Stack suggestions

Why would you recommend Genesis over Stark?

More results enhancers and healing and maybe even more wealth scripting in Genesis. Genesis feels like it will eventually accomplish what stark acccomplishes, but internally through deeper insights into who you are and why you shine.

I consider genesis to be almost like a Stark + CFW sub

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EOG + UA would make sense for an art career & business.

Third sub could be Stark, Genesis or True Sell for 2-3 ZP cycles then change to something else or run it long term.

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Thank you!
Is there another sub that could help healing limiting wealth-related beliefs?

If you already have a wealth- or money-focused sub in the stack, then Limit Destroyer would be a good addition. Or Rebirth.


There is Emperor, HoM, Mogul, and RICH(which you already have). Healing-wise if we talk for wealth only EoG is quite specific on that.

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What the others said above + Ascended Mogul. EOG Stage 1 is good for the wealth healing.

I’ve never followed this suggestion.

How does the wealth healing scripting in Genesis works and how effective do you find it? I am trying to decide between Genesis + UA + EOG or Genesis + UA + Rich. Rich gave me recon in the past and I didn’t find it very effective for me

What are the factors that you think would help you decide among those options?

How much wealth related healing there is in the scripting of Genesis.

Now that is definitely a support ticket question.

[Note: Saint told me that Genesis could replace EoG stage 1. So that might be something to consider, too.]


@SaintSovereign whats the difference of intensity between wealth scripting in genesis and stark?

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I started listening to Genesis and UA and now I am contemplating which sub should I add in the next month. I am undecided between Stark/Mogul/True sell. Which one will handle financial issues better (in connection to art)

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I’d say Mogul. Money is its main focus.

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I second this.

Thats pretty interesting, do you have more info about it?

LBFH is more than everything you need in life, but it will choose what is best for you. It might dictate or disrupt the kind of business you have in mind. Love can hurt but it will show you the world in different perspective.

The desperation can lead you to no where, and as long there is fear it will hinder you to getting what you want. With the titles you mentioned, Ultimate Artist UA + EOG + RICH - go for it. EOG will give you avenues for making money, while RICH is for kicking your butt to make it happen.

Oh how I wish… :grin: But it was handed down from the metaphorical mountain.


For healing, but apparently not for wealth manifestations according to the current reviews.