Seductive Rich Empress

Round 1 is complete.

None of the goals were achieved and I feel that I have already started to slip back into my old routine. The next Round started today. The goals are the same.

Goals with metrics

  • Balanced hygiene - 2 at home spa days and 1 bath instead of shower per week.
  • Improved self-care - Journaling 3x per week.
  • My desired body proportions - Keep my breast size while losing 5 inches around my stomach.


  • Dissolve negative financial beliefs - Remove the belief that I am not meant to prosper.
  • Manifest business partners/investors - Obtain 2 backers, mentors, or mix by the end of the 2nd cycle.
  • Develop wealth strategies - Have 3 wealth strategies I can act on by the end of the 2nd cycle.


  • Increased productivity - Complete more day to day tasks with better efficiency.
  • Improved discipline - All tasks will be finished and procrastinating will be on a 5 minute timer.
  • Cognitive enhancement - Being able to think out of the box and on the fly.

Seductress ZP
Emporer ZP

Listening Schedule
Day 1: Seductress ZP, R.I.C.H. ZP; Day 2: Rest, Day 3: Emporer ZP; Day 4: Rest. This pattern will continue for a total of 6 sets.

What if you dropped Emporer for a cycle to give Seductress & RICH more focus? Seductress can be consciously guided towards business goals and not just physical shifting.

I’m finding faster results with 2 subs rather than 3 atm.

Sorry for the lack of updates. I have hit a depressive state while dealing with personal issues. Don’t know if I will pick this up again.

Comrade one down!
I repeat one down!
Retreat again I repeat!

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Did you see my suggestion above?!

I’m rooting for ya !!!