RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

Am I in trouble :sob:
Only ones I’m running currently are The Executive, BLU-E and Libertine.

Are these gonna cause issues if recon arises in regards to being alpha? :confused:

No one is in trouble, B.

This is just a heads up.

Thank you though for mentioning the possible ambiguity of my message.

Probably not.

I hope you are right.

As for the alpha Ultimas, it might be reconciliation rather than alpha based scripting that could lead to tempers or out-alpha-ing.

I’ve got Commander in my custom, and I’m not noticing anything. I could be acting it out without noticing though.

I’ve seen nothing on the forum to indicate you acting out any reconciliation. Based on your journal, I would guess it’s helping you in a positive way.

Oddly, my son started saying “Yes sir” when I told him to do something.


I try to give the benefit of the doubt but I understand what you mean.

Now that I’m at a crossroads with my stack, I expect a lot more recon, so I might fall into this.

I’ll keep this in mind and keep an eye out. Thank you.

I can see this kind of “mindset” in some of my posts I posted around two-three months ago and I’m both embarrassed because how I was and proud of myself since the Dragon has changed me a lot and I’m not that way anymore.

If it comes to your appeal, I haven’t seen this kind of behavior on the forum or maybe I’ve become immune to it due to running the Dragon.

Am I qualified now? :heart_eyes: Just joking, I got the message. :slight_smile:

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I’ve barely posted anything on the forum for days as I’ve been busy moving to a new place, so I’m a bit curious what I said that warranted being included in any kind of warning post about being “too alpha” or anything of the sort.

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I think he counts on us too observer and act

When others comment on changes in the direction of the program, or if others appear to be acting in ways aligned with the program, I consider it strong confirmation.

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I know I’ve had a harshness towards you at times. I assure you I’m glad you are here and posting. I’ve found your input on this forum helpful.

You are bringing up a good point in that I was not clear enough in my post. It may have been ambiguous and I apologize.

It’s what @Leandros said

As far as I’m concerned, you @BLACKICE have done well helping maintain kindness and high quality posts on this forum. If you notice any one stirring up drama or negativity, please tag me.

You are not being warned because of anything you have done or anything I think you might do. The warning is simply wanting to prepare people that since updates are being done, there might be more reconciliation as people experience a more powerful format. I will attempt to correct any ambiguity in my post, and thank you for pointing it out.

Thank you for clarifying @Leandros I appreciate it!

@BLACKICE @Brandon

I’ve updated the post above to make it more clear with this paragraph:

Does that help make it more clear?

Again I apologize. You both have been positive members of this forum. Thank you.


I just saw @RVconsultant out-alpha everyone else … showing off his mass tagging powers. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


That’s okay, thanks. I believe it’s going to be better and better since we’re evolving really fast and it’s a matter of welcoming new users and teaching them our “moral” code since nowadays people tend to neglect that aspect and don’t expect of others to follow any like we do at SC. And there’s no better teaching than being and exemplar so I’m trying to do my best but no one is flawless… me neither, sorry :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

All is well man! I’m glad you are here and posting.

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Indeed! :smile:


Clearly I’m not alpha enough to make the list :laughing:

Nothing to see here, move along :sunglasses: