RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

I like your approach to how you built your custom here. When I make my first, I’ll use a similar one.

Dude… Two loops of their FREE product Strong Medicine released so much tension from my head it’s incredible. Like, the first loop was great. I felt warmth in my head and what not and shifting.

But just now before I decided to send you another reply, I actually felt my mental state shift smoothly and evenly to amazing neutrality, wth bro

What is this sorcery??

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It’s some badass scary shit… but in a good way. I honestly don’t know. I think they use binaural and isochronic beats. But I think they probably use other things.

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@Simon I think you mentioned that when running Khan, some people think their sexual interest goes down, but you thought that it was because a person’s standards increase and therefore only REALLY attractive [women] will spark sexual interest.

Would you please elaborate on this?

Also, how did you conclude this?

Was there a specific experience that happened for you, or did you progressively connect the dots over a series of weeks?

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Hey my friend! The “invisibility factor”, like you call it… I would not call it that. Personally I tend to see no attraction when my energy is not aligned. Which means positive vibe, good sexual, energy circulation and aligned with myself.

If this is respected then I get results. If not, I’m “invisible”!

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Tiredness would negate this, I think. Good insight!

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Would you please elaborate on this so I know specifically what this means and how I can create this for myself?

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Do you feel lost in life or connected to your dreams? Do you know what you want? Are you looking toward the future with hope or are you feeling disconnected.

Check this. When I mean aligned with yourself I mean, do you feel like you live or are aligned with what you want? For example, a job you hate or a certain condition you hate in your life could cause a disalignment. So you need to work on the aspect of your life you don’t like or accept them!!


Thank you for clarifying.

You and @Azriel have given me important things to think about.


I love strong medicine
that and VIsion Quest from them

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I’ve been thinking that we may actually reach our goals faster if we learn how to accept our imperfections rather than spending time and energy trying to correct the imperfections. Perfectionism requires lots of patience and in many circumstances is unwarranted.


Depends on what it is. Often it is both. You don’t have the relationship with woman you want? Accept that this is the situation you are in. Then reflect. Why do you want this, is it your wants or is it for someone else? If it comes from you work toward it.

It works the same with your physical shape, if you don’t like your body, the way you look. Accept it. Accept it and then decide. What do I really want? Why? Is it really me? Then work!



Perfectionism kills life.


I like playing the devil’s advocate (very ENTP of me), but you can aim for “perfect” without being unhappy.

You will be unhappy only if you don’t accept your current condition. But I do understand and respect your point @Sub.Zero as Perfectionnism in life generally comes with an inability to accept what is!


i agree 100% percent with this, got to tackle life before it takes you out

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It was either EoG or Emperor that cured my perfectionism.

It can paralyze you. Prevent you from taking action.

Good enough works for business much better :wink:

Once you have your not so perfect system up and running, making money, then you can start to optimize it.


Bump @Azriel (and please see above)

As I see it it’s called sympathy as distinct than compassion. unconscious sympathy has us avoid doing the things to not hurt others that we wouldn’t do ourselves, but it does it by putting us in the fire with people and by putting ourselves in the fire to avoid hurting people. As opposed to compassion which lifts people out of the fire. The things we avoid may be due to our sensitives and not necessarily inappropriate or unethical to do. Like if we in the past have had a guy come talk to woman were with and we hated it and felt inadequate, or left out, we may unconsciously or consciously never talk to woman if there around guys. Where as a mature person can still be ethical, not ‘steal’ woman but talk to woman if there with guys, let woman make their own decision, find out the situation and choose what you believe is appropriate but not avoid it out of unconscious sympathy.

I’m suggesting maybe you have some unconscious aversion to being ignored or people being indifferent to you and you won’t let yourself act this way, total nonchalance, until your comfortable or ok with it being done to you. I used to feel people ignoring me was like shame or death, and now I could care less 90% of the time, and I get a lot more attention, my energy isn’t looking or seeking confirmation of my identity through attention from others.

Anyone I’m not suggesting any of this is what’s happening with you necessarily, I was just throwing theory spaghetti and the veritable wall based on what you said and seeing what sticks.

Where is this? iawake?