Solution for emotional imbalance

Writing for me is a way to understand the emotion! The emotions is often like a call, the phone keeps ringing louder and louder until you pickup the call.

Yeah, I also have trouble with my emotions which get’s in the way of some results. I get some up and down, sometime I get crazy results, sometime I get nothing. Often it has to do with my inside world.


Oh yes Journaling emotions really help

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If you’re thinking about someone – and they are alive …

Just call them.

Let’s break some limits.


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Generally, I support writing & venting …

But poets, lyricists, and singers can keep creatively crying about their oneitis till the end of times.

I don’t think it helps in these matters.

:sweat_smile: :rofl:


I agree with this. But there is a difference between consuming other people’s expressions of their creativity and creating our own expression of creativity.

I do find the latter to be liberating and helps in letting go when taken in the right mindset.

I used to think writing love poems was oneitis. In a way it is if you make the writing about a confirmation of oneitis. But when I just let the writing be about creating something from my feelings, it’s expression and abundance rather than suppression and lack.


Yo. That’s not breaking the limit for me. It’s like breaking the system :joy:


That is something I have zero personal experience of…

:joy: :hugs:


For me, it’s trusting the subliminals.

Remember that many effects kick in specifically when we’re taking congruent action.



I am taking the actions in my career side. But you know it’s not the part where I could potentially take big actions. I tried before ,the result was not at all good. Honestly I don’t like myself as human anymore. I am more like an animal :rofl::rofl: because my life rules are pretty straight.
Working /studying for my career(finding a living like animal)
Destructive emotions/thoughts for a girl like a loop(trapped in a loop just like animals trapped in a cycle of hunt—>eat —> sleep—> sex do it again, I mean I don’t have a bigger perception or if I have I don’t believe in it because it didn’t go in the expected way )
I mean wtf, I am so weak that I can’t get over, it feels like a spot left in my heart

Bro my life has nothing interesting
My life is" extraordinarily boring" like an animal

After reealing all this(I shouldn’t have)- I feel a relief :relieved:


Excellent point. No wonder I love RM and it helps me write even better poems.


:guide_dog: Pet owners have been offended by this post. :crying_cat_face:


Have you tried Primal or Primal Seduction yet?

It may show you The Animal Way To Having Fun.


Primal contains healing and sexual abundance scripts.
PS not only shows you all the sexual opportunities available, but also guides you to take action on them.



Wow. A living gorilla :muscle:


I don’t do anything man j just accept the drainage like it’s soreness from the gym knowing it’s a sign that something inside is getting stronger and better for my goals that’s pretty much it


@Matrix Did you get your question(s) answered?

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Yes. :grinning:

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Its easy to fall down that rabbit hole of wanting to listen just one more loop, just one more loop :slight_smile: .

Reminds of that tv show Lost years ago. I got so addicted to watching episodes. It was just hard to say No nomore thats it stop stop.

Its just a matter of will power and sticking to the recommended schedule.

Your not the only who hasnt followed the recommended listening routine.

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I also had this attachment, but after using khan my standards gone such high I don’t feel anything towards the girl, like she is out of my league
And about drainage and everything, I also experience that. But it’s just for the first week. After that when subs start getting integrated, the results will last longer. After that it’ll be amazing. Won’t it?
Suck it up baby. I also feel anxious and everything
But I wait until its get integrated

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Exactly even on Ascended mogul and emperor qv2. My inner status rose so much that I didn’t care but with zp it’s not the case . This is only drawback fir me but minds eye saved me.
After creating the thread and after lots of suggestions I tried the visualisation where I visualised that energy from the nature healed my heart, replacing with warm love, positivity etc. It felt so real that the healing was like 3D. Today I am in much more control of emotions and feeling better. And @Simon @Lion pls read this. It’s more of a minds eye review. Visualisation is powerful af…


Very nice, bro :ok_hand:

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That’s impressive. Thank you for sharing.

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