Sage - Willborn

‘Truru’ (True guru) custom idea:

Sage Immortal x True Sell, stacked with Chosen.


I’m thinking that Amor’s suggestion of a Wanted/Heartsong custom may suit Lustrocity III.

That will free up the slot taken by Heartsong major.

It’ll also allow me to decide what I’ll do with True Sell. I am tempted to make a play around custom of True Sell and Lineage; the dynamic between myself and my kid’s mom would likely improve. But, maybe in the future.


Slot 1: Lustrocity III (Wanted/Heartsong)

I really look forward to drafting that one out, already

Slot 2: I have one of my Sagittarium customs that I built mostly in response to certain threats and issues from a certain lady 🥲 it did its work so fast that I’ve hardly had issues with her since I ran it a couple of weeks. But, I haven’t touched it since (Stark/PCC cores). I miss Stark, and I’m probably going to go with Stark/True Sell, replacing PCC and several modules. I see a beautiful custom in the works.

Slot 3: Lineage: Mandate Eternal

Just thinking out loud.

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Stark, True Sell and Chosen with Wanted and Heartsong :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:


Heartsong, 3:30

Lineage: Mandate Eternal, 3 minutes.

Ascension Chamber: 7 minutes

I was on standby today, so I didn’t expect that I would have been sent out but as soon as I walked into work, my boss told me that he was probably sending me out.

Sure enough, I went out. A guy called off on the Arizona route and so I had to take his spot. I was actually supposed to get my hair retwisted today - an appointment I’ve had set for a couple of months already :roll_eyes: - but, I have cancelled on the girl that does my hair quite a few times in the past because of work already.

The sad thing is, she had called me last night around 9:30 to confirm that I was coming which she doesn’t normally do. Albeit, with some attitude :joy:

“Oh yeah no yeah sure, I’m pretty sure I’ll be there”. Or, so I thought.

I sent her the money I would have spent, anyway. She sent sad faces when she replied like 10 minutes later, which was surprising considering it was 4 something in the morning. She said she was disappointed, not mad when I asked.

I’m not sure I noted it here, but her and I went to dinner a couple of weeks ago. We had a great time. She told me a couple of days later over text she was surprised I kept my hands to myself lol.

But yeah so I told her I had been looking forward to the appointment beyond just my finally getting my hair did, and she said mhmmmmm you stay cancelling on me with a sad face.

So I replied lemme see you later today.

Anyways, what I actually wanted to say is that I had a very strange manifestation happen today; one of my customers was a foster sister of mine.

We had pulled up to a home and the lead knocked at the door but no one answered. Our office told us to keep on if they didn’t come in time but they pulled up.

I got the machines down and prepped them, and as I was walking out from taking one in, I noticed her. She was facing away from me, but my attention was drawn for whatever reason.

She turned, and was walking towards something and as soon as I saw her face, I felt instant recognition and it took less then a second for me to place her, though it was a bit uncertainly.

I got the other one on the dolly and as I was walking back towards the house, I debated whether or not to say something. But as I came up on her again, I said lightly, almost as a casual remark, “You remind me of a foster sister that I once had.”

I passed by her as she was saying, “Oh really? That’s crazy.”

She kinda trailed off and I kept eye contact as I was passing by, slowing slightly and waited…“Wait. What’s your name?”

I told her and she was like “No way.”

I said her name questioningly and she lit up, mouth in an ‘O’

She looked similar to how I remembered her, though of course she was much more grown up. I haven’t seen her in at least 15 years. Her laugh was just how my memory recalled, her mannerisms came back to me as we talked and seeing her caused me to realize that she reminded me of things I had forgotten growing up.

When I focused in on that, I saw that having faded out specific people in my life from conscious memory, there comes with that the effect of limiting the realistic, pure recollection of the past. And, therefore, it seems that it follow that anything I’ve built within myself as identifying with because of the past is in all likelihood at the very least, imperfect.

As we were heading to our next stop, I allowed my memory to reincorporate her consciously and it was interesting to feel how I could feel pieces of me shifting quickly and naturally into places that I didn’t know they belonged; places I didn’t know were missing anything to begin with.

I didn’t continue the process for very long, but I will later on to see where it leads and apply it in other ways.


tenor (3)

New Flame ZP

Heartsong Core
Mind’s Eye Core

  1. Chosen of Venus

  2. Depths of Love

  3. Code of Loyalty

  4. Foundation

  5. Call of Honor

  6. Transcendental Connection

  7. Achilles Heel

  8. Virtue Series: Patience

  9. Gratitude Embodiment

  10. Way of Understanding

  11. Faith Unyielding

  12. The Merger of Worlds

  13. Divine Will

  14. Yggdrasil

  15. Void of Creation

  16. Gorgeous Manifestor

We’ll return to this program in 3-5 business days!

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Lustrocity III - Draft - Edited x1

Wanted Core
Sex Mastery Core

APS: Hair

SPS: Integumentary System

Sexiness Unbound

Seducer’s Gaze

Enchanting Smile

Focused Arousal


One Scent

Edge of Danger


Iron Frame

Moment Immortalized

Lifeblood Fable

Virtue Series: Patience

Inner Gasoline



Gorgeous Manifestor

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You ran Lineage yet or perhaps tapping into the sub lol!

Indeed nonono!

Wanted and Heartsong :wink:

True Sell & Mind’s Eye for those manifestations :wink:

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Wake me up, when September ends…

You glimpse the vision;)

I linked it to Lineage in RBB, LME and Ascension Chamber :slight_smile:

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I have never realized how deep this song is before today.

Lustrocity II - 3 min 10 sec

So, this girl stopped texting me back the next morning. I had been a little bit suspicious the night previous to this one when I told her to call me and she said she was ‘with family’.


The other day, I seen her on Instagram. People you may know. I looked at her bio and saw her birthday was the day before mine. I hadn’t texted her since she went radio silence but decided to screenshot it and send it to her.

No response. Not surprised.

So, today, I just noticed her again on Instagram. Different profile (says new to Instagram), no birth date in the bio. What there was, however, was a date. Next to a lock and heart. And under which was ‘Mom’.

:bulb: “family”.


The problem with most of us in the world is that most of us in the world think that there’s something wrong with us.


Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard, then succeed on purpose.

  • G.K.Nielson

I’m on screw the world, focus on me energy right now. I’m so sick of my personal and the world’s status quo.

Anyways. Today is a play day. Hopefully New Flame is completed today.

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I live the life I choose, and love the life I live.

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What’s New Flame? :eyes:

I’ve grown to accept that you don’t recall anything we talk about, lol

Good… at least Lifeblood Fable is doing something :wink:

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You have a custom with Lifeblood Fable?

Your reputation is forgetting what happened a few days ago?? :scream:

That’s rough.