SargeMaximus: Heart of Man (Heartsong, Primal, Executive, Paragon Ultima)

Exhausted today. My right bicep feels like I must have pulled it on Wednesday when doing bicep curls. Gonna stay away from the gym till it’s healed. Also gonna add more calories to my daily intake as it seems I’m not eating enough atm

Met a woman on pof a few days ago. She’s very eager and chatty, always messaging me first, I’m taking things slow and following her lead. Tbh I’m starting to think as men all we can do is allow or not allow things, it’s the woman who decides ultimately. One can’t force attraction so, if it’s there, you
Just decide how far down the River you are willing to go.


So this is where I get off the boat :slight_smile:

A woman that seems more interested in talking to you than having sex with you is definitely not interested or sees you as a provider.

And so, I still have no new women since starting these subs.

Killed it in sales again today. Honestly, it’s just because of the hail damage. This is the easiest of the easy mode. That said, I did use my skills to convince more than a few people to get an estimate who were initially not interested. Also noticed I was getting polarized responses. Perhaps that’s Primal. A few VERY cute women were visibly attracted, one was even giggling and rotating her hips as if turning if you know the motion. Not like a hoola dancer, but just swiveling. She was the cutest and I would love to have had some fun with her but I don’t do that while working unless invited in. Just like a vampire.

Anyhow, the people that were rude or curt were on the less attractive side of the scale. Very interesting.

I was also in my “I love everyone” state, but instead of get taken advantage of like normally happens when I’m in that space, it was like my Primal aura was so overpowering it didn’t matter if a few people thought I was weak or whatever reason they had to be so rude. I made $200 in a little over an hour.

Edit: Also notable is that I haven’t used Executive since I stopped a few weeks ago. Only been using Heartsong and Primal.


Spoke with the guy I sell leads to today. He’s pleased and says people are mentioning me and complimenting me to him. All good things.

I’m excited for next week as if I hit a few goals I have I will be adding a large chunk of change to my stock portfolio.


My fwb contacted me today. Apparently her kid is living with her as he waits to move back to his other city. She wanted me to know because she sensed I was assuming she was over me. So that’s a good sign I suppose. I told her I fully expect her to make it up to me in bed. Pic below


My right bicep still hurts a bit. If I extend it too far it hurts a lot. Not just a normal ache from going to the gym. So, I’m gonna postpone going to the gym till thursday. That should give me enough time.

Went out to some shops today and felt a bit anxious, especially at the second place. Similar to panic attacks I used to get. I’m guessing it’s a symptom of the shitty food I had recently. I “treated” myself to some chicken mcnuggets yesterday for doing sales, and it may also be the dairy I’ve added to my diet. Dairy is no good but I need calcium, so not sure what to do. Plus, dairy has loads of calories and it’s hard enough getting calories as it is. Hopefully the anxiety isn’t lasting. I feel fine at home.

Bicep is suddenly better. Maybe the added calories was all I needed. So, I’ll be hitting the gym tomorrow.

In other news, today I ran Heartsong, Primal, And Executive Solace. Since Executive has Ultrasonic in it, I had to wait till my brother was gone to listen to it on speakers. Very inconvenient since I usually listen to my subs during the time he’s still asleep and I can’t do anything in the house anyways, but when he’s gone, I have things I want to do. Having to sit for an hour listening to a subliminal is a bit inconvenient when you want to get food or do cleaning or whatever. So I do hope there are strictly masked versions of all programs moving forward, but I don’t hold my breath.

Anythow, I’ll be doing sales later as the weather seems to be good still.

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Got 13 leads today. Took me about 2 hours. I don’t think Executive did anything because I noticed no difference from today vs. yesterday. I must have had it too low but any louder and I’d risk the landlord and his family upstairs hearing it so I guess I won’t be using it. Totally sucks. Why there’s not a plain masked version of it I’ll never know.

I offered the guy I’m working with a break from my work. I sense I got him more than he can handle, he agreed so I have a few days off. Instead of taking the days off, I have gotten myself working with another company doing a different product in a different area of the city. I’ll work for both and alternate so neither get overwhelmed by how many leads I can get them, while still making as much as possible.

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@SargeMaximus i like the way you are straight to the point and speak your mind. I know this is a community board but i still get the feeling that you are that kind of person in real life.

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Thank you. I am. Directness and being genuine have been my greatest strengths in sales and, to a lesser degree, when dealing with women.

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Damn, seems the heat caught up with me. Exhausted today. That’s what I get for walking around in it for 2 hours. No gym today

Online manifestations have evaporated. PS was definitely doing a lot of manifesting, problem is, they weren’t girls that were warm to my form. Heartsong, I thought, is supposed to manifest girls you gel with, but so far, nothing.

Shit is weird today. Almost like reality is bending. Also makes me think of a receding tide before a tsunami

In a good way?

Not really. My fwb texted me to say her dad died so we can’t meet up this weekend. My intuition always tells me people are lying when this kind of thing happens but I know she’s probably telling the truth, but my gut is in conflict as I feel like it’s a lie.

I was reading up on cookware and how they can leech bad chemicals and metals into the food. So I had to buy some new ones after trying to fry eggs in a stainless steel pot and caking the egg onto the pot. Any scrubbing I could do to clean it off would no doubt scratch the metal. So I had to replace it.

A lead I got from yesterday which seemed very good ghosted us today it seems. Oddly I’ve noticed over the years that the leads that seem the most promising are often fakes somehow.

A few other little things. Like when at the store there was this old guy hovering around me as I was in line, he was staring at my basket which only had two pots and a carton of eggs. Yet he kept circling, fixated on the basket before walking away.

Ah man, don’t know what to say. I hope you find that goldilocks sub, I’m also on the same hunt.

That was weird. I usually get noticeable stares on EQ and PS, but no hovering, and it was pretty pleasant. EQ/Khan combo though, I felt like there was a target on my back.

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Goldilocks sub?

Oh I meant the sub that’s perfect for what you need for your goals. I’m still searching for mine, then I’ll make a custom around that and run it for a long time.

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