Sage’s Rise: the Wanted Son of Lightning

Posting to refresh my memory later.

My Custom:

Ascended Mogul
Inner Circle

Careful planning, organization and management in a profoundly calculating manner was in ancient history considered one of the most effective ways of achieving success… seen in such individuals history remembers even now – like the great military genius Cao Cao who was honoured on the levels of emperors without being one officially. Mastermind will help you plan grand plans that will help you achieve your goals with utmost creativity and rapid efficiency.

A module focused on your family, building up your relationships with each family member, creating family unity and helping other family members find themselves in life. Your connection to your family and them to you will become deeper and deeper, and each person will become more and more successful as well as happier. For the family man or woman, this is a must have.

Faith Unyielding:
Faith in one’s ideals, abilities, or a greater power has moved men to great feats that echo throughout history. Faith Unyielding will help you develop such profound faith and use it in many areas of your life – to help your connection to the deity of your religion, to help in your spiritual endeavors, to bring greater faith in your own abilities, to even inspire others with the power of your unyielding faith.

Jupiter:We manifest every moment, every second of our lives. Every moment we breathe, every moment that we are – we manifest. If we develop our ability to manifest more powerfully and more consciously, we will unlock heights we couldn’t even dream of. This is what control over your reality is truly about, and that is what the Jupiter module delivers.

Yggdrasil:Yggdrasil is a module designed to speed and open up the pathways to manifestation. Similar to the roots of a mighty tree, the pathways will become numerous and wide. You will notice the most unlikely positive circumstances and opportunities manifesting to help you with your goals.

Potentiator: The Potentiator is about stopping you from repressing your power and potential, and instead allowing yourself to express and enjoy the endless possibilities that lie before you. You will not only become aware of all these possibilities you have, but also have ideas on how to best make use of them.

Gorgeous Manifestation: A manifestation module focusing specifically on beautiful women who would be interested in you. Will highly increase the ratio of beautiful and approachable women around you. It is up to you to pull the trigger.

Lifeblood Fable: Your reputation is the lifeblood of your success in many aspects of life such as business, romance and politics. Without nurturing it, you leave an incredibly important factor to potentially random elements and accidents. Lifeblood Fable will help you shape your reputation in any way you desire – a reputation of a profound spiritual teacher, of a powerful business magnate, of a seducer who makes all weak in the knees – with Lifeblood Fable, you have the choice. Not only that, but you will also effortlessly improve your reputation generally in the most beneficial way to you and find ways to evolve it even further.

Dragon Tongue: Improving your speech and wit is an inescapable part of becoming a powerful individual, and while all our majors contain modules for mastering wit, it is an excellent idea to focus further on your Dragon Tongue. You will become better and better at reframing situations into being advantageous for you, as well as improve more and more in debates and public speaking. Being witty and funny in your very own way will easily become natural.

Direct Influencing Aura: Directly influences any person, guided by conscious intent and subconscious desires, in order to fulfill any goals ranging from wealth, love, art, simple persuasion etc.

Carpe Diem Ascended:Extreme motivation and ambition is paramount to fulfilling your life’s goals and becoming the man you want to be. This module is created for the sole purpose of manifesting and developing incredible amounts of motivation, drive and ambition, that will cause you to go after your ambitions relentlessly. Some other powerful effects include immense satisfaction whenever you achieve something (even something as simple as cleaning or eating well) and the amazing love for life you will develop. Waking up happy, motivated and driven to conquer everyday is now reality.

Mystery:We are all filled with limitless potential, countless talents and unknown abilities. The Mystery helps bring out these hidden talents you never knew you had. You will experience new opportunities to learn things and you will see unexpected talent emerging whenever you try something new. You will see yourself with abilities you didn’t know you had. You might want to ask – what abilities or talents will I see? You’re going to have to find out. That is… the Mystery.

Eye of the Storm: Losing yourself in a negative habit (or several!) can feel like drifting into a storm. With Eye of the Storm, you will regain your control over your negative habits and become able to build positive habits with greater and greater ease. Whenever you feel yourself drifting, you will be able to safely end up in the Eye of the Storm and take back control over your life. You can also use Eye of the Storm whenever you want to build new positive habits.

New Beginnings

Financial Success: Reality Shifter: Shifting reality… A concept that sounds far fetched. At Subliminal Club… it isn’t. With FSRS, we will be shifting your reality and your perception of it into a reality where financial success is the only true reality. This will result in unbelievable coincidences, luck, chance meetings etc. Wealth is within your grasp.

Secret Source: You never know the opportunities that are waiting untapped just for you. Now you have the possibility to find out all the sources of money that you can create and that will bring you continuous, rising wealth. Look out for opportunities that seem unorthodox and do not be afraid to explore with an open mind – your Secret Sources will appear.

Virtue Series: Temperance: Scarcity mindset and the desire for instant gratification are powerfully ingrained beliefs that put a screeching halt to any dreams of long term success. Develop your virtue of Temperance – turn your scarcity mindset into a mindset of wise abundance, and develop true understanding of delayed gratification.

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I have to remind myself from now on, this is different technology from Q, and the recommendations, while great, don’t apply so much (besides starting with one loop).

I’m on my third day of recon and I can still feel the Looming in my head. Now that I focus on it, I can’t even really pinpoint where in my head meat the sensation is originating, but it feels like the top of my head and my forehead. I didn’t feel this yesterday.

The only thing that has been helping is doing regular breathwork.

I have a feeling it’s not reconciliation as much as energetic, though.

If I’m Ascending, don’t worry, I’ll brb

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I’m seeing with Wanted that when I’m talking to people, particularly women, I say what needs to be said. Nothing more.

I’m even noticing it on here in my replies to others, I have less of an inclination to respond to everything as much.

I just did early morning meditation with PATHS Terminus and then two loops of Paragon Complete (while resting). I have a sensation now that sends like what you call the Looming. Feels like an energetic traffic jam on the top of my head down to my mid-forehead.

I’m about to go out with the fam shortly and will be walking for a bit; so I’ll see how the general aerobic activity and circulation of blood affect it.

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I accidentally put third day of recon instead of my third rest day…


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If you can remember, let me know your findings

By the way, this is it in a nutshell.


As I still feel a sense of Looming today, I will be taking this entire next week as a washout, which will be 10 consecutive days when complete.

I just noticed something in the mirror that tells me Wanted is doing things.

My facial hair has refused to evolve into a goatee for years and I’ve always wanted to grow a goatee similar to Ice Cube’s (he’s my dad’s cousin) but it never connected or even attempted to.

That is until recently apparently, because at some point the left side of my facial hair going from my mustache to my chin hair is growing. The right side is… Well you know, these things happen in time :rofl:

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The Way of the Superior Man is the best book I’ve read for my personal life since the Kyballion.

I’m glad @Palpatine recommended it in the book thread. It’s doing wonders for my relationship with my girlfriend.

That wasn’t me. Someone recommended it to me but forget who

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You’re right, it was @AlexanderGraves.

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One of my favorite songs by him:


If I were to post a picture of my dad or my son, the resemblance is immediately recognizable.

I love that song as well, it reminds me of GTA.

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So for the most part I’ve honored my washout.

I did end up playing a single loop of my custom Monday to give a nice boost to my orientation week (which as of yesterday is complete).

Today, I want to play my custom and feel right about it so I’m going with RebirthQ and then SoL.

I may skip tomorrow and Sunday in order to get back to my first day being Monday, or I’ll start Wanted again.

I have had what I consider to be amazing results this week in areas I wasn’t looking for, and will provide a comprehensive list at the end of the day as I have ten hours of driving to do today back and forth to California, so this will be great.


I haven’t updated because since I left for my California trip, I’ve been pretty much nonstop.

I’m on my first day of driving, my trainer is a cool Italian cat so we’re vibing well.

When I get home from my training run to SLC tomorrow, I’ll be able to catch up.


I have not been journaling and that’s got to change. I’ve been going through so much and now I have no way to record it since I don’t retain memory long lmao.

Listening to R.I.C.H. I have just received that Denon earbuds with flat response that @RVconsultant recommended in another thread (thanks guy), so finally I’m back to Ultima!


I haven’t slept at all tonight, even though I took a melatonin. Just as I was falling asleep ten minutes ago, my kid woke up crying :open_mouth:‍:dash:

I’m in a bad mood, which I can easily say is recon and lack of sleep. I’ve been overplaying and not paying attention to rest days this week.

Silly me

Edit: I’ll be doing a washout

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I wasn’t going to admit this but lately pornography has been kicking my ass and I’m not sure where this extra desire for hyper stimulation is coming from.

I also noticed a huge increase in my desire to smoke.

I ended up not going with that trucking company for reasons, and am going to be focusing on doing ride share work while I get my post certificate, thank you @COWolfe for the link and resources the other day

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Though I went against my normal regimen and overplayed things last week, my loop of SoL was shining today.

Being that Ascended Mogul is in there and I haven’t been working, I haven’t had chance to notice but immediately when I went in this morning to put in this application, I sensed calm, confident power in my posture, manner and bearing.

Was that redundant?

Anyways, I see great things coming soon.

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