Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

If I counted correctly there are 64 major titles including the multi stages , the recent updates, and releases such as Ascension Chamber


I was actively runnng it. I ran the sexual monstrosity once, lol.


The world aint ready yet! Think of Promethious who gave knowledge to mindkind… dude got pecked by birds and couldnt die untill Kratos offed him in GoW2… :skull:


With Ultimate Power comes the Ultimate… eehh… plebeian mob with torches and pitchforks trying to bring you down because they find your mere being existentially provoking :sweat_smile:


@SaintSovereign Any time frame on the updated objectives?


Soon. I’m going to start uploading them ASAP.


Would you consider starting a new topic when you start uploading them so it would be easier to flag?


The updated objectives I am most excited to read is Dragon Reborn and EOG


Stark, EoG, Khan and some others for me


Any update on the objectives @SaintSovereign ?


Fire is doing a second run through on the first batch (about 11 titles) as I write this. Making sure all the objectives are listed and is descriptive enough for everyone to understand.


We are super eager to read them!!!


Updates ??? :slight_smile: we only just got zp and now we have more updates ?

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Updates are for the objectives


Eventually they will do a v2 zp i am sure… i think saint mentioned awhile ago that fire discovered even more cool stuff for zp

but for now they are working on the objective lists for titles


I’m excited for the updated objectives myself


They should be coming today. Well, some of them. Possibly all. We’ll see.


Oh yes please!

To myself: “Please don’t let it be an April Fool’s joke”


Ya’ll really don’t know what we go through sometimes, how far we have to go to protect this industry. I’m going to elaborate later, but I’m going to bring this issue into the public eye, like I always do, so you can be aware.

The moderator of the largest subliminal subreddit has appointed himself as a Philosopher King. He has decided that not only are ultrasonic subliminals completely bunk (even though he doesn’t understand even the basics of how sound works), he is demanding that a subliminal creator must submit their affirmations and build method to him for “evaluation” to be included on a list of “Approved Creators.” If you do not comply, he is systematically creating hit piece videos and uploading them to YouTube and making a post about the video on that subreddit.

Despite the fact that this alone is unethical, he is refusing to disclose publicly that he has a website and Patreon where he is selling his own subliminals.

EDIT: In a thread where people began to point out how shady his behavior was, he deleted all the comments then claimed that it was my “alts.” It wasn’t. One of his own subscribers did, and others were incensed at discovering that he didn’t disclose the financial conflict of interest.

I don’t think I need to point out to this audience why this is alarming and why it’s an issue. He attempted to make a light attack on us and quickly got educated. To start, he confused hz with khz. He thought we were taking a 200hz sound (the human voice) and lowering it to 20hz.

Those of you who have read our manual knows that you’re actually taking a 200hz sound and wrapping it in a 20000-25000hz signal, which is 20-25khz.

So, here is a man who doesn’t know the difference between hz and khz and also has no knowledge of how modern speakers works.

When we pointed this out, he then began to claim that “modern headsets don’t support 20-25khz.” That, too is an absolute falsity. When we showed him that damn near every speaker and headset supports that range, even the cheap / free earbuds given to you on an airline, he simply avoided that dialogue.

Meanwhile, I tried to appeal to reason with him in private and he responded with the most condescending message I’ve ever seen. It is very rare, and I mean RARE that you see @Fire irritated. It takes a lot. Our entire team often feeds off his very calm and soothing energy. When he gets mad, you REALLY did something messed up.

I’m not quite proud of myself with some of my responses, but you gotta understand – the YouTube subliminal market primarily consists of young creators. We’re talking about 14-25ish. It’s also very woman dominated. The notion of a 47 year old man, demanding that these young creators open their intellectual property to him for “approval” or have a hit piece created against you is appalling. I’m not claiming this about this particular individual, but this is exactly how power abuse begins. And I do NOT like bullies. I think everyone here knows this. We believe in choice and free will.

It begins with a single individual declaring themselves a philosopher king, ruling over a particular niche with a single-minded focus of accruing power. It demands that everyone conforms to their idea of what’s right. It proceeds to force new faces (in this case, independent subliminal producers) to get your “approval” or be trashed – just like this individual is attempting to do by demanding that these producers send their intellectual property rights for his “evaluation,” even though he too, creates subliminal audio for sale. Once the niche grows big enough, that already unethical “approval” process always takes a nasty turn. And now, if you want to get into the industry, you have to do “favors.”

When I finally – as I always do – challenged him to a public debate, in which we would argue the merits of what he’s doing, plus since he keeps calling our titles “snake oil,” we would both submit our best titles for public evaluation and see who gets a better response, he got angry, sent a 3-4 page letter of insults and refused to participate. I think we know why.

We know how he creates his “subs,” and I promise you, this is akin to you taking a tape recorder, saying a few affirmations and lowering the volume.

I think you already know that we are not going to allow this to happen. Subliminal Club can withstand anything this individual thinks he can throw, but recently (and I’m sure some of you have noticed this), we’ve been promoting more open dialogue about the creation of subliminals in general, as we believe this information should not forever belong to individuals who seek power in a community. You all know how @Fire and I roll – we don’t even want anyone admiring us, we want you to admire yourselves. We hate every time we see someone referring to us as “the creators” or “the founders.” We’re just some smart entrepreneurs, with a passion for self-growth and internal development.

And we’re going to keep a close eye on the situation. Do NOT brigade. But keep your eyes open. As this industry becomes more popular, more charlatans will arrive to declare themselves kings and experts, demanding that you see the world through their limited mindset.

Stay focused. Stay free.


Philosopher King?!

None shall take my throne! To arms, my brothers and sisters!

PS Sounds like a protection racket to me.