Solitude & growth - Experiences on Terminus Custom

If you give me more information about what you mean by that, I could better answer your question.

Regarding how I feel, I feel good about being a man, and definitely better than I did a year ago. Also I probably present as more stereotypically masculine than I did a year a go.

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@RVconsultant what’s your stack?

Right now a bunch of rest days. Last week it was RICH, and a custom healing Q that is so brutal I don’t want to say what I put into it because I don’t want people to copy it because I feel like my brain is overloaded.

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Or you could share it so people know what NOT to put in their Custom lol.

if he shares it trust me some people are going to jump on it. I guarantee it!

My thought exactly…

Although I do admit, @Hermit’s insight and humor were not lost upon me.

Remember just because I do it doesn’t mean you should.

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Yeah, I mean… If I were you I would release your stack just for the thrill of seeing what other people would do with it :shushing_face:

I’ve already got my Healing Ultima which I use when I want to switch a particular belief.

I have enough thrills right now…:grin:

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Remember remember :joy: :grin:

In regards to healing Customs, they’ve never been easy for me nor anyone… but truly chip layers of an onion away and once you can stop using them you feel renewed and refreshed like never before.

I feel you on that one, I just made a Custom with Khan and I’m actually looking at Stark again, lol. Khan is like Emperor for me it’s too dominant, it’s not who I am — I like to attract people rather than repelling them, especially considering my current situation.

Stark on the other hand is too feminine, Ascension was perfect for me in terms of inner-game and dominance.

Ascended Stark with Mind’s Eye or Power Can Corrupt (Saint Germain Q), coming soon hahahaha


I’m living in paradise already.

On another note @GoldenTiger, what are you investing in that’s making 1.000 a day?

Oh, I invested in the stock NOU, on the TSX. It went up like crazy, I bought it at 1,55, didn’t checked it for a few days and BOOM, it’s now at 2,60 hahaha I just checked, it’s in a few days that it went up, not totally in a day :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Personally I love Khan’s dominance, it’s the level I like. But I need some more discipline and work ethic haha

The new Machine modules in the Q store?

Yup could be. But maybe it’s now as powerful as Stark! That’s more why I am hesitating! And my custom is pretty much full right now :sweat_smile:

I sympathize and understand.

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Precisely. I think it’s just a matter of calibrating it by experimenting with different listening routines. Terminus is very potent, the point it to learn how to use that powerful tool right and later on, you’ll benefit from that knowledge massively, using your current custom and the future customs build on Terminus or Terminus 2. I regret I didn’t do more experiments with my listening routines while running Stark Terminus. I may go back to it one day to build a Terminus custom knowing how to use that technology.


Try to stack it with Love Bomb then.

Yeah! I know for sure, that Terminus hit deeper and in a different way than regular Q!!

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You think that Q+ and Ultima+ will sometime that you will try out once it drops?

I’m waiting for your summary about the difference between those technologies then. :slight_smile:

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So, I’ve took a break this weekend from running my stack.

I’ve ran 1 loop of GLM every day, which I like because of the discipline and masculine edge!

Slowly but surely I am losing fat, my last measure was at 21,3… 1 week earlier I was at 21,5 and the week before I was at 21,7. I am moving toward 75kg, and I was 80kg on january 8 (lots of carbs eating).

Terminus vs. Regular : Ok, a regular Q, from what I experienced, it a slower results. Slower manifestation, slower change in behaviour. It’s pretty much linear, you run one loop, and two and you can expect the results you get to “increase” with the amount of loop you run. Your mind will slowly get accustomed to the build and you will need to increase the amount of loop you get to continue your growth.

It’s pretty self explatory here, the results are pretty much in line with what you would expect, you run a couple of loops every day, and you slowly start to see some of your behaviour and thoughts changing. Then you might see some “coincidence” slowly happening as you go. Some girls looking at you, some more match online, you suddently think more about your work (ok, those you see pretty quickly). You will just notice some external stuff changing and you will say “ok, subs definitly works”… And then more and more you will go toward the custom you have made, which means you will embody your stack.

Terminus works a little differently. The first time you run it, you might not feel anything except some “information overload” in your head. Then you might feel tired, you might need a break… Totally understandable! Then, after the processing phase, you will have a mini-bloom effect. The change feel deeper, just more profound overall. When you start your max processing input might be 1-2 loops per week, if you run more than that, you don’t see any results or change! Which prompt you to lower the amount of loops you ran until you start seeing results and lower reconciliation.

Q :

  • Stable results
  • Easier to predict
  • Slower growth
  • Less reconciliation
  • Less emotionnal

Terminus :

  • More reconcilliation
  • Deeper hit (profound change)
  • Results alternate between heavy reconciliation and strong results (faster results)

Proposed strategy : Combining both of them to have the results of both. For someone starting with Terminus, I would advise against running 1-2 loops per week. Start the first one, then when the reconciliation drops, you can run a second loop! Once you are more used to Terminus, you can maybe add a few loops of Q to work on a different level!

Personally I recall SaintSovereign saying that Terminus is less stable, and my experience seems to rhyme with it. Currently I am adding 2 loops of Emperor + Sex&Seduction terminus every weeks to boost my healing and productivity on another level!


This was really nice to read ive been thinking about increasing my loop of my custom Q subs will give them sometime still, thank for taking the time to write this

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