Sage - Where There Is A Will


I ran EZP and LDZP this morning, 3 minutes, ultrasonic.

I took a break from the forum up until a couple of hours ago; things were getting to me, I was getting frustrated but I am back to me.

Sage Immortal Core
Chosen Core

Untouchable - UntoQ

Avatar - AvatQ

Eventide - EvTiQ

Immortal’s Blade - ImBlQ

Immortal’s Courage - ImCoQ

Faith Unyielding - FaUnQ


Stronger - StrQ

Path of Forgiveness - PaFoQ

Divine Will - DiWiQ

Divine Self-Image - DiSeQ

Wisdom Personified - WiPeQ

Light of Humility - LiHuQ

Harmonic Singularity - HaSiQ

Information Releaser - InReQ

The Flow - FloQ

Iron Frame - IronQ

Call of Honor - CaoHQ

I added Iron Frame in there. This one is to reflect a teaching of Jesus’ that goes like:

[38] Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
[39] But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
[40] And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also.
[41] And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
[42] Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.
[43] Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
[44] But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
[45] That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
[46] For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
[47] And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
[48] Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Related modules: Light of Humility (clutch add thanks to Malkuth), Avatar, The Flow, Wisdom Personified, Path of Forgiveness. Just to help a reader get an idea of why Iron Frame was important to me.

I also tend to enjoy arguing with others, just for the fuck of it. There’s nothing Christed about that state of consciousness. So yeah.

I was going back and forth about it cuz I really wanted to create a custom less than 20 modules. But between adding Iron Frame and Call of Honor, I’m okay with this custom being a bit thicker.


Dragon Tongue
Emperor’s Voice
I.Q. and Cognitive Booster
The Streams
The Single Point
Iron Frame

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I’m delaying still with purchasing the Sage/Chosen custom. Saint says they’re working to release a new iteration in the name, tentatively named Chosen: The Way of Nature.

I have been waiting to note this, but each and every module I’m considering for this custom, I feel a rightness with and this is another one of those very weird cases that have seen others mention. I’m starting to feel it activating though I haven’t even bought the thing yet.

Glancing through my recent posts on here, it makes me wonder if some version of me that has run The Way of Nature already is bleeding results to me already?

Just me theorizing. This effect hasn’t been confirmed by an owner or moderator.

But, having bounced ideas off of the wonderful @Lion, if what I’m hoping is in The Way of Nature has even 50% validity, my custom will feature that custom when it is made available on the Q store. If not, I’ll postpone this next cycle of QL ST4 to give this baby some attention, even if it’s only an experimental.


Lmao, I think I’ve used most of those modules except E.V., I.Q.C.B and the Streams (except in QL, I imagine it’s in there).

Imma have to be careful with Dragon Tongue; it’s not that I like to prove I’m right, I just enjoy the look on people’s face when I give them a new perspective.


Haha! For me Dragon Tongue is awesome for quick witty retorts. I guess that would go in the category of giving others a new perspective too :grin:


For the most part, that’s all I’ve ever wanted from Dragon Tongue and I’ve definitely seen my own natural wit greatly increased. Now that I am thinking of it, I’ve had D.T. in enough customs across different core groupings that my wit is pretty friggin developed and none of those results have faded, though I haven’t used any of those customs in months :slight_smile:


Edit: oh but no, what I have failed to realize with my own silver tongue is that there are a lot of times it’s better to just leave well enough alone. There have been plenty of times in my life that I’ve debated something with someone, and in the midst of it realized that I wasn’t even serving myself in this, let alone them and felt the need to just let it be.

And then they shifted. Strange, but I’ve seen it multiple times.


This was actually EZP and Paragon (PaZP).

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Running EZP, RZP and AsC right now.

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I’m not sure how I earned this lol, I’ve been liking less posts recently.


A new little mantra I’ve been using in the back of my head without thinking about it that I get from one of the invocations I work with:

And therefore, I vow to nevermore give permanency to worldly appearances.

It comes in handy throughout my day.

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I’ve felt like something is in retrograde the past week or so…

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The adoration and condemnation of man last only a season. Remember that the only true validation you require is in the remembrance that the Creator saw fit to send you into existence. Don’t think about that; be that. Be that spark, that impulse that It long, long ago envisioned you to Be; and then, Be More.

Your victory is assured. Rest in that and rejoice.


New manifestation exercise to keep my conscious manifestation muscles sharp:

I’m gonna start idly visualizing a hummingbird landing on my finger. That’s about it.

Started today, May 17th.

Let’s see how this goes.


I’ve sorely neglected my servitors which is fine with how the majority of them were created as they can be left to their own devices for an indefinite amount of time.

That’s another thing I’ll be journaling about when I buy the Sage Immortal custom :slight_smile:

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I am a spiritual being, having a human experience.

Believe not what others see in you; their vision is divided. Trust not what you hear others say about you; their ears have naught to do with you. Just because it feels good, this does not imply that it is good for you. The end does not justify the means; anything that claims to the contrary is not for you or of God.

Let it be.

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Without him was not anything made that was made.
If I really was the only Son of God,
where did you come from?

-That One Guy

My lead says my 636 is quieter than a hummingbird going by.

Good sign :joy:

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I’ve been wanting to do this for awhile so, posts see:

Quantum Limitless’ Updated Objectives

Massive improvement of learning potential, retention and memory.

I can say that I’ve seen this. It’s easier for me to read dense material that previously to Stage 2 and onwards was uninteresting to me. I found myself eager to go home and study my electrical textbooks for fun, and practicing and memorizing different formulas and equations.

Interestingly, I just realized that I also expanded the ‘breadth’ of the journals I’ve read here. I’ve caught myself reading more journals that talk about things like money and money making, business and economics, etc.

Achieve the Quantum Focus mode — an improvement of your natural ability to enter the zone, and now do so with greater ease and effectiveness.

I can’t say I’ve experienced this one to an extent I’ll report on, but I have. Especially at work and connecting with new people, interestingly enough.

Experience faster learning, reading and fluency of information.

Oh yeah, definitely.

Develop an eidetic, photographic memory.

I didn’t think to pay attention to this or work on this… But my memory has improved. I smoke weed at night and even my stoney memory is pretty good. Albeit, a bit slower on the recall.

Incidentally, I’ve been feeling stronger urges to quit entirely. I haven’t journaled that.

Remove all the limitations that inhibits you ability to learn and study.

I definitely have released a lot of limiting blocks towards learning, some of which I’ve noted elsewhere. Studying… While my enthusiasm to do so definitely improved, the follow through I wasn’t always consistent with. That’s not on QL, that was my choice lol.

Improve fluid intelligence, ability to critically analyze and create novel solutions.

Based off of what I’ve seen in my job and what I experienced during my time at the trade school, I’ve been experiencing this, well and truly.

Physical brain and brain chemistry improvement, make new neural connections easier and quicker

I have no lobotomies planned for the future but, probably. I don’t remember the last time I had brain fog for too long.

General hormonal improvement — your whole body is part of the learning process.

Same as the above.

Increased pattern recognition, intuitive usage and understanding of pattern recognition and resulting new patterns.

Oh, yeah. Between pattern recognition and intuitive insights, I’ve seen massive improvement in many sectors of my life. Everything from mobile gaming, to driving/riding, forum cycles, real life conversations…I’ve probably talked about this in my journal but if I haven’t, I should’ve been.

Automatically use learning / memory techniques that you know as well as be guided to learn new ones that are perfect for you.

Hmmm… I’d have to think about this one. I have been considering working with the memory palace technique that I’ve heard about but I haven’t pursued it.

A profound benefit — uncover positive, helpful knowledge hidden within your subconscious


Experience and make use of the incredible time dilation effect.

Not yet, I anticipate that will show up in ST4

Development of any and all mental structures, skills and attributes that have an effect on your mental abilities.

I’ve seen examples of hypercompetence, but I’d have to Google the list to comment on this, really. My perceptiveness is very sensitive and I can tell when people are different in very subtle ways, generally from body language. I can also just sense their mood and I get an impression of what’s wrong with them, in a general sense. My guesses have been right pretty consistently.

I’m actually about to guess what my lead is going to tell me. He’s quite literally been like, “Aye foo…” and turned to say something to me, and (woo woo incoming) I’ll feel my mind ‘flick’ towards him and pick something up and I usually let my mouth just say whatever I think he was about to say in a dry, ironic tone. I’m pretty sure I’d clock it 3/4 or 5 times, I’m rewarded with a, “Nah, what the fuck.”

I should journal more :thinking:

My intuition is certainly affected. This morning, we were on our way to Utah (myself en el pasajero) and I was on my phone. Probably reading a journal. Something told me to glance up and I saw we slightly edged towards the edge of the road through a construction zone. No shoulder, just dirt with construction cones. He corrected and we continued on. No incident here, it happens, just normal idle lane drifting.

My guy is generally an amazing driver even if he’s looking at his phone, which he just so happened to be at this time. He is the only person I’ve met who can look at a video on his phone and not jerk the wheel from not paying attention. I got a sense of unease and in my mind saw us kinda drifting our back tire over and kinda skidding back onto the road in a hasty correction.

I’m not sure why I dismissed the thought/image so quickly, but I put my full attention on my phone and about 10 seconds later, I felt the vehicle jerk hard as hell. I didn’t even bother glancing up from my phone until we were straight and slowly straightened and turned to look at his sheepish grin.

He was ashing a cigarette and took his eyes off the road. Ironic.

Massive streamlining of thoughts, experience a clearer mind, greater creativity, lessening of unwanted mind-chatter.

The streamlining perk I’ve commented on once or twice. I haven’t meditated recently very consistently, which is a damn shame for me, but I can easily tell that my meditative sessions would be greatly boosted by having spent a month on each stage up until now.

I plan to run ST4 a cycle or two before having it in a custom, but who knows what new majors may become available soon?

Develop your very own methods of studying, learning and memorization. Easily and intuitively use them to your advantage.

I can’t say I did this in actuality, but I definitely had some pretty sweet plans. Oh, I did buy a crap load of flash cards to write different things I wanted to memorize from my school work and have my lady help me out, but I didn’t use them.

Improved motivation and general increase of love for learning. Learning and studying does not have to be boring.

Yeah and I think I noted this in my journal.

Remove emotional trauma, limiting beliefs, negative emotions and energies stopping you from achieving your Quantum Limitless goals.

I saw healing regarding childhood events surrounding my intelligence and my fear of displaying it and acknowledging my intellectual potential. I think I journaled this.

Rebalance your hormones, optimize your neural patterns and prepare the groundwork for new patterns to be formed.

I’m sure.

Unite your hemispheres as well as your subconscious and conscious minds, increase the communication between them.

The Merger of Worlds?! >.>

Develop true understanding, see the truth of things.

I feel this may be more apparent to me on the coming stage but… I feel like I’m seeing this.

Distinguish between useful and useless knowledge, recognize lies and truth.


Make even greater use of sleep to consolidate, learn and master information and skills.

Not sure. If I smoked less weed, I’d have dream reports and insights but alas. Because I got high. I’m pretty sure I have a pretty freaking dope dream life but I don’t remember it past 5 seconds of being awake

Repair your whole nervous system of all physical damages while rejuvenating your system into its optimal state.

Must be.

Manifest all the information you need. Meet those who can teach you and guide you on your journey of developing your mental abilities, learning and studying.

Hmmmmmm…l will have to think on this.

More later, I’ll edit from here.

Edited edit: my silly ass didn’t realize I was basically done yesterday :joy:

Develop titanium-like discipline and dedication to your learning goals.

In my spiritual studies, mhmm.

Make use of all the information you read with ease and increase reading speed, motivation to read, information processing and recall abilities.
… and much more.

I’ve been seeing this aspect activating more and more since I’ve started QL ST… I think 2, but more apparent in 3.

I’ll return to this list later on to see if I remember anything else.


@Lion. That will be in my next custom. I tend to be a little slow in the quick and witty retorts department. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: