no longer has a place in my life. I’m the Khan, the king, and she’s already mine. I now just KNOW we’re going to be together, like it’s a given fact at this point. There’s nothing that can stop this as it’s already a done deal. I’m approaching situations like this with much more patience, and trusting my gut every step of the way knowing that everything is unfolding perfectly in every moment.

  • Had one of the best workouts I’ve had in a longgg time. Felt great and very accomplished. Proud of myself for sticking with my workout routine, even through last week’s recon.

  • I had a tight schedule at work and had to rush to get from one appointment to another. While driving I felt this deep sense of calm power, commanding presence on the roads navigating them with such ease and precision.

  • I got my haircut yesterday, and when stepped out of the place after I was done, there was a group of kids congregating near the sidewalk about 10-15 feet away. Without me even taking a step in their direction, they all in unison immediately stepped off the sidewalk completely onto the grass so as to make a clear path for me to walk by. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen, as if these kids sensed my power and status and instinctively decided to make way for the Khan :joy:.

  • Been seeing a lot of references to the Renaissance lately, which is further confirmation for me including RM in my stack or in a custom with Stark once I reach Stage 2. I can sense that’s going to be a huge gamechanger for me.

  • A client of mine was telling me about repo auction she knows about, and how I could get some incredible deals on various property - RICH manifestation perhaps

  • I negotiated a 25% discount at an office supply store without even trying! I was just talking to the cashier about how I wanted to keep the total cost of the project below a certain amount. When she rang me up the total was over, and I just casually kept talking to her and she gave me this discount with no objections at all. It was wild cause in my mind I wasn’t even trying to be manipulative or cheap, I was just being honest about my budget and she did everything she could to make it work.

So pretty awesome stuff, and hoping to have more exciting things to report throughout the week


I went to a store to get a shirt for a friend’s birthday. The manager was helping me find the right size. When I got it, she took it up to the register, rang it up, and yelled “FLASH SALE”… she gave me a 50% discount. I don’t want to say what store or details about the shirt, but it was one of those shirts the store was having difficulties keeping in stock because it was so popular.

PS you are the Khan dude!