[STACKED] The Terminus Meditations

In the case of the above post, I was just mapping out the phenomenological process occurring in that specific meditation session, not in my life as a whole.

So far I’ve been aiming for that granular style in this journal, and keeping the other one for broader, general observations.

But your point still stands. I’ll keep asking myself this question, and decide how to proceed. My job has a tendency to colonize large portions of my time during certain periods. I’m in one of those periods right now. But it will end in about 3 weeks. I’ll keep up the subliminal listening regardless. And then, I hope and plan to put more energy back to my own projects.

(As far as general observations go, by the way, I am feeling what seem to be real effects, both from Terminus and from the adjusted listening schedule.)

  • Well, firstly:

Day 4: Tuesday May 5 2020
Day 5: Wednesday May 6 2020

Meditation sessions smooth and normal.

Since this seems relatively consistent so far, I may remove that meditation session report from the ongoing journal. I’ll only report if something unusual crops up. In short, I’m not experiencing any obvious, immediately disruptive effects from Stark Q Terminus.

  • Secondly:
    I find that evaluations of the subliminals tend to sneak up on me.

Just now, I noticed that my mind felt a light, easy atmosphere of comfortable wellbeing. Then suddenly, I thought, ‘hmm…which subliminal is playing right now?’ I checked and it was Stark Q Terminus.

If I look directly at it, I might not see very much (it is the subconscious after all); but viewed in my peripheral vision, I can see that it’s quite agile and active.

So far 3 repetitions of Stark Terminus seems to be a good amount. I think I could ‘handle’ more, but it would probably start to become more of a dedicated job at that point, distracting or redirecting too much emotional and attentional energy from other daily tasks that need to get done. (Hmm…that makes me think about the possibility of organizing more indepth periods of Subliminal Retreat, similar to meditation retreat. I feel like someone may have mentioned something like this before, maybe @DarkPhilosopher.)

Anyway, a subliminal retreat would involve a period of extended time maybe a week, or if one had the luxury even 2-3 weeks. During that period of time, I could crank up the high-powered subliminal exposure and really focus in on the relevant life area. You could plan on being somewhat taken out by the intensiveness of the process. Other tasks are largely put on hold. Also, sleep, exercise, nutrition are all organized around facilitating and optimizing the subliminal effects. So, activities like running, treadmill, tai chi, meditation. And then in-depth processing and journaling work to open up to shifts and insights. Hydration (water intake, swimming, sauna). And other helpful activities.

(That would be the perfect time to work with a tool like Blue Skies.)

Then, when the retreat is done, you bring your subliminals intensity back down to the normal levels and reintegrate back into your daily routine.

I think that’s a pretty cool idea.

And, by the way, my mind tends to shoot out lots of ideas, but I think that Stark is working with and enhancing that. (Now just to work on that action-taking and follow-through part of the process.)

That was definitely @Simon :blush:


Day 7: Friday May 8 2020

Still in the aftermath of my biological adventure of 2 days ago. Body woke up very easily. Woke up at 3 AM and haven’t gone back to sleep.

Opted for an early AM Stark Q Terminus meditation from 5:15 AM to 6:15 AM.

Currently, I’m combining meditation practice with 3-part breathing qigong exercises for health promotion. 36 breaths from the lower abdomen. 36 breaths from the upper stomach. 36 breaths from the upper chest. Breathing slowly and deeply and attending to the feeling tone of each breath.

I think that I observe my mind gradually adapting to the stimulus of Stark Q Terminus. One way I can observe is by noting the level of easy relaxedness versus excited tension that my mind reaches during a meditation session. It’s a bit like watching/feeling the surface of a lake or ocean.

Right now, the waves are still pretty choppy. There’s not that deep coherence and it’s not (subjectively) feeling so trance-like or ‘jhana’-like. This suggests to me that it’s actively engaging with and integrating the material from the subliminal. There’s a kind of vibrant energy, a little keyed-up. On the other hand, I find that it’s much calmer than it was when I first started 6 days ago.

I did feel a few flashes of jhana-like elements or factors close to the end of the hour. Nothing so pervasive as would be called a mind-state, but just some little flashes. We’ll see where that goes. It goes where it goes.

Day 8: Saturday May 9 2020

Meditation session smooth and normal. Nothing unusual to report.

If this experimental listening period is any indication, I would be happy to get all (or most) of my subliminal programs at Terminus level strength once the Q store is up and running.

I can feel the effects more easily.

Thank you @SaintSovereign and @Fire for running this latest experiment.

One thought I had earlier: If you combine Emperor, Quantum Limitless, and Ecstasy of Gold, is that very similar to Stark?


Day 10: Monday May 11 2020

Completed morning listen of Stark Q Terminus with meditation.

And just finished the daily 2nd play as part of my daily playlist.

Some interesting, disjointed, shifts and disturbances inside of me.

For some reason, I was pulled to read and view analysis of the movie Midsommar. Never watched it in the theatres. But it fascinated me and got under my skin as I read and watched about it. Also watched the analysis of the director’s (Ari Aster’s) first film. Hereditary.

These are ‘horror’ or ‘intelligent horror’ or ‘auteur-driven horror’. I don’t watch that genre as a rule, because things that I read or view get to my core sometimes.

This one was really interesting.

Also found myself deeply questioning myself and my ability to achieve my goals last night. I relaxed into it fairly well, and got through it okay. Like a squall.

I won’t make this too long since I’d rather actually get some things done now. I’m briefly describing these things on this journal because intuitively I feel that Stark Q Terminus contributed to these processes.



It has been 12 days since I began using Stark Q Terminus (Experimental)

The effects that have been clearest to me thus far are around Limitless kinds of effects. I feel more intellectually creative and more perceptually flexible. My motivation to engage with interesting ideas and phenomena is enhanced.

I also feel that Stark Q Terminus may be working synergistically with the other titles in my playlist. That is mostly intuitive conjecture though, because I also switched to the Q versions of my other subliminals around the same time that I started using Stark Q Terminus.

Whether it’s more explained by the effect of Stark Q Terminus or more by the new Q versions of my other subliminals, what I am noticing is a kind of synergy and a sense of movement and possibility in all of the areas covered by my playlist: Wealth, Idea/Lifestyle Building, Learning and Intellectual Creativity.

So, for now, that’s that.


Day 13: Thursday May 14 2020

At work all day doing meetings from 10 AM to 6 PM with one hour free for lunch.

Fortunately, woke up early and got in my Stark Q Terminus meditation hour.

side-note: I am really looking forward to the Q Store. I’m probably going to Terminus strength for my future core programs.

I like Stark Q Terminus quite a bit.

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Day 15: Saturday May 16 2020

Another Stark Q Terminus meditation. The 15th.

I feel calm and relaxed now. Nothing special to report. Actually, I perform another short practice each day after the meditation. While I’m doing that I play music, usually Steve Roach. I think I attribute the relaxed feeling right now mainly to that.

The meditation itself is a bit busy at the moment. I’m doing 4 or 5 practices at the same time. Stark Q Terminus. Three-part Breathing. Backwards breath counting. A visualization. One or two other elements. The main reason for that busyness is the convenience of stacking practices. This may change and adjust to be less busy. But it’s like this for now.

Day 16: Sunday May 17 2020

Woke up early today, so did my Stark Q Terminus meditation hour from 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM or thereabouts.

Starting to reflect on what for lack of a better phrase might be called ‘phenomenological spheres’. Just the sum total of the sensations and perceptions that you’re experiencing. That (or some subset of that) is the usual focus during a so-called mindfulness session.

I’m finding myself wanting to connect to the reality of what lies outside of my phenomenological sphere. Outside of my directly experienced sensations and perceptions. Brief reflection tells you that that includes pretty much everything in the Cosmos.

A different way of contextualizing and coming at ‘remote viewing’, maybe.

Anyway, that would usually be an ‘inside thought’. But I’m writing these things here because I’m tracking the impact of Stark Q Terminus on my meditation experiences and reflections.

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A colleague commented that I was interacting differently in the evaluations that we co-chaired. Not quite sure if his take on it was positive or negative, but either way, it seemed to go with the Stark Q effects on visibility.

I was communicating my feedback and ideas much more actively, directly, and (apparently) somewhat forcefully.

I and that same colleague will meet in two weeks to discuss some ideas and a possible collaboration on a smaller project. However my interaction may have changed, I guess it did not put him off from confirming that we’ll meet for that appointment.

Anyway, not yet sure what my take is/will be on how I’m communicating. I’ll keep paying attention in that area. My intention is to benefit those with whom I interact. If that is happening, then I’ll be cool with whatever changes happen.

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Day 17: Monday May 18 2020

12:12 pm. (for the record, I’ve been seeing countless repeating numbers. I just accept it and move on. Sometimes I take photos to remind myself.)

Last night, I simply did not fall asleep. I’m a very light sleeper most of the time. I ended up staying up until 6:00 AM (or was it 7?). and then just doing meditation with Stark Q Terminus. since I was up anyway.

Will try to integrate more physical exercise to facilitate sleeping.

Today’s meditation: normal. Just that due to sleep-deprivation, time stretched. 60 minutes felt about 10 minutes longer.

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Day 18: Monday May 19 2020

After the previous night of not sleeping at all, last night was a ‘head hits pillow then it’s morning’ situation.

Meditation 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM

3-Part Breathing and Stark Q Terminus

prior to sitting down on the meditation cushion, I offhandedly glimpsed an e-mail related to college alumni/class reunion sorts of matters. There had been a virtual gathering of people of the same graduating class.

Interestingly, and not surprisingly, I think, thoughts and reflections of the past, of college years, etc., swam through my awareness during the meditation session. Also, whereas yesterday’s meditation session felt 10 or 15 minutes longer than an hour; today’s felt 5 or 10 minutes shorter.

Mood after session: calm, quiet, comfortable. Yet, also, a sense of not wanting to be disturbed. Family member came and began talking to me about matters as I sat. At first, it felt pleasant, then I felt like, ‘enough. quiet now.’. Haha. but that’s me, not just the subliminal.

Now, I prepare to begin another day of working through this hill of tasks that currently need to be completed.

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Day 19: Wednesday May 20 2020

Another early meditation. 4:15 AM to 5:15 AM.

3-part Breathing. Stark Q Terminus.

Felt like brainwaves were in the ordinary waking consciousness range of the spectrum throughout most of the meditation. I know though that objective measurement indicates that subjective reports of the depth or quality of meditation sessions often do not match up with what is measured.

Either way, waking consciousness works fine for me. It’s about presence.

Other than that. Just grateful for another day of practice.

10:36 AM. Going to start work tasks now, and also start my daily playlist.

Day 20: Thursday May 21 2020

Just for continuity.

Nothing unusual to report. Going forward, now that I’ve reported about three weeks of practices, I’ll only write if I have something specific to describe.

I’m happy with Stark Q Terminus. It came out of nowhere and just became a centrally important part of my stack. I feel that it’s compensating for and supercharging the other titles in my playlist. And it has impressive range and versatility.

The Terminus strength level seems to be right for me. Maybe because I can be a bit skeptical and/or clueless about how change is happening and Terminus is obvious enough for me to easily notice the effects.

(Oh, just noticed, I’m actually on the playlist loop of Stark Terminus right now. Did the meditation version this morning. This one is the 2nd and final one of the day.)

My overall playlist may be maxed out. There is a lot of overlap between my titles, but there are also a lot of titles. I guess that the potency of Terminus allows it to be the kind of harmonizing flavor of the blend. (It does feel like mixing coffees.)

Stark Ecstasy of Gold Emperor - Those are the central triad. They seem to be playing well together.

Then the supporting figures - Limitless Minds Eye Rebirth Inner Circle

And finally Aegis which is like a wall around the edge of the city keeping everything safe. I don’t necessarily get to Aegis everyday. Sometimes, I play it behind the evening story that I’m listening to with my son. That and Limitless.

It’s fun to think about how each of these characters may be contributing to the blend. But I can do that on my main journal.


Day 21: Friday May 22 2020

Meditation 7:50 AM to 8:50 AM - Stark Q Terminus, Three-Part Breathing

Noticed something interesting.

Memories and thoughts of the past have been arising as I sit in meditation with Stark Q Terminus playing. Once I paid attention to it, I realized it has been happening the whole time more or less. Or at least much of the time.

My mind is going back to key situations or experiences that I associate with problematic parts of my identity. A particular conversation with an ex-girlfriend. The experience of being awkward in a new office where I worked temporarily. A conversation with a friend at a dining hall table 28 years ago.

What tipped me off was when I noticed that at the exact moment that the subliminal ended (signaling the end of the meditation session), the flow of thoughts seemed to fade as well. Like closing a book or coming out of a dream.

so. that’s happening.


Now, about an hour after ending meditation, I just found myself feeling a kind of reverie feeling.

I think reveries just happen to people. I remember drifting into them as a kid quite a bit. And they have come from time to time over the years. I think they have influenced my taste in music and books. Certain artists probably create from that space.

This is currently playing:

It’s like a memory of an atmosphere, or a feeling. Sometimes it feels really wonderful.

Sometimes it’s like remembering just free-floating happiness without any specific situation connected to it. Trying to explain it kind of takes me out of it a bit.

It’s sort of like a gust of psychic wind. On a very comfortable day, of perfect temperature, in a peaceful place, a wind of peaceful but intense emotion/sensation/atmosphere just blows over you for a bit.

and then gradually disperses.


Peace to ‘Kuth—Stark Terminus + Golden Emperor’

I’m renaming this journal

The Terminus Meditations

I’m thinking that I’ll reserve Terminus titles for use as my meditation timers. One day with Stark. The other with Mind’s Eye.

These more powerful Terminus titles seem to fit well with the more focused and open attentional orientation typical of meditation sessions. Also, at 1-hour they are the perfect length for this use.

As for Mind’s Eye in particular, it seems like a match made in heaven to be paired with meditation practice. Maybe I’ll also designate one day per week as a non-Terminus meditation day. That might be a good day to work with superchargers instead or just no program at all sometimes.

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First day meditating with Mind’s Eye Q Terminus^2 as meditation timer

slight paraesthesia in left leg close to end of meditation period, nothing too bad.

feeling a bit settled right now. just physically a bit settled. grounded.

one good practice, in my opinion, is to spend a few moments each day imagining the entire cosmos. or trying to do so.

Funny how easy it is to ignore Everything

Things that are too big or too small we just ignore.

I can’t tell what the impact on my mind is at this moment. But I do have a sense of momentum, like swirling. Maybe the stimulus of the subliminal is continuing to have its effect. Likely. It’s been about 30 minutes since the meditation session finished.

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Stark Q Terminus Meditation

Interestingly, thoughts went back to the past again as it played. That did not happen with Mind’s Eye Q Terminus^2. (long ass name)