RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

@Azriel @Azriel2.0

Has the issue with you logging in been resolved?

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Welcome back !

Would love to hear what you had experienced on your extended break with the new QV2 technology.

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Hey @RVconsultant

Appreciate you checking. Still can’t access the original account, I got a response to my support ticket follow up saying to hang tight, it was being looked into it. So hopefully should be resolved soon


Thank you for your patience. Since I know little about IT, I would encourage you to submit another support ticket. I understand that you would like to continue on with your journal associated with your Azriel name.

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Thanks for asking, mate!


The emotions were so primitive, I had no words for them. They were more unpleasant sensations that where overwhelming.

All this happened about day 17 to 24 of resting. So I think the Qv2 was still working.


Did you feel the effects Integrated well thereafter?

To all the people who gave me like over the past 7 days or so: Thank you for all the likes while I was off the forum!


I think so. It seems to come and go in waves.


Saint got back to me to me on support ticket in attempt to resolve it which I really appreciate it.
Not resolved yet, but looking like it could be over the weekend.


I’m on one week off subs-longest in over a year and definitely excited to share about what’s happening.
And the insights I have.

I imagine QV2 might require different listening instructions for most.

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Don’t let anything hold you back from giving us some insights


How long is your washout for? Today will be my last day of a 10 day washout. I hope that’s enough. Oh, I’m still doing QV1.

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I did about 24 days.


Looking forward to a future in-depth write up of your experience.

Oh dude I had no idea about your account, I hope you get it resolved soon!


Any insights, pease?

this post also literally just registered on this account for me Simon- thanks for sharing

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@Azriel @Azriel2.0

I apologize about your situation. There doesn’t seem to be anything I can do from my side, because everything indicates you should be able to log on.

I will submit a support ticket for you.



Much appreciated but no need as of now, as I mentioned I am communicating with @SaintSovereign over support ticket and told him I would circle back after weekend update-which I am not sure if it is done or not yet.

I am currently posting in my new account but it’s showing up in my old account lol.

@Azriel @Azriel2.0

After today’s software update, for me, the forum is working as it should. :partying_face:
Check if it’s the same for you.

Logout from both your accounts, and then come back with only the original one.
