Spiritual Sigma Journal

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Had an interesting awakening moment on Thursday - things with regards to energy and mindset suddenly clicked and made a lot of sense. I am thinking this is from the Revelation of Mind subliminals.
Also started thinking about better clothes, having Old Money looks (navy jacket, shoes, proper oxfords. etc), fragrance, getting haircuts more regularly, buying better quality items - thinking this is Stark talking.

I have never as seriously considered these items till very recently.

Had a very good cry as well on Thursday for no reason with a walk back with some happy music - it felt pretty liberating.

I have also re-found a part of my spirituality from Tara worship. And have been very consistent with it for the past few days.

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I will be finishing my round to do 5 days of washout. It’s been an interesting 3 weeks - upgraded my tech gear, had an interesting realization of life and I feel more aware vs just going through life on default mode. I have the feeling that money should not be a blocker but that also made me spend a lot more than I should. I have also been 3 weeks consistent to the gym! Been having very vivid dreams for the past 2 weeks as well. I been feeling tired by 5pm or 6pm as well. My sleep time has been swinging like a pendulum. One day I sleep early and next day I can’t shut down.

Next round - I will most likely switch out Chosen From Within with Sage Immortal and Stark with Emperor as I need to hustle to get my side gig set up. Tempted to get Emperor Black for that or to think of a Custom. Still considering, will take the wash out time to flesh this out.