Sage’s Rise: the Wanted Son of Lightning

Yesterday I woke up exhausted and felt drained. It is probably because it was my rest day from coming off of a week of washout, but others at work and my lady felt similar so it is either also the retrograde or a bug.

Work was ok. I got upset a few times because of mistakes I made or delays we encountered but for the most part, the day was smooth.

I have less desire to even journal about this kinda thing but in the interest of chronicling things, I will note that yesterday, after I got off work, my girl let me hit her pen.

We went to Walmart so I could get some money.


It seemed like the majority of women I walked past couldn’t resist looking at me. There was one heavier light skin girl that stared me down for like 5 seconds as I was coming towards self checkout, not blinking or breaking eye contact. I actually felt slightly uncomfortable but I held it longer than her :rofl:

A fucking BEAUTIFUL girl that was with some dude kept trying to sneak casual glances at me while they were in line and then again at the red box and AGAIN as he and her were passing by me. I was in the money center line.

I again felt uncomfortable cuz I wanted to look at her too but I also don’t care to fight a dude over a female. But she was gorgeous. At least the top half of her face, anyway. She reminded me of a crush I had/have, come to think of it.

There were plenty more women but like I said, I’m not that interested in focusing on these things. Plus, they were making me nervous cuz, though she was not next to me for the most part, I was worried about my lady catching one of them cuz…

(I just didn’t want my girl to pop outta nowhere to choke somebody)

I wondered if I only noticed all of these women cuz I was high at the time.

Today I woke up fatigued but I quickly felt energy come and I have an easy sense of optimism. I was very much done with my job yesterday and even texted my girl that I’m looking for a new one which I never do. I was just over it.

I don’t feel even a hint of that at the moment so hopefully even though my driver says it’s supposed to be raining today in Utah, it’ll be clear skies from here.

No tips yesterday.


I forgot to say that today I’m listening to the Executive rather than Limit Destroyer :slight_smile: only for today, though.

I’ve used it once or twice but I think that was before I bought my first Ultima compatible headphones so I doubt I ever actually got benefits. And what’s funny is that I got it free but never tried it.

I tried DIAMOND, though…

Yeah, so I’m gonna run it to see if I can get a boost in productivity :slight_smile:

After a month or two of idly working on this, I finished it up on the commute to cedar city. I probably have The Executive to thank for that lol.

Heartsong Core


Alexander’s Play

Soul Connection

Chosen of Venus

Divine Self-Image

Depths of Love

Joie de Vivre

Strength of Gentleness

Blue Skies

The Wonder

Light of Humility

Way of Understanding

Emotions Unfettered

Attachment Destroyer




Stop Porn and Masturbation

Inner Gasoline


What I like about this custom is that scanning the modules list, I don’t get a single twinge of “does that belong there, though” or “maybe this will work better”.

I’ll get it in five minutes if I don’t have a change of heart. Huehue.

I’m tempted to squeeze Sexual Manifestation in there but once again, scanning the modules list I get a sense of rightness and I’m not gonna tread on it.

Purchasing now.


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Mine did the same thing but the jiggle didn’t help. I took them to a local electronics repair and they said they couldn’t repair them even though every part is supposed to be replaceable according to sennheiser.

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You kept them though, right?

First impressions of Executive while on the go:

• I’ve been on the go, lol. I’m jogging back and forth even when a tiny thought protests that that’s a bit unnecessary

• increases in DESIRE to be productive.

• mind working quicker while working

• I think I see benefits in focus

• women I encounter are less interesting by at least twenty percent when I’m active

• I’ve been on point with every move I’ve made today, delivering and installing

I didn’t feel a lot during the loop but I believe I began to feel the first boosts about an hour after I finished my loop of the Executive and the Son of Lightning.

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Yea. In the back of my mind I still feel like they can be saved. Just gotta get 'em to the right place.

Nice, that’s why mine have stayed in their little cozy box haha.

I actually have no reason other than the fact I spent money on it to fix them now though, because these Samsung Galaxy Buds+ seem awesome.

Probably for listening at home when I want to ensure maximum Ultima benefits.

I’m so calm about my new custom that I’m waiting for lol, like I’m totally at peace waiting for it.

Like, when I think about it I feel pretty damn calm about it. No sense of nervous anticipation, no wondering if I fucked up.

No, I think I built a good custom for my desires and needs and it’s reflected in my emotional response to thoughts regarding it. When they even come lol, I’ve hardly thought of it since I bought it except to respond to notifications on my HS thread, lmao.

I think I’m in a good place :slight_smile:

I definitely anticipated my first custom hahaha

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Edit: The Sage of Ishtar’s Lullaby

Heartsong Core

Alexander’s Play

Soul Connection

Chosen of Venus

Divine Self-Image

Depths of Love

Joie de Vivre

Strength of Gentleness

Blue Skies

The Wonder

Light of Humility

Way of Understanding

Emotions Unfettered




Stop Porn and Masturbation

Inner Gasoline


Discordia Deliverance

This will be one of my last posts in this journal as I’ll be starting a new one for my new custom :slight_smile:

P.S. I really really really really tried to have the custom acronym come out to S.I.N but fuck! :rofl:

Edit: The Sword (Sage now) of Ishtar’s Naughtiness seemed too seductive for a love based custom :man_shrugging:t4:



I somehow forgot that Sage starts with an ‘s’…

Grumbles incoherently

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What made you pick that name?

I lost service as I was editing, so I’m not sure if you mean the original (Sword of Ishtar’s Love) or the edited version (Sage of Ishtar’s Lullaby).

If it’s the former…

Sword: definitely innuendo

Ishtar/Inanna: the original Sumerian/Assyrian goddess of love, war and a lot of other stuff, plus the inspiration for the Greeks to come up with Aphrodite and Athena. Athena is one of my favorite dirties of all time, but being the goddess of wisdom and other stuff unrelated to love, I’m saving her name for my future spiritual custom.

I chose Ishtar rather than Inanna because it sounds more war-like and hey…



I considered getting my build in the Solace mask but it didn’t feel right, when I was going to submit it so I hastily retreated back to what I knew lol.

I need to read more Quintessence journals to get an idea for how it works for customs, as my only experience with it has been the Wanted solace which, while neat, DEFINITELY contributed to the Looming I used to get.

Used to get… Hmm, I would have to read my journal back but I don’t recall using that term for quite a while now… It’s usually just a temporary traffic jam nowadays.


I am noticing that I’m becoming more assertive in my interactions with other people lately. I also have less inclination to do social dances with others, especially in my work. With this comes a decrease in social anxiety in general.

I’ve also lost desire to try to impress my lead. He’s always saying that I need to speed up, calling me Tortuga and acting like I’m not doing my best. Which, I am. I don’t slack whatsoever.

In fact, as I recently realized, nobody in this job or any other job has complained about my work. I came to the conclusion that he is actually simply impatient and that it isn’t that I need to speed up, but that he needs to stop chasing the clock, so to speak.

He’s always complaining about how it will take a long time to complete a route, or how long this stop might take. How far it is to the next stop. What time we’ll get back home.

In other words, he’s not living.

I also realized that I don’t have to impress him or anyone else. We got top driver/helper last month, tied with another team. I’m good, lol.

So lately, I’ve been starting to do as I wish and with my increases in efficiency and comfortability with what I am doing, I’m improving every time I work. I’ve also been allowing myself to speak out more with just about everyone, him included now.

He’s a pretty intimidating Latino guy a bit shorter than I am with quite a decorated history of intimidating things including but not limited to fighting and involvement with groups that did not gather for recreational activities.

I tend to try not to piss off these kinda folk by habit, lol. But I always end up slowly but surely allowing more and more of my nature to seep through and talking shit. :laughing: He’s a decent guy, if very polarizing. He’s the kind of guy you either love or hate and I’m one of the few that can get along with him easily enough.

Not that he doesn’t irritate me.

But I tend to attract these kinda guys into my life and always feel drawn to 'em and always, without fail, develop a bond with them.

My girlfriend was the one who actually mentioned it to me. And after she did and I thought back, she was right. Ever since the time I was kicked out of my parent’s house and hooked up with my first roomie that was similar to this pattern, I’ve had work buddies and acquaintances like that.

Just a tangent.

I will probably be looking to become a Master Tech within the next month or two, if I stay with this job for much longer. Working Monday-Saturday, 0415 - ??? is a brutal schedule to be making a bit under 2k after taxes, every two weeks.

My last paycheck was $2,600 which is the biggest I’ve gotten. If I saw that every check, I’d be cool. But I don’t anticipate that being a regular thing.

It’s kinda funny because I’m a Tech and my lead is a Master Tech and I made more than him the last check

I’m really looking forward to my custom being completed. Love is something that’s difficult for me to accept, within myself or others. And it’s a real stumbling block for me. I’m not close to family because I don’t feel a connection. I keep my lady at a bit of a distance within because I don’t fully trust her to not hurt me. I don’t always feel worthy of my son cuz I worry that I don’t feel love the same way a father should. I can’t comprehend my creator actually loving me.

Love, love, love.

My Venus is in Scorpio. I do feel deeply and intensely and damn near obsessively. But. Porn.

Porn has been in and out of my life over the years more than a drunk, absent father. I’ve come a long way from where I used to be, and it is not nearly the problem it was. But though it doesn’t affect me nearly as bad, I do still see adverse effects which though they are subtle, they’re still bothersome.

I haven’t looked at porn in a few days and I don’t remember the amount but it’s probably near a week. I’ve just lost interest, man. It serves no real good to me, for me. And I’m glad I finally had the realization. It’s truly unnecessary and serves no purpose to me but frustration. I rarely have allowed myself to finish to porn in recent months but, that’s basically me marinating myself in the most potent energy accessible in the material universe, tuned to the energies of unrequited desire.

And then going to sleep like that. Nah, I’m good.

I’m not checking out girls as much anymore and I’m okay with that. When I do check them out, it’s an easy thing for me to lose interest once I look and move on. I’m not impressed as much by a woman because of her body, now that I think of it.

I’ve seen some impressive women recently. And though a few definitely interested me more than a few seconds, I moved on quickly one I moved my eyes and focus to whatever.

The other day the thought came to me that I’ve actually been given hella IOI’s as I’ve seen them called on here by all manners of women recently, including those in relationships, but I’m only temporarily interested just in response to the noticing it. And I do appreciate the validation for sure. But the fantasy of it is different than the reality of it, I’ve realized.

In the moment, when I’m clearly realizing this female customer/coworker/passerby is impressed with my presence, I’m just above neutral about it. But desiring the same previous to it in fantasy and desire, wanting female attention in other words… The reality of it is boring :sweat_smile:

My inner landscape is clearly shifting in many different aspects. Old monuments are either losing their shine, or crumbling altogether. Perspectives are shifting, beliefs changing. I got into an argument with the mentor I’ve mentioned a few times on this forum, a man that I thank for some of the esoteric knowledge I possess.

He implied my responsibility for the delay in the returning of his mail key, though I accept no fault in this. I had arranged for him to pick the key up two or three weeks ago and he arrived at my apartment to do so, but for whatever reason, had a seeming breakdown and left as I was coming up behind his vehicle to return it.

I mentioned this to him, and he immediately got offensively defensive, starting to use ‘fuck’ and other words that he rarely uses in texts, citing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and some other stuff and my insensitivity.

We went back and forth for a bit before he started on the woe is me, and told me to throw away the mail key and my copy of his apartment key to which I replied…


Anyways, I only bring that up to say that I have very little fucks to give with just about anybody right now in my life that is crossing some line I can’t see. I wonder if this is Limit Destroyer. I also felt like this when I ran The Executive but deeper, so it could be that as well.

It’s also likely because of my lack of any self stimulation this week.

My interactions with everybody I would describe as becoming more naturalized, in the sense that I feel it is truly me expressing myself and not my ego or fears of judgment. I do harbor those kind of feelings at times. I’m just more calm and at peace with more, maybe.

My tolerance for crap is decreasing. Perhaps it’s a recon, though.

More later.

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I definitely am worth more than this.