RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

I usually play one loop and I see a lot of prominent results which help me determine which elements of the sub are at work /(elements [objectives?], not modules). I’m really susceptible to mind programming. I’ve learnt a lot about modules recently but it’s only theoretical knowledge, I’ve never run any custom.

HoM must contain Mastermind since the Medici were famous for being masterminds and even the sales page mentions it. So it must be in the core too, according to what Saint said about their structure. I added Mastermind anyway since that aspect is crucial for my custom and my plans the custom should help me realize. My only weakness, as far as I’m aware of, is my finance plus I need some healing (working on this with DR). I want to run Mogul solely or stack it with DR at some point before I move to that custom. It may change however but I’m pretty positive I should start “financial healing” ASAP and that healing is required, I think, before moving to my custom.

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Not it’s time to bed but I’ll gladly answer your question on the morrow. Sorry and good night. :slight_smile:

Have you read about Ecstasy of Gold, especially stage 1?

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I missed this, I’ll take a look


thanks for pointing this out, I had missed it.

How is running them both together?

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I wanted to get people’s input on this. Some times I notice a tone in my head. I’m not talking about a ringing in my ear. I’m talking about the subjective sense of hearing a tone or sound or drone in my head. Is anyone else experiencing this?











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Please see above post.










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Yes, it is distinct than tinnitus,
although with too much recon, or if I am having sinus issues I can get tinnitus temporarily.

When I run subs, I get a tone in my head for sure, it diminishes with time away from sub use. But has not gone away in full for a while.

Masked does this, Terminus really does this, and Ultima also does this strongly.

Please see above post.











Yes, thank you for clarifying!

I’ve noticed this off and on. I only listen to masked. I’ve not noticed an increase since using Ultima. Have you noticed an increase since using Ultima?

BTW, I’m simply mentioning this as a phenomenon. I don’t really know what to think other than it’s something I’ve noticed.

@RVconsultant, this is probably reconciliation – I’ve had many similar experiences but mostly on Limitless, Beyond Limitless, and Quantum Limitless. Could describe it in more detail, is it coming through your ears, as in being external, or rather internal? If you have no idea, you can test jamming your ear-cushions.

What are you running?

I agree with @Azriel, Stark Terminus did this as well, but mostly Beyond Limitless Ultima.

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Thanks for the input! The more people respond, the more we might get a pattern of what might be happening. I have some ideas, but I want to see what others post.

@SaintSovereign and @Fire

Thank you for module pack 3!

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Check out new modules:


Fortune’s Favorite

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Check out:

Virtue Series: Hope

Virtue Series: Temperance

I already have 2 tinnitus
I lisen on the Lowest volume possible and it works very well.

I know what you mean but it’s more like my brain is firing these tones, not my ears.
Probably overload/ process of info, so much that my brain start singing in a frequency

I get this on Emperor customs/ terminus
I get this on Azriel custom with blue skies
I get this on BLU

to me it is a cognitive or energetic development effect/ recon

DR also makes it negligible

there are actually always sounds going on in our ears and even our head (firing in brain)-we just tune them out-the moment the become noticeable and/ or perceived ‘as foreign or a threat’ they can create a feedback loop where the sound grows and/or becomes more distracting. In this case emotionally neutralizing the concern -diminishes the sound/effect.

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That’s part of what I’m wondering. Thank you for your input!

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Intriguing. Thank you for this idea!