Seeing subs in a dream

Last night I had a dream about my subs. Yep! I dreamed about the subs themselves.
My current stack is Emp + HoM + Wanted + GLM (on rest days).
I saw the names of the 3 main subs lined up in front of me. Black font on a white background. Or was it a white table? :thinking:
Emp on the left, HoM in the middle and Wanted on the right. Then something or someone highlighted HoM. I believe it was circled in red. Then something or someone tells me that this is the sub that is working right now or this is the sub I need to focus on. I can’t remember exactly.

Has anyone else ever had dreams about the subs themselves?


I’ve had dreams that show me that my mind is processing the script of the subs. Last night, I had a dream that I was on a date with some random guy and I was eating a steak dinner. He told me that I should try the shrimp, too. LOL This dream must have been influenced by either Seductress or Libertine and by Emperor Fitness stage 3. The first time I listened to this stage of EF, I had a dream that showed me that I should include lots of protein in my diet.


My subconscious was basically telling me about my stack. Crazy!!!
@SaintSovereign + @Fire : Whatever you guys put in those subs work!!!

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There has to be something that my subconscious is trying to tell me about HoM. I’m listening to it right now and it is almost unbearable. I’m feeling slightly dizzy. I’m feeling sleepy and tired too. I need to take a nap after the loop. It’s like someone opened a faucet in my brain and water in running down my whole body. Is recon coming? Or is it that my subconscious is trying to me that I reached my processing limits for that sub and I need to chill a bit?

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Saint did mention that HoM is one of the densest subs they made, and one of the hardest to run, as not only the scope is really broad (plus creating a dynasty is not something that would happen in a matter of months, even a year is still barely enough time), but the script is long as well, I’ll link it with an edit.

Edit: there you go

And here