Season 2: NFTW (which one are you?) [11.11.23]

I keep seeing triplets and quadruplets!

Nothing new but definitely a major increase lately.


I keep seeing 555 and 5555


After I left a place yesterday, I walked in the direction where I saw a triplet number on a license plate and then I thought to myself, ā€œwhy do I always see triplets ā€¦do other people see triplets?ā€ :laughing:

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Iā€™m sure they do NOT

Itā€™s the subs

And how the universe communicates with you

I told a religious woman I know who sees angelic numbers- that I also see angelic numbers but she couldnā€™t believe the frequency I see them :joy:


I saw them long before I started with subs. 3 years ago, we decided to visit a friend who didnā€™t feel to well.
When we entered the highway at 11:11am the remaining distance was 111km. And on all three lanes of the highway the cars had 111 on their license plates. And thatā€™s just one of many incidents, also the most spectacular.
Another time, I took a friendā€™s dog for a walk and we saw over 20 cars with triplets just on one road.
My aunt, who is going a very spiritual path and following a guru for 40 years now and introduced me to angelic numbers sees them regularly. When I took her to the airport one day, I showed her all the triplets Iā€™ve seen and she was shocked at the sher number :rofl::rofl::rofl:


ā€œAngel numbersā€ seem to be the result of focused thought of any kind. I tend to get them after long meditation sessions or even back when I trained martial arts a lot. Iā€™ve been meaning to ask @Yazooneh to confirm if thatā€™s his experience after long training sessions.


Interestingā€¦ I never noticed them before sub club and I meditated much more years agoā€¦ but Iā€™m a different person now

I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m focusing all the time but I do have a ridiculously hyperactive mind that never stopsā€¦ I take it for granted, others arenā€™t the sameā€¦ I can talk forever about anything.

I just assume a lot of activity must be going on beneath the surfaceā€¦. I can perform my mundane job and BAM! :boom: angelic numbers are everywhere for me lolol

I see all different ones tooā€¦ not just 11:11

Perhaps the occurrences came more going the custom routeā€¦

For me it all started 2017 when I started to see the seventeen everywhere. Sometimes as 17 sometimes cross sum of dates or timestamps.
After Iā€™ve met my fiancee and she told me she sees the 11 everywhere it started to switch to 117.
When I started on the path of personality development it started to turn ridiculous. Pairs, triplets everywhere.
I think it has something to do with the reticular activating system on the one hand. Once you know, they have a meaning your subconscious starts to filter them out of the myriads of information out there.
On the other hand, I believe, angels use them to tell you something.


Yes, Iā€™m well aware of RAS :slight_smile:

And those of us who are more open and believe the universe is friendly and speaks to us probably see more situations


Lately, Iā€™ve been seeing 11:11 almost daily.

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Can we get RM:Vibes to come out april please and thanks

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I started seeing them back in 2012-2013. It all started with 69, would run into it daily in random locations.

When I started dismissing it to just mental focus, it got even stronger. I remember after finishing a work out, in the same gym and right under that TV that was playing Limitless movie some days ago, Iā€™d sit to catch my breath and have a snack, only to see next to me a big banner with some ad the gym was running. The number on it was something like 696969xx. I laughed and said to myself that thereā€™s no escaping you.

After a while of it driving me nuts, I once told my friends back then about it and they said that its just my mind focusing on it, so Iā€™d be aware when it passes by. After a long talk, I realized that theyā€™re just not seeing it. We continue walking down the road next to a beachfront, and the only car parked there, after midnight, had multiple 6969. They just laughed in amazement and moved on.

Almost a decade later did I realize that it meant As Above So Below. Or I was just horny, who knows.

Iā€™d still get the Angel numbers when I run RoS or meditate/workout for a duration. Often now, the numbers are repetitions of 11, 12, 3 and especially 33 when working with RoS


For sure, I see signs of all kinds

My favorite is 37 because itā€™s short of 1337 which is leet (elite) in nerd speak

Thanks for the tag!


I donā€™t know much about this phenomena, but I have been seeing a certain number that I donā€™t particularly like for quite sometime now.

Perhaps itā€™s my subconscious nudging me to change something. Iā€™m running a different stack now and will observe if it that changes. That being said I feel better today than the weeks prior.


I mentioned at work how I see numbers and a guy there said he sees 666 over and over and laughedā€¦ he was wasnā€™t kidding though. That never happened to me. But then again, itā€™s usually on a clock or phoneā€¦ sometimes post counts on forums


Hahahaā€¦ no itā€™s not those numbers, but Iā€™d be weirded out if I saw that everywhere. Would probably refrain from watching horror films too.

That said, I think Iā€™ve read somewhere that, that combo isnā€™t so bad in some cultures.

Half joking here but honestly some films out there have strange vibes.

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I donā€™t watch horror movies or anything I feel implants bad seeds


I love horror movies, but I do think they can put bad seeds in my brain too. Like that one time I thought it was a good idea to watch Sinisterā€¦alone in the dark, and after smoking a blunt.


The subconscious cannot take a joke

Broooo hahaha

Watched Hell House Origin yesterday night it was scary af!