[STACKED] The Terminus Meditations

Stark Q Terminus Meditation

Interestingly, thoughts went back to the past again as it played. That did not happen with Mind’s Eye Q Terminus^2. (long ass name)

Mind’s Eye Q Terminus^2 Meditation

Another early morning session. Something woke me up at 3:45 AM or so. Ended up meditating from about 5 AM to 6 AM. Then went back to sleep.

I like this idea of a subliminal retreat. I’ve done a ten day Buddhist silent meditation retreat, which was an intense experience. I also know that the Monroe Institute does, I think a seven day retreat for people to be able to complete their entire Gateway Experience.

I’ve also done The Landmark Forum and a Mark Cunningham hypnosis seminar, and both of those are intended to be pretty intense.
I am already running my subs close to 24/7 so I am trying to think of how one might ramp up the experience from something like that.

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Stark Q Terminus Meditation

Today was a bit unusual for two reasons.

First, I experienced Dream Recall. Not so common for me these days. But I woke up this morning with the memory of a dream. Can’t help linking that to Mind’s Eye Q Terminus, which was yesterday’s morning meditation.

The other unusual bit is just about my routine. I had 11 AM to 1 PM meetings scheduled. And I overslept. The time to do a first-thing-in-the-morning meditation would have been very tight. So I decided to do other things, and to meditate after 1 PM. Haven’t done that in a while. Nothing wrong with it though.

I’m still coming down from the intense pre-summer deadlines of the past 2-3 weeks, and so I can understand the slight shifts in my routine.

Finished today’s meditation (with Stark Q Terminus track) about a half-hour ago. Breathing pace was somewhat faster than it tends to be at 6 or 7 AM. Sometimes 108 breaths gets me to the end of the hour. This time, it got me to about 45 or 50 minutes, I think.

Noticed memories and processing of the past happening. It does indeed seem that my mind is somehow integrating past experiences. That’s interesting. But no comment.

I’ve always had numeric synchronicities. But I’ve noticed that they happen even more frequently since starting Stark Q Terminus. Sometimes I take pictures of them to note them. But those pictures really only matter to me. No one else would necessarily realize that it had been a coincidence. For all anyone else knows, I take photos every minute of the hour, and just keep the ones that make good coincidences. Anyway, it’s interesting and fun to see.


Mind’s Eye Q Terminus^2 Meditation

Another great day of meditation. Today with Mind’s Eye Q Terminus^2. 7:40 AM to 8:40 AM or so.


No need to comment much. Just feeling grateful for the opportunity to meditate with such great resources.

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Stark Q Terminus Meditation

I haven’t completely decided yet whether I’ll take a non-Terminus meditation day on Sunday. It might not be necessary. I probably will. Just to stick to my original concept. And to see if it correlates with any obvious, observable changes in my mental state or process.

The practice of alternating days between Stark Q Terminus and Mind’s Eye Q Terminus^2 is very smooth.

One play per day but combined with meditation.

I do notice a slight shift in my internal experiencing (i.e., mental imagery). What it feels like (again, speaking intuitively) is that there’s a specific region or space inside of my mind where vivid mental imagery happens effortlessly and constantly. Usually, my conscious attention does not comfortably find or rest in that space. And as a result, mental images feel remote and not easily accessed.

Mind’s Eye seems like it could be a) expanding that space so that it’s more easily accessed, b) guiding my attention to that space, or c) maybe both.

I do have a kind of spatial, topographical sense to how some of these things in my mind work. The mind is almost like a huge, vast and mostly dark airplane hangar. There are different features and functions associated with specific locations in that huge space. My conscious attention is like a small sphere of light moving around within that vast space. Just as with any space, certain locations in there are more familiar and accessible. But it’s always clear that there’s much, much more going on ‘off-camera’, if you will.

There was a time when I attended a full-day Holotropic Breathing workshop. Music, breathing exercises, and atmosphere were used to facilitate everyone in the room to access altered states of consciousness. For a while, in that setting, I didn’t notice much of anything happening. Then there was a moment when I sensed that the group facilitator (who was making the rounds in the room to observe the participants) stood next to my spot on the floor. I don’t know what she did. But I then felt a physical dropping sensation (as sometimes happens when you’re falling asleep). The next thing I knew I was experiencing a crystal-clear image of a room that looked like a captain’s cabin on a ship. And a very rich mahogany wood object. It did not feel mystical. Rather it felt absolutely vivid. I looked at the object for a while, just like I might have with my eyes opened. It did not disappear.

I had a few other vaguer imagery experiences that day. And then that was it. It’s never happened again. But it let me know that under certain conditions, I could access mental processes that are usually unfamiliar and remote from me.

So far, with Mind’s Eye, I’m getting a kind of distant sense of imagery experiences. Like seeing a drive-in movie theater from the highway as you drive past. That’s a lot more than I usually have. So, it’s interesting.


Mind’s Eye Q Terminus^2 Meditation

Finished meditation about 45 minutes ago. Took a break from qigong breathing. Just sat in presence with whatever arose.

At some point, past halfway point, I felt a ‘settling down’ of somewhat deeper concentration.

The effects of these tracks seem to unfold over the next 1 or 2 days after the listening session. So, now I’ll see how it impacts me over the next period of time.

Rest Day

Today is a subliminal-free day.

Today’s meditation just had to make do with the little old Cosmos-Itself.

Currently deciding between Sunday or Monday as my regular rest day.

I think I like Sundays as the rest day (hence my using that this week). On Mondays, I have about 4 hours of meetings. With an hour in the middle for lunch. That’s why I was considering it.

Truth is, though, my core stack only requires 4 hours to run. (Ecstasy of Gold Q Stage 4 (2x), Emperor Q (1x), Rebirth Q (1x), and Inner Circle (1x)

So, honestly, even with 4 hours of meetings, it probably will still be pretty easy to run my playlist.

Anyway, this journal is primarily for discussing process and progress with the two Terminus titles: Stark Q and Mind’s Eye.

I’ve been thinking of the Theravadin framework of The Progress of Insight. Essentially a topographical map of the layers one will encounter as one digs through the mind by practicing investigative attentional techniques. This is not secret stuff, a quick Google will show anyone who wants to know.

Anyway, one of the insights, or layers, or ñanas (as they’re called) is known as Fear or Terror. It’s literally a stop along the highway of Insight. And it’s one of 4 stages that are sometimes thought of as ‘Dark Night’ stages.

My point of bringing all of this up is to reflect on the inevitable ‘encounters with the dark’ that arise when we deal with the deeper layers of self and mind.

Not going to type out a big lecture on it. Just want to acknowledge it as a natural part of the process.

June 1, 2020
Stark Q Terminus Meditation

(I’ll just add this as an addendum to the previous entry since there’s not much to say today)

Nothing much to note for this. Woke up at 3:30 AM. Knew I had an early morning appointment related to son’s school, so just decided to stay up. Meditated from 5 to 6. napped for a bit. then got into the day.

Ah a fellow Stark-ME-listener. Interesting idea to meditate while listening!
Have you noticed a change in your dreams?

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Hey @anon3072973,

Didn’t realize we were sharing that in common. (My core stack is still Ecstasy of Gold and Emperor, but I added these two Terminus tracks because I’ve been listening to EoG and Emperor for 3 and 6 months respectively, and all 4 tracks seem mutually supportive to me. I currently only listen to Stark and Mind’s Eye during meditation).

Okay, just caught up on your latest journal.

I had one instance in which I recalled a dream. That’s major for me, because I do not usually recall dreams.

Usually, I’ll sometimes have a vague sense that I had a dream, and that’s about it. But last week I woke up with a very clear sense of one. It’s not that high on my list of priorities right now, I guess. (Sorry, Morpheus.) But I welcome them when they come.

As for the Terminus tracks in general, I have a pretty clear sense that they are doing something and that they are working at a ‘deeper’ level, possibly. As usual, I’m kind of prepared to wait a while for the seeds to grow. But these are the first tracks where I started to feel a very obvious sense of change and movement. For that reason, I’m a general fan of Terminus subliminals.

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June 2, 2020
Mind’s Eye Q Terminus2 Meditation

smooth comfortable session.

Wednesday June 3 2020
Stark Q Terminus Meditation

Okay. So to summarize thus far:

These Terminus-timed meditation sessions began on 2 May. I did 22 consecutive days with Stark Q Terminus (which incidentally basically carried me most of the way through a kind of grueling slog of work-related tasks, which I am very, very glad to be past. Thanks for the company Stark Q Terminus!).

Sunday 24 May was my first day meditating with Mind’s Eye Q Terminus2. I decided to alternate daily between Stark Q Terminus and Mind’s Eye Q Terminus2 , and I realized that it would be a good idea to take one day each week as a rest day to meditate without either of them. This past Sunday 31 May was the first rest day.

So up until today 3 June, I have done 27 meditation sessions with Stark Q Terminus and 5 sessions with Mind’s Eye Q Terminus2.

Just realized today that this means every Monday, Wednesday, Friday will be Stark Q Terminus and every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday will be Mind’s Eye Q Terminus2.

In other words, since I know the pattern, I don’t need to make entries on days when I have nothing much to say just as a way to keep track of practices. (uh…maybe not my most Limitless moment, but, it’s only been a week).

Maybe, I’ll make an Excel sheet, just to keep a formal record. Or maybe I’ll mark it down here. Just felt a little funny about asking for a discount for my number of posts if some of my posts just said ‘[date]’ and ‘nothing special to report’. On the other hand, it looks like I may pass 1250+ posts soon. After that, don’t need to feel conscious about that anymore.

On to today’s practice, it was Stark Q Terminus. It felt so smooth. Like the way people describe a good blend of coffee or amber ale or something.

Stark Q Terminus is supercharging my subliminal experience. I do believe it should be approached with respect. There are interesting things swimming and lurking in the depths of the mind, and they do stir when poked. I found myself reading and thinking about disturbing themes and horror movies for a couple of weeks. I’m not a horror-fan. And it suggests that my mind was expanding and integrating Shadow material, which is what it does when you start digging holes in the ground of consciousness.

I feel grateful and I am so far loving the Terminus meditations.

There tend to be periodic mini-crises and then subsequent resolutions to those crises. I think it’s called Growth or something. That’s what I’ve heard anyway.


Mind’s Eye thought:

Has it ever occurred to you that you could be the fascinating otherworldly presence or magickal spirit that some other being encounters as it learns remote viewing and astral projection and ventures out from its world?


I am having ideas that I did not have before. I (for better or for worse) attribute this to the effects of Stark Q Terminus and Mind’s Eye Q Terminus2 added to the pre-existing and ongoing foundation of Ecstasy of Gold and Emperor.

I’m still not near the rubber to the road stage of things. But I feel a lot of movement happening.

One thing I would say is that when it’s safe and appropriate to do so, it can be good to share your process with other people, even if it’s just for a brief bit of time. Sometimes, other people can see your accomplishments, qualities, and skills in a different context than you do.

Often, they don’t. So this is not a magical solution to anything.

My latest shift though came when I showed some work I had done to someone I trusted. The person responded with 2-3 sentences that significantly informed how I am thinking. I’m sure more shifts are coming. I hope so, because I need them.


There is an increased presence to my magickal workings. It feels good!

Thank you Mind’s Eye, and @SaintSovereign and @Fire.


Saturday June 13 2020

Stark Q Terminus - 31 days completed
Mind’s Eye Q Terminus2 - 10 days completed

Again, I, daily, alternate the use of these two subliminal tracks, and I take a weekly rest day on Sundays.

I’ve noticed an enhanced movement and energy to my internal process. But, come on, these are subconscious processes we’re talking about. I can’t know exactly what’s going on in there. I can intuit and guess about what’s happening. I can also describe shifts in my conscious experience which must also be a kind of time-delayed indicator of what’s happening beneath the surface.

I have noticed an increased volume and spontaneity in the flow of ideas. I already have an actively idea-producing mind. I believe it has been further enhanced.

I’m noticing patterns of peaks and troughs when it comes to motivation, vision, and determination.

Several times now, my mind and thoughts have gone to dark places of fear, despair, discouragement, and a sense of futility. There’s actually a degree of lightness to those. They could be heavier and more intense. It’s like feeling cold weather but feeling it through layers of clothing.

So, typically, every so often, I’ll find myself in those spaces of low-level crisis or questioning. I’m actually somewhat over these last few days. That’s the trough. Then the clouds will break and some kind of insight or shift in determination or clarity will seem to manifest. One of those happened two days ago and I got a kind of downloaded vision and insight about Wealth that represented a re-orienting shift.

(I’ll paste a summary of that insight below or in another post.).

But this experience leads me to think that the Stark Q and Mind’s Eye Terminus meditations are working with the core processes of my Ecstasy of Gold and Emperor stack. Ecstasy of Gold I’ve been running for 9 months. Emperor for about 6.

I feel synergy between these various programs. They represent a unified vision and aspiration for my life.

The shakiness, the uncertainty, the peak and trough fluctuations; these continue.

Overall, the meditations feel good.

I’m finding myself thinking more about the Superchargers. Particularly The Elixir. But also The Commander. Those are the ones which I’ve used quite a bit. I also own Beyond Limitless and True Social. And I think I’ll buy Libertine also. I’m thinking about how I might integrate use of the superchargers with my daily meditation. I have two options. I could play one supercharger in the last 10 minutes of my meditation practice. Or, when time permits, I can play a supercharger directly afterwards. I think I’ll experiment with the second option. Maybe laying down with a supercharger as a way to transition from meditation session to the day’s activities.

Stark Q Terminus - 34 days completed
Mind’s Eye Q Terminus2 - 12 days completed

I continue to love these Terminus meditations. This morning was Stark Q Terminus.

My awareness is gradually adapting to the increased stimuli.

These are basically an open-ended experiment. Not as goal-directed or aspiration-oriented as my core Ecstasy of Gold stack. Visualization and manifestation are parts of my daily life, so I feel that Mind’s Eye should have ample Action to ‘feed’ it (or ‘eat’ it, depending on how you look at that subliminal/action relationship). But I’m not trying to get to anywhere very specific. Just to experience growth and to experience the impact/influence of the program and the build.

Stark is somewhat similar. I think that my overall lifestyle and habits probably give that program enough ‘grist for the mill’ without too much additional planning required.

So they have been pretty suitable as meditations. Just interfacing with the natural rhythms and elements of my life.

Again, I will observe here that I experience a more obvious and direct effect from Stark Q Terminus. But, in fact, I have experienced ‘power’ and ‘intensity’ from both programs. (Just that the effects of Mind’s Eye are more ambiguous at present.) I have no desire to stop either of them.

My custom subliminal is in Terminus build as well. Since Stark Q is one of the cores around which the entire custom is built, I think I will probably replace Stark Q Terminus with my Custom Subliminal in my meditations.

If I keep the same schedule then it will be
Day 1: Custom Subliminal Terminus
Day 2: Mind’s Eye Q Terminus2
(with Sundays as rest day.)

That sounds like an interesting transition.

Hmm… this also means that I’ll have three journals. I’ll probably allow the original Kether to Malkuth journal to lie fallow.

This Terminus Meditations journal does not require an incredible amount of upkeep. Especially now that I’ve somewhat habituated to the tracks.

I’m going to go over now and create my Custom Q journal.

Why did you decide to build with Terminus vs just Q?

Stark Q Terminus was the first program offered using this unique, new build strength. My sole purpose in beginning these combined subliminal-meditative practice sessions was to experience, and hopefully understand, the impact of the experimental build strengths (particularly under the listening condition of meditation).

As I write in the first post in this journal:

And just got to experience today’s partial solar eclipse! What a great day. So lucky!

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