Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

Yes, productize yourself. But it falls entirely flat if you’re gone.

Can’t sell a personal brand :wink:


Yes, fame is pretty awesome too.

It’s that Tony Stark factor.

Our conversation was making me think of that iconic and iconoclastic scene at the end of the first Iron Man film when Tony Stark goes to a press conference and pretty much just tells the world, ‘Yup. I am that guy.’

It was such a genius story-telling move. It 1) instantly ups the ante and drama of the ongoing story, while at the same 2) telling you as a viewer, ‘This is not your normal super hero movie. This dude is here for the s**ts.’ And 3) it gives you insight into the personality of this very, very interesting person.

Stark is built for fame. Unlike all of those old heroes that we were used to. Sitting around brooding in their colored underpants. haha. This guy is Zorba the Greek (kind of). And he intends to fit a lot of living into this life.

(It also just struck me how, as their respective universes’ archetypal super-wealthy superheroes, Batman and Iron Man essentially embody both inverse traumas and inverse personas. Pretty interesting.)


It can but it can’t. Wealth alone can’t put you in movies, give you a social platform to inspire a global audience, or get to interact with a fan base.

But again, those are the values that are important to me. I want to have a platform to help inspire many.

Not everyone wants that life, which I get. Wealth and fame do intertwine yes, but there are differences.

Being a pioneer and inspiring a new generation with my footprint would mean so much.

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Wait for the Revelator then. :blush:


What is that? tell me more

Here, mate:



Not sure about developers. But I´ve had a look at the US job market for cybersecurity.
Ranges from 70-200k/year. Ofc you´d have to bring the necessary skills etc. to the table, and I don´t know about the living cost of you guys, but for me that sounds like a decent way of building a base. Using the money from that to launch my own thing then.


I’ve seen too many people (myself included) land “jobs that are impossible to get” in the middle of a recession to ever pay attention to what the media are saying about the job market.


This is a good point. I’ve noticed this first hand with my family, they always want to circle back to how hard life is and how jobs are hard to come by. That immediate circle of influence is the real killer when it comes to this stuff, unfortunately I can’t disregard it 100% especially when my own life gets complicated.

Also Saints journal seems to always turn into a general discussion journal lol


Woahhhh! This got me excited! So many questions

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Those are the last people I talk to about my career, dreams and so on. Not that they’re bad people. They’re just trying to protect to from disappointments. Their way of doing it is trying to get you to play small and low ball yourself.


I got recruited as well for my current job. I didn’t even have to apply.

Just so happens I was running RICH


I don’t disagree. I feel like a lot of that comes down to mindset and self belief

I was looking at job listings in my area a couple of months ago and the salary were just under six figures. I could easily live off that no problem. Be debt free before I know it and start working towards financial independence


I don’t even go that far. I learned years ago that what the media says is fabricated. I know how the news industry works. They literally make up the news. I’ve done some of that myself as a (former) marketer.

My attitude is that what the media says is really none of my business.


You’re not wrong

Every generation complains of some economic uncertainty, dating back hundreds of years, yet there are people who prosper. There are success stories all the time.

Once you realize that WE are the masters and controllers of our reality, that is when opportunities start to flood your way like a waterfall.


When I was living outside of the US, we’d often hear the media say “Don’t travel to that country. It’s a war zone. It’s dangerous!”. We were just living normal lives. :joy:
We would hear the news and wonder if they were talking about us or some other country because what they were saying was so far removed from factual reality.
So yeah… Trust the media at your own expense!


There’s a great module duo that worked really well with recalibrating my brain when it’s been exposed to too much irrelevancy like Social Media etc.

Psych Augmentation and Restoration

I’ve also deleted my social’s for the time being.

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I so resonate with this sentiment. Especially of the media in US. There narratives about my country are so one-way, that now a days most people here can just predict how they will interpret any event that happens here. I swear I would be shocked if they showed anything positively or took any event positively.