Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

hype train rumbles…

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All aboard! :bullettrain_front:


When is Q+ scheduled to be released?
Will Q+ be available for the regular titles at


Bruh, there are plenty of titles for ya’ll to play with. Q+ is TBD. Later this year. And yes, of course it’ll be available for regular titles. All will be upgraded to Q+ and they will be free upgrades.


Thanks :+1:

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Relevant to my interests:

Of course, I’m on the Quest 2 now. :wink:


GET OUT! I was just thinking earlier about unreal engine and if it would be possible for someone to create a video game on their own. I would often get these strings of thoughts and within them is a key-word that I would encounter throughout the day.

I guess this was it, I will check it out. Hmm, form inner circle? Thanks!

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Lol am working on several games on my own now, all to be release before the year ends


Sweet! Using UE?

Sorry for going off topic, Saint.

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Multiple game engines but no unreal engine to be found here lol


Hey Saint, how closer do you think you have come into influencing the subconscious. Or is it still that much of a mystery for you guys?

Also, do you know of any exercises of sorts to build a stronger connection with the subconscious while running the sub, other than taking action?

I analyzed my journal entries. There is still a LOT of bad programming always running in the background.

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The answer to this will likely be revealed with updated tech. Its revelation is ongoing with new scripting.


Honestly, I’m not sure if there’s any way of telling. I know we’re getting better and better at this, and I believe that Q+ and Ultima+ will be the most powerful subliminals on the market. We’re talking about 1-2 loops every other day or more.

Yes, JOURNALING. Free form journaling is best, and public journaling is even better. Why? It’s the same phenomenon that occurs when you’re losing weight and you can’t see it but everyone else can. Having people validate your changes “anchors” them, makes them real for you.


R.I.C.H. manifestation –

When I was running the prototype, I was contacted by a colleague serving on a tech board with me. He told me he knew someone who was a nootropics and brain hacking expert and wanted to connect us. I’m always open to new business relationships and connections so I agreed to take the call. The individual does seem quite knowledgeable and sent me a natural “brain boosting” supplement to test with Beyond Limitless / Limitless Executive / other cognitive boosters.

I did notice a marked improvement in my mood, creativity and cognitive ability. What interests me the most is how that change in my mood affected my music production. A bit of backstory – I create music the same way I write or do other creative things. I start with a “shitty first draft,” where I just try to create a “framework” or foundation to build onto later. It’s always hilarious listening to the first framework of a song versus the final product (I’ll post one at the bottom of this post). My music has a unique sound, usually consisting of harsh frequencies, lots of dense sounds, tons of texture and a hip hop flair. What came out on this supplement (tentatively named Beyond All Limits) was this:

An early framework that’s DRASTICALLY different than everything else I’ve made in the past year. I’ve since asked him to adjust the formulation a bit before so I can test again. So, cool stuff may be coming out later this year. :slight_smile:

As for what I usually make, here’s the first version of a track I’ve pretty much finished – a “framework” that’s kinda thrown together and experimented on in order to build upon later:

And here’s the “release candidate”:


Hey, I already have the original “Beyond All Limits” on my computer. :smile:


R E C O N C I L I A T I O N on R.I.C.H. is no joke. Headache and depression feeling for two days now alongside insanely vivid dreams. I can feel SOMETHING being cleared, though.


True that. I always get recon a day or two after I played 1 loop of Rich (even lovebomb). This tells me I have some serious limiting beliefs being poked.


I had a hypnotist install this kind of scripting during a session, and now I have a special trigger phrase that I can say when I want to fall asleep. I say it several times with specific visualizations, and I can literally feel myself relaxing and then sinking downward… and unless my daughter cries in the night loud enough to wake me up (we’ve still got her crib in our room), the next thing I know it’s morning. I used to have terrible insomnia, and this has replaced some very potent sleep supplements (including 10mg of melatonin, among other things)


Is there some sort of healing scripting in RICH?

Also, is the RICH in the Q store in Ultima B format, or is it just the RICH in the main shop that has the B format?

That sounds fascinating. How long does it take to get through the full thing before sleep sets in?
How long ago did you have this done? Does it seem to “stick around” or do you have to have it redone every so often?