RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

I haven’t noticed a whole lot but I haven’t been looking for it with that either. I guess you could say I have come to terms with it. Yeah its frustrating to have to ask people to repeat themselves but often it’s more annoying for them then it is to me.
When it first happened in 2009 I was a wreck regarding the hearing loss. I didn’t understand how I could wake up one day and just not be able to hear out of that ear. After a while I did realize that it was possibly gradually happening and I wasn’t aware of it but I do remember answering a phone call prior with that ear and it sounded very hollow.
No Doctor or specialist has been able to find anything wrong with it. I asked my mother about hereditary issues and she said there was some but she has a horrible memory and often heavily embellishes on things.

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Naw. In my case, it’s like walking through the park, really. The birds are singing beautifully, everyone is smiling, a dog is shitting on the grass… wait! the dog is not shitting on the grass, it’s wagging its tail happily. :heart_eyes:

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This is what I’m starting to wonder.

Thanks for the input!

@subliminalguy Thanks for the comments!

Yes, this is what I encourage.

My thoughts exactly!

Good thought and planning!

Me too man!

This might be a point worth considering @Sub.Zero

This is what I’m trying to figure out. I’m just not sure.

@James I noticed your input about the ringing. Thank you for commenting!

Wealth Limit Destroyer
Limit Destroyer
EoG stage 1
And a custom Limit Destroyer Ultima with Wealth Limit Destroyer, Unlimiter, and Atman

I vote using a sledgehammer.


Everybody is different. For me, EoG is way too advanced since I need basic financial healing and working on the absolute foundations of my financial mindset. I also want to discover some more of my natural gifts and skills I could monetize. Besides, as I said, Mogul is light and stacking it with DR should be fairly easy, moreover, Mogul is in my very first custom I’m going to build.

If I had my own business, some good beliefs and positive mindset if it comes to money, I would go with EoG but I literally have hated money since I remember since it was the main cause of conflict between my parents. When I was five or six I told my mom I wished money didn’t exist. Another thing is I’m not money-oriented at all and we all need it, like it or not, so that mindset is really detrimental if it comes to building a good quality life.

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No pressure dude… but I still stand by what I wrote. Take your time.

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What do you mean by that, James? I don’t think I understand you in that matter. Kindly, elaborate a bit more on that, please.

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Oh, yes, I would forget, there’s a lot of thoughts to manage with right now, sorry. I shall elaborate on my experiences with HoM ASAP. Thanks for your patience.

No worries. Life happens… and in a good way!:grin:

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If it comes to that matter I think you could try the combo I’m planning on right now which is DR+Mogul. Mogul is a really light program which should get stacked with DR fairly easy. Moreover, it would work on your negative beliefs on money and instil positive ones into your mind. It would help you find and improve your natural gifts and skills and help you monetize them later on.

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This is very true indeed man.
We tend to forget.

Mogul is a great choice, and a smart one for sure. I’m glad you’re building your foundation, I just didn’t know if EoG would be a better adventure for you however your choice is always best.

That makes complete sense to me and I’m sure it will be truly beneficial for you. The fact it’s light and is in your custom is great man. I’m sure you’ll get great results with it and I can’t wait to hear about them.

Damn my dude, that’s a strong limiting belief right there but at least you know it’s there.

Also the fact you’ve chosen Mogul for other reasons is great. It’ll help setup your foundation for sure. I’m sure EoG with build upon that whenever you feel ready for it.

I feel like we’ve all felt that way at some point but for that to be so meaningful at 5 or 6, it clearly stuck with you.

I relate with you on this one my brother. I’m not money-orentiated either and feel like I need to change that mindset as it’s a survival thing and it’s necessary.

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No problem of tone or tinnitus in my brain/ears because I just listened to masked sub. I had a problem with tinnitus and headache when listening to the ultrasonic sub. The problem stopped when I stopped the ultrasonic

Please tag me in this, would love to hear more as it’s in my TMB Wealth Custom and I only used it for a short while.


@RVconsultant, check out the new module–Virtue Series: Temperance. I saw “scarcity thinking” and it hooked me. A major hold-up, mental limitation, or barrier to wealth is a scarcity mindset. I’ve got a lot of money coming my way, and this still lingers. It’s like having a swimming pool of (anything good…say ice cream) but holding off on enjoying it since I’m seeing an almost empty pool. “Don’t want to lose the little I have”.

In my opinion, the scarcity mindset has stomped out more financial dreams and aspirations than anything else. Our beliefs about our belongings (big or small) determine where we go with them. In my case, I’ve feared loss, and did nothing. That module is GOLD.

It’s description:

Scarcity mindset and the desire for instant gratification are powerfully ingrained beliefs that put a screeching halt to any dreams of long term success. Develop your virtue of Temperance – turn your scarcity mindset into a mindset of wise abundance, and develop true understanding of delayed gratification.


Good points!

Yo @James check it out!

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Thank you for your comments! Have you been listening to custom subliminals? Ones from the main store? Terminus? T^2?

For now I haven’t notice such a thing… :thinking:

If I ever notice something like this, I’ll update, but… I would be surprised. Also I know that I am not very attentive to how I feel and what is happening in my body so…

I have 2 custom sub, no problem with them. I can’t with Terminus, too strong and easily overloaded with big headaches. No problem with Ultima if I listen to one or 2 loops maxi a day

I appreciate your follow up! Thank you!

Thank you for responding!

Here you go. :sunglasses:

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