RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A


If I remember you, like me, are experiencing consistent increases in weights we lift when we go to the gym.

I’ve switched to a more conservative approach. I’m going up in the reps first on most exercises before increasing the weights.

Reason is, a few years ago I thought I read that muscles adapt first, then tendons, then joints. So I wondered if my muscles could tolerate X amount, but what about my joints if they might need more time to adapt.

So I’m going to advance more slowly. But even today, after 2 weeks of no leg workout… I went up in weights or reps.

@Fire any comments?

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Yes, you were more rested. :wink:

This is a good approach.

I’ve done the “kill-yourself-in-the-gym” routine, with powerlifting right at the start followed by grueling body-building style afterwards. 2 hours a day, 6 days a week. For years.

Results were amazing of course, but as optimized as my workouts were, resting proved to be more and more important as time went on.

And then I switched to 30-35 minute workouts 5 times a week, giving me much more time to focus on SC, with a mad optimized workout plan and more rest.

Result - I gained more strength and look even better than before.

So my advice boils down to - don’t be afraid of going slower or letting go of your workout ego. This will help you to destress and to focus more on optimizing your workouts, each set and each rep. Of course, as long as you are doing everything correctly and not out of a desire to “prove it”, don’t be afraid of upping the weight. You still have to progressively overload.

Also, increasing in reps is considered progressive overload, so you are doing good. And yes, it will be better for you and your health to increase the reps first and then increase the weight.


I’ve definitely noticed this.

This is intriguing! I had not thought to do it this way. I know Mike Mentzer and Dorian Yates have advocated similar time restricted approaches, but this is a different set up. I’ve noticed much better results with a time limited approach than with the 2+ hours at the gym 5+ days a week. Those longer workout with fewer breaks were just making me fatigued much of the time.

GREAT! Thank you!

Thank you so much for the information! I really appreciate it!

It’s literally blowing my mind how much I can NOT work out and still make definitive gains!

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I guess you’ve seen the post from @Fire above.

I wanted to make sure because I’ve found it tempting to push and push and push and keep increasing the weights and all…

But today it’s like a light bulb came on and I thought “Hmm… better rethink this.”

Yes, put ego and machismo aside…

I’ve also been doing sauna for 20 to 30 minutes 4 times a week because it’s supposed to help increase growth hormone, amongst other health benefits.

Perhaps @Hoppa can comment on the virtues of sauna use.

How warm is the sauna? And do you sit high? Also, do you throw water on the heater?

Hey @RVconsultant

great points and 100% with @Fire

I’ve moved to doing 3 sets of 5 on a new weight, then 5 sets of 4 on the same weight next workout, then the following workout 5x5. I’m doing an alternating a/b split and both a and b have box squats. This is usually over the course of a week. If I get any strain or difficulty behind a little extra time under tension I drop back to 3x5 next time and start over. Staying focused, fresh, and injury free is more important than ego for sure.

160 degrees F (about 71 degrees C)

I sit on the lower bench.

I do not throw water on the heater.

I do drink more than a pint of water while in there because of water loss via sweat and breathing. I mineralize 1 liter of water with Real (brand) salt (1/4 teaspoon), potassium cloride (pinch), TraceMineral drops (5 drops for magnesium), and I take a multi-mineral… all to replace the minerals I lose through sweat.

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Exactly! :sunglasses:

Yes, I’ve stopped trying to macho my way through any pain or sense of “this is just too much”.

We do it at 90-100 degrees C. Throw a lot of water to get more steam. Top bench. It cleanses all the pores and helps you to relax more. I’m sure there are lots of other benefits. And might be a bit risky if you don’t build up to that.

And then the not so healthy thing we do when we meet up with friends: drink lots of alcohol while in sauna and while taking a break from sauna. Takes us about 3-4 hours, minimum.

We have started taking a bit easier now the past few years. When younger, I’ve “burned” my skin several times from the heat. Alcohol + competing who can stand the hottest sauna is not a good combination.

Thank you for that tip!

This is wisdom that should be passed down from generation to generation. Yes, if I drink alcohol, I wait 4 hours and drink at least 1 liter for every beer I had to make up for any water loss because alcohol is like a diuretic.

I think I would melt. :grin:

Thanks for your comments!

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Ahoy there!

I did not wish to open a new thread, nor update my old thread, and wish to contribute to this thread as that corner of the forum for inquiries.

I would like to get some of your insights on a custom that I am being driven to build. Though I’m still excited for my Stark’s custom, but with Renaissance man on the horizon along with new modules; this seems like the correct path at this moment of being.

I have in mind a custom that is built upon The Alchemist, Mind’s Eye and Dragon Reborn. I have been riding the symbol of the phoenix for quite a while and I feel its time for Ouroboros.


Alchemist ST4 Core
Dragon Reborn St4 Core
Mind’s Eye Q Core

Blue Skies
Immortal’s Blade
Awakened Perception
Energetic Development XI
Inner Voice
Fortune’s Favorite

The Architect
Current Invoker
Divine WIll
The Merger of Worlds

3 Cores 17 Module - leaning towards Terminus build, though that is because of the TBD Q+

I seem to have an affinity to the beyond and the unknown but am held-aback by something deep within. This consistent thought that I may be unable to traverse back from the dark recesses of my inner realms if I were to continue prodding. Though I know its just a one of my egos enjoying the illusive comfort of power. I wish to erase this nonsense. DR and Alchemist is the tool that I need. Mind’s Eye is to introduce some color to my closed eyes (aphantasia - though I have come a long way in the past two years).

My main concern is that, should I exchange some of the modules for negativity displacement? My rationale being that DR and Alchemist seem like powerful purgers of negativity and I would benefit from some “fun” modules like Fortune’s Favorite and Immortal Blade seems like a powerful one as it is.

Thank you for your time, should this post be better suited for a thread of its own, then I shall do so without any problem.

Also: Telepathically paging The Alchemists and Dragons :upside_down_face:

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I think putting Mosaic in there was wise.

I think it looks solid. As for Negativity Displacement… what is your concern? Stress? If so, perhaps Sanguine from the main shop would suffice.

TBH, I really have no comments other than :trophy:

Looks great!

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Are you running DR in your stack?

Nope :smiley: Neither Alchemist :blush:

This is gonna be one heck of a ride, I know, I know.

And thank you, I will use Sanguine for stress


hey @RVconsultant

Do you think stacking the following with my current 2 customs, can work? Any recommendations?


07%402x(2, as you may recall)

I really want to add the following, but wondering, do you think Emperor is ok to throw in there?

I love emperor so much and think it gives me the right amount of discipline and the right mindset and tools to get my goals, do you think this can work or it’d pull in different directions too much? any hope for it to work? xd

I think they could work. I’d just make sure Mosaic was in there some where.

I’d also think about Khan and Emperor and Stark.

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Yes I know, but I have stark and Khan atm and I still feel emperor is missing :expressionless:
maybe with cores and name embed it can work? what do you think?

Also got Mosaic in there! Maybe since it’s just cores and I’ve got Mosaic in there, it can work? what do you think?

And also wondering about Mind’s eye - do you think Alchemist + QL can replace that? Got some FOMO there, prolly looking at what they’re supposed to do, it should be able to, right?

I’ma asking Saint and Fire also , really hope to get an answer on this - they probably know best what’s in these little monsters. :smiley:

PS gone end my rest day a bit earlier and listen to 2 loops of emperor to get a preliminary understanding whether it would work or not. As I go at my assignments, pray that fire and saint reply to me in time so I can make the right decision on this (and hopefully they say yes it can work! :smiley: cuz I love running emperor so much as I’ve said many times, it’s the first sub I ran and my favourite)

what do you think, can it work?

I think it looks good. I don’t see any obvious faults. I’d still make sure Mosaic was in there to prevent diffuse results, which I think Mosaic is intended to do.

If you could, perhaps The Executive or Limitless Executive could be a substitute for Emperor if you are wanting Emperor for motivation, discipline, and mental focus.

That’s all I can think of.

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Running those already but Emperor is so deep and vast that I think nothing can replace it, it’s the whole package… so you think it will be ok, no clash hopefully?

and regarding ME, do you think Alchemist + QL can pretty much replace it with proper practice? Kinda want to add it bu this is all I can run atm xd