Shaping My Reality

The goal of this stack is to build great willpower and mental strength, starting from two areas of my life and bringing these benefits to all areas of my life.
I’ve had the opportunity to reevaluate what I really need now, I’ve had excellent results with self-love, relationships and work, but what I really lack is discipline and willpower. I understood that what I was missing was the daily challenge with myself, but challenge is not meant in a negative sense, on the contrary it is what leads me to growth.

I will live this challenge by reminding myself every day how lucky I have been in this world, how many opportunities I have had and with the gratitude of being able to change my destiny every day, every choice now will be fundamental.

I’ve built a routine, now I just have to act and hope to be consistent🤞🏻


Day 2

Last night after listening I signed up for a new gym and this morning I started training again.
First impressions:

  • I was able to wake up early without any problems (I always train before work)
  • I was surprised that I didn’t feel out of shape, it was a nice workout and I didn’t think I could push myself that hard today
  • At work I remember some information more easily (rapid improvement of short-term memory)

Today I finished reading “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, I liked it a lot and I feel that it was very useful to me, I hope to read other books that make me feel this way.

  • “It is possible to become omnipotent through love”
  • “Every time we try to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too”
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Day 3

  • I feel Spartan’s motivation is also directed more towards studying, especially I feel the desire to read more books and learn as many things as possible.

  • Today at work I had to face a new situation completely alone and I had no anxiety or fear, I was concentrated and I felt as if I already knew how to do it, it was wonderful to experience because in my life I don’t remember anything happening to me thing like that

Day 4

Today I did a functional workout that was definitely out of my reach, I was very tired and destroyed (I was about to vomit from tiredness) but I am even more determined to continue it for this very reason, it is my weak point and I want to make it my strong point

Limitless + Spartan (Day 7)

I feel more confident, not that I wasn’t before but it has added a lot, I am more decisive and convinced about my ideas, my actions and in general about myself, since I have always had the belief that if someone criticized this that it was mine then he was right or I had to question it. However, I still have the open-mindedness that I have always had, but this time I am more determined to fight to assert my reasons and what comes from me.

Limitless + Spartan (Day 8)

Today I tried that workout again and it was much easier, and as I trained I thought about my mindset. Every day we make decisions, and each decision is a step towards the identity we are creating, now we don’t know how many steps are needed to reach the goal, but the most important thing is the value we give to each step.

The gratification of our decisions is always the next step, I was excited at the idea of ​​being able to do a workout that destroyed me the previous time, and what’s more I managed to do even better than I would have expected.

Instead of focusing on who I want to become I will try something I have never thought of, I will start from my decisions and see what identity they are leading me to.

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Limitless + Spartan (Day 9)

I took a personality test again and I was again INFJ-T, I took inspiration to understand where to work on myself and to look for new challenges.

INFJ is essentially a visionary, this would explain why I am so focused on self-improvement and always finding new methods to improve myself, despite this however I am also very empathetic and attentive to those around me.

I always thought I wasn’t smart enough before coming to SubliminalClub, but I was simply misunderstood because I simply have my own way of working, I am concise and seek out the most important information, I express myself better with writing rather than verbal communication ( quality that I would definitely like to improve), I often get lost in my thoughts and this often leads me to lose concentration and have to return to a certain topic.

I am very prone to self-criticism and perfectionism but this is precisely what led me to improve myself, and I understood that I rather need to train critical thinking and have more confidence in myself, remember that perfectionism is not a good thing if it causes me insecurities, I should also learn to adapt faster.

I will continue to focus on discipline and Spartan is helping me a lot with this, but I will definitely use the Mind’s Eye update as soon as it comes out.

Limitless + Spartan (Day 10)

I didn’t expect to do so much research on myself with these two titles, it’s as if they were leading me to understand myself more in order to work better. I am learning that my strengths are intuition, writing, the ability to synthesize, the desire and curiosity to learn what I am passionate about.

With Spartan being more physical oriented I’m discovering that my real weapon is my mind and my ability to tame it and take control, and now I understand Goggins when he talked about having two voices.

When I don’t feel capable I feel that push inside me that reminds me that I can absolutely be capable and even exceed anyone’s expectations, and all I need is just more control.
Every time I resist a temptation, every time I take action towards my goals, every time I do something that I don’t want to do or that I think I can’t do I am giving more strength and more power to myself.

Limitless + Spartan (Day 12)

I feel like I never stopped using Love Bomb, I feel like it’s still in my stack when in reality it’s become an autopilot journey, whether it’s internal, towards others, or lessons to learn about love yes it always presents some experience that leads me to love everything around me more and to understand its importance in my life.

Spartan + Limitless + My previous work with Love Bomb makes me feel like the person I always wanted to be. I feel the calm, discipline, inner and mental strength to face anything in my life, taking action towards my goals is becoming something extremely simple and rewarding

Limitless + Spartan (Day 15)

Today I took the personality test again, I turned out to be INTJ and I must say that it reflects me much more. For example, I have had experiences in which I enjoyed analyzing data on a certain game to find patterns to discover, I really enjoyed it and sometimes I happen to do it just for entertainment (seems to be typical of an INTJ), I like to manage , plan and be independent.

Seeing works more suited to an INTJ has inspired me and I feel they are closer to me than INFJ, and writing seems to be present in both.
I saw that Saint said in a post that a good stack for INTJ is Emperor + Limitless + True Social, I would probably modify it by inserting Mind’s Eye instead of TS or Daredevil, but it seems very intriguing, I will probably try it next cycle.

Limitless + Spartan (Day 16)

For a couple of days I’ve been complaining to myself about my job, about my current situation until a voice comes to me in my head that reminds me that I need to stop complaining, remember how lucky I am and keep working.
That voice always comes, it’s often mean but it’s absolutely right, I have to stop complaining that I’m not doing the job of my dreams (and in any case I don’t even know what it is) there are those who don’t have a job and money to eat while I have no responsibilities yet, be grateful and do what you have to do, do it like you love it and do other things during the day that satisfy you.

All the comforts I have today I have because there are people who have worked hard and I too have to do the same. Work, train and study, simple.

Limitless + Spartan (Day 17)

I have decided to invest all of myself in a project (in addition to my current work), that is to write a book which however will be a bit like my diary, I will tell my journey and the lessons I have undertaken throughout my journey giving vent to my creativity.
Getting to know myself better I realized that I express myself better through writing, so this project will be an excellent opportunity for myself to work on my strengths and improve my journey towards personal growth.

Limitless + Spartan (Day 18)

Today is my last day of listening, I will start directly next Friday with Emperor + Limitless (I had already added Emperor to my stack).
I’m leaving to take a job course, so my tasks will increase but also my income, and I currently feel that Emperor and Limitless are the right path. It will be a new experience that I have never had, I imagine that I will be able to learn a lot and above all test myself in new situations, it can definitely be good to get away from the monotony of work.
I’m happy because the last few months, especially this one, have been moments of great introspection, I’ve understood myself a lot and I feel very close to something important.

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Limitless + RoD ~ First cycle (Day 1)

This last week I’ve been quite busy with a course that I needed for my job, I did a 9 day washout and now I’m back with RoD + Limitless.
I was very anxious about this course but it went much better than I expected and it was a really useful experience.

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Reason behind this choice

Spartan gave me a big push to start being more disciplined, I didn’t expect to have so many revelations about myself with this title honestly but I think it has to do first of all with the mentality and personality to be able to achieve that objective, and it is precisely on this last point that I based my choice.

When I run a subliminal it becomes easier for me to enter into a certain personality but above all to learn from it, I learned a lot even in just one cycle of a title. This doesn’t mean that I change myself when I perform that particular subliminal, I simply come into contact more easily with that part of me that I haven’t had the opportunity to express, I learn and then I proceed with the next title or I continue with the same title.

For the moment I have decided to leave one main title to perform (Limitless) because it reflects what I have always wanted to pursue, what most resonates with who I am, and the second title is based on what I want to learn.
With Limitless it becomes easier for me to understand the impact that the second subliminal has on me, it becomes easier for me to learn from the experiences I have in that period and to draw great lessons from them, especially when I go back to reading my diaries.

I decided to perform a title that intrigues me and that reflects me, I have always been a dreamer but I have also always been a spectator in my life, I have always been afraid of taking the initiative and doing what I want, I am also finding this in this period of my life, I would like to take risks but I don’t want to leave the security I have for the unknown, for the fear of having to travel alone on a path that I don’t know, that I don’t know where it will take me.

I want to take control of myself first of all to continue my journey, and I have decided to do it this way, looking as much as possible within myself to discover what I need.

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Limitless + RoD ~ First cycle (Day 3)

Unfortunately I can’t say much because I’ve had severe pain in my tooth for a couple of days and I can’t sleep well, but for the little I can sleep I can say that my dreams are more vivid

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Limitless + RoD ~ First cycle (Day 8)

I definitely dream more however I’m still a spectator and can’t take control, also when I do have more vivid dreams and remember them I feel like I haven’t fully rested

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Limitless + RoD ~ First cycle (Day 9)

I had an incredible result with Limitless.
I attended a course that I needed for my job, everything I learned there was mainly through listening and reading the slides, I didn’t even have time to study in the hotel and I had to get at least 75/100 for pass this exam. I took the exam in pitiful conditions, after 9 hours of course, the delay of the planes (plus misfortune with a ticket taken for the wrong day), plus other hours of travel because due to bad weather they took us to a another airport, I only manage to get a couple of hours of sleep and then I start the exam. Honestly, I didn’t expect anything because I took it for granted that with all these situations I wouldn’t be able to pass it, and instead it went quite well.:muscle:t2:

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RoM + RoS + RoD (Day 3)

I started the washout of the previous cycle earlier than expected, I preferred to think about resting and starting again later with the new stack, for the first time I will run the entire Revelations series. There are few actions that I will follow for the moment, they will mainly focus on my religious practices, writing (online, offline and dream diary), and physical activity.

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