RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

LOL - Daredevil all the way.

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I don’t think we want to do what you doing. We want to accept advice and suggestions from a person who knows what they are doing themselves. :blush:

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How about a custom?

I would like to get proper results with my shop bought subs, before I invest in a custom. A custom is a future possibility, if all goes well.


Daredevil: “You will see men become your friends fast, women aching to find out who you are, all while being completely carefree.”

Inner Circle: “It will also help with manifestation of guides, mentors, friends, lovers and other people you might need and desire for your life to be more complete.”

Which might you want as your results?


Based on two people saying Daredevil in the posts above AND the Daredevil sentence you have highlighted. I think Daredevil! :grin:

Thank you! @Tobyone @friday @RVconsultant

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Right on, man! Please keep us posted. May you make many new friends very quickly!

When you are ready for a custom, and you want to increase friendships, I would encourage you to consider:

True Social
Inner Circle
Code of Loyalty
Love Bomb

Those are just some ideas off the top of my head. There might be others.


@RVconsultant Just curious,do you have any experience with solace?I got my new customs in it cause its nicer to listen to.They seem to work but they usually kick in around 2 or 3 days after listening.Just curious if its normal or whether i should play with my listening schedule a bit with solace?Currently using the official recommendations of alternate day.Cause its a bit weird.I think im stonewalling for a couple of days then it suddenly hits hard.

This is a really thoughtful post.

Here is what I’m thinking. Also please note that as far as I know these are MY thoughts, not official SC policies or statements.

I think Solace somehow has a booster effect. So if someone listens to Qv2 with a Solace mask, the effect of the subliminal is likely to be more powerful.

The ear fatigue might be less. I have less intense headaches, and that resonant feeling in my head is minimal if I use a Solace mask.

I haven’t noticed if there is a delayed effect, but please note that people respond differently to subliminals. For you at this point, it may be 2 or 3 days. In a few months, you might notice the effects more immediately, as I’ve noticed the immediacy of the subliminal effects can wax and wane.

Here is a bold idea. How about listening to your Solace mask subliminal 2 times this week? Or maybe once this week? Then notice what happens.

What do you think?


Is this the correct thread to get a quick question answered by an experienced user?

You can ask it in here or make your own thread

Hello there, thank you for answering, I actually had two questions regarding these programs. First of all are these programs prone to ego-inflation, and secondly what is the reason behind status programs triggering anger or irritation, is this a permanent effect or will this vanish over time?

Sounds interesting,might give twice a week a try next week and see what happens

I haven’t read about anybody getting a inflated ego from these Subliminals.

The effect will disappear as you assimilate the subliminal.


Hmm,its more self worth and love than ego inflation.youll feel youll deserve more and shouldnt be pushed around,taking advantage of.as for the anger,its the inner and outer reconciling between themselves.it goes away after awhile.csn read the post below for more info


Would you please define ego inflation?

I don’t know why it might lead to anger or irritation in some people, but it can happen with any subliminal. It can vanish over time as it’s probably due to reconciliation.


Haha,your becoming a even faster archivist than me lately :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The game is on! You got competition

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I have the ability Quick Draw activated :joy:. I see they upgraded you from Junior to Arch Archivist

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I read a journal from elme he ran a product called ascended mogul for a very long-time, the backbone that this program gave him remained with him for the entirety of his journals. An agitation, irritation and anger that arises whenever someone crossed his boundaries?

I want to know whether it is something specific in the program or what is causing this.