Sales person Stack?

I don’t feel age has anything to do with Emperor working better for older guys. I feel it’s definitely about being ready for it. I have run Emperor and I know for a fact that almost 51 years old I’m nowhere near ready for it. It is why I am running Ascension V2 . Then run Ascended Mogul before transitioning to Emperor. It’s weird to feel and be at this point considering my age . You definitely have to be ready for something as powerful as Emperor


so its mainly your financial situation not allowing you to devote most of your time to build something that makes the conflict running emperor?

@Rhinesuchus, the conversation above was 21 months ago. :slight_smile:

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Glad he made that ‘mistake’

This was an illuminating thread to revisit. :slight_smile:

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Doesn’t seem to fit in with a guy who was a founder of his own company after dropping out of college and has no problems getting the jobs he likes…

Oh, you have no idea. :blush:
In actuality, early success is hugely risky to entrepreneurs (and also traders).

The person to whom everything comes easily early in life, may never get to build his discipline/grit and resilience to failures/obstacles. :cry:

This is what those books about Growth Mindset, Natural Talent vs 10k Hours on Skills, etc. are about. There is no shortage of high IQ and high talent people who are massive underachievers.

Same for those popular guys - swimming in pussy during college, then mediocre life, both social & financial - after they’re pulled out of that cushy environment.

But I understand if I just sound like a lazy & irresponsible excuse-maker to everyone else - especially IRL.


Sound like the opposite of late bloomers. Or perhaps they pick themselves up in their 30s and start becoming successful again in their 40s.

It’s easier to be successful when you once had a taste of success in your earlier part of your life at least.


Even people who stay massively successful have a similar version of this

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@Simon, interesting Thread, I feel you – Scorpio’s have an all or nothing mindset, and therefore a tendency for laziness and procrastination, unless there’s something external to push them forward.

I love the idea behind this post though if one were to build a Custom based on sales, communication, and social ability which combinations of programs would someone go for? I’m seeing that charisma, charm but also persuasion is very important and possibly a magnetic presence. I loved the visionary part in Stark but unfortunately, it’s not yet available in the Q-store (@SaintSovereign, perhaps sometime ever?).

I’d say Ascended Mogul + Power Can Corrupt or Sex & Seduction + Daredevil and some modules to enhance your own capabilities, those would be more subjective.

Let me know your recommendations!


Likely. At least, I never doubt my potential to achieve something. :blush:

I can relate to those contents. Will read up soon. Thanks. :+1:t2:

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I’m also Taurus Ascendant. Super Loyal to my comfort zone. :sweat_smile:

We have much better options now than we did 2 years ago.

Medici, Gold, Stark, or Khan would be my Core picks – for different types of salespeople… depending on what their day-to-day actions are.

SQ & K4 will be better for the Presenter, Speaker, Smooth Talker, Social type.
They like to have limelight on themselves, and enjoy swaying people their way.

HM & G4 are better if your role resembles a CEO, Negotiator, or Trusted Advisor / Consultant.
Where the attention needs to be on the issues, not you or any other person.

PCC, S&S, QL, and others should be seen as Stackables, not the main Sales engine.

No comments on Custom Modules. Not my forte. :slight_smile:


What’s good for lawyers and similar types? :slight_smile:

If it was me, I would use Medici + Quantum Limitless (for all the data crunching). :smile:

HM has better shrewdness and tactician thinking, while
G4 leans more towards wealth building and strategic thinking.

Note: This won’t make you Harvey Specter. :wink:

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Ok I get it. Thanks.

I have to disagree on that, Khan, Stark, or Medici could be used for Sales but are far too extensive and purposely created for a wider range of goals.

The Custom I was referring to would outcompete these Major Titles tremendously. There’s nothing better than a Custom focused on a few goals, packing lighter programs together that align with those goals. Any of those Major programs are far-reaching and have a great number of qualities, nonetheless, they should not be pursued if the user has not built a solid foundation. Nor are they created for the sales-person, however it could work but not optimally.


Among what we have available, in your opinion what would? (at the least, closest to)

I’d pair the stack with BLU & LibU.



Very interesting, no EQ in this stack. I was so set on EQ but the more I read about Khan, the more I am intrigued. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, they are invaluable specially to those starting out such as myself.

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Thanks to Ultimas, we’re capable of a lot of different variations now.

In the context of Harvey …

Emperor’s advantages over Khan are his higher skills/intelligence and the discipline/productivity.
These effects can now be brought to Khan with BLU, ExU, ComU, etc.

Khan’s big advantage is his love for Social Dominance (meeting people & closing), vs Emperor who’ll just walk away from a bad environment (eg. prospect).
These effects however, cannot be replicated with say - TSU, SgU, etc.
[Edit: Maybe with StarkU. :thinking: – It’s sitting on my phone, but I haven’t tried it yet.]

Still more combinations are possible. Stark + ComU, for example.
It depends on the user, and what they personally find most enjoyable & effective.


And then, there are even more possibilities with Customs. :blush:


nodoy’s trying to be like Mike ? :man_shrugging: