RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

50/50 in my opinion

If you ask I answer :grin:

Define Astral plane please

I believe with Ayahuasca you go into the Plant space
With dmt you can go into the Astral plane

In my opinion I have more access to astral plane stuff after Changa than Ayahuasca
After Ayahuasca I have my Intuition highten and am more into Flow and feeling

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Thank you for clarifying!

Are you referring to the root chakra?

Thank you for that insight! If 50% is yes, what do you think accounts for the other 50%?

What is plant space?

Would you please tell me more about changa? I don’t know what that is.

Could that be it? My fatigue? One of the reasons why I switched to Stark from EQ was that fatigue. I find my libido was down. Perhaps I was too quick to attribute that to EQ. I’m glad if so, I truly enjoyed my time with EQ, and the experience extremely dampened that.

Before I plunge into khan next year, I’ll be running DR with EQ to see how they work together.

Dude, when I ran EQ my interest in women went to almost zero. My conclusion was that if I wanted to have a sex life, stop running Emperor. If I was in a romantic or sexual relationship, I would NOT run Emperor for obvious reasons. If I want to have a sex life, I will not run Emperor. Seriously, I had no interest in women when running Emperor.

Anyone who is reading this, if you are in a romantic or sexual relationship, I would encourage you to be cautious about running Emperor.

UPDATE: see this for important addition…

See above comment.


The other 50%are the spirit of the substance

Ah drats. I was afraid of that.

… Stark and Khan for me then. Thanks man.

Next year I’m setting my sights on Khan and EoG. I wonder if pairing them with DR would be too much…

If you eat peyote you get access to the space of the plants and its inhabitants.
Same goes with all other psychotropic plants/substances
It goes even with trees and fruits if you have acces to a real magican/druid/shaman like our shaman😉
Very very very interesting things are possible

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Taddddaaaaaa :grin: :rocket: :flying_saucer: :earth_asia:

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I’ll say it this way, if I want a sex life, Stark and Khan is what I would listen to rather than Emperor. However, Stark and Khan are different. Stark is like developing the charm of Tony Stark. Khan is badass like… well… Genghis Khan.

I think the only way to know is to run it. What I did with EoG and Khan is I bought them at the regular store. I decided to discontinue Khan after completing it, and I replaced it with Stark because I felt it was more aligned with who I was. With EoG, I ran it to stage 4 and then did a custom with stage 4.


Now that looks very interesting. I had been planning that too but ultimately I decided to run DR solely. There were some users interested in stacking both titles and one even said he would do that next year. Both titles in a stack seem like building strong foundations for Khan.

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So what would you run instead to get similar results?

Of course it would be too dense. You have to be patient now… make it through somehow. :smiley:

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From what I understand, although there might be overlap among Khan, Stark, and Emperor… Emperor seems to be different from the other two in that it’s very solo focused. Doing what you want to get wealth and power. So for wealth and power, there is also Khan and Stark, but I don’t think it’s as solo focused. Khan is more about authority. Stark more about charisma. So that is my understanding of the differences. There is also EoG.

Personally, if I wanted an Emperor substitute, I would run Khan and EoG if I wanted to be a badass. If I wanted charm, then Stark and EoG.


Thank you for the information and link!

So there is a plane of existence for plants. What exists there exactly? Energy of the plants? Spirits of plants? Actual physical plants that can be touched?

What kinds of things?

The plant spirit itself and other spirits
Where spirit is there is Energy
You can touch, speak, see, hear, smell and feel it of course

Ayahuasca is the door opener, you can access with Ayahuasca other plants and they’re secret/energy/spirits…

Most people drink Ayahuasca solo.
But when you mix it with other plants in the right amount and know how to activate them/communicate with the plants, then the party begins :grin: :tada: :tada:

Thank you for this post, and generously sharing your information!

I have no idea what any of that is.

I asked @Leandros questions about some experiences Terence McKenna talked about when he took ayahuasca. Some people think ayahuasca opens doors to other planes, such as the astral plane.

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