RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

I think my biggest frustration is being patient in allowing my outer world to change as my inner world does. I know it takes time and being realistic


Another Polish band you may take a liking to:

Related to being patient on the way… back home (back to yourself).

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For me it is mostly a positive sense of gratitude. Gratitude towards all good things in life, and gratitude toward myself for running a supposedly tough sub just to better myself.
Like you I feel more kind toward others. Kind and patient.


I believe it is Dominion you are referring to here.

Well, it is clearing away all negative beliefs, traumas, and any other unconscious blockages that prevent you from manifesting the scripts optimally – so, it certainly does make sense to amplify your stack, especially for those who’re a little bit older and carrying a lot of baggage with them. Their pattern where younger people more easily gauge their results compared to older people is really significant, of course, it also depends on your success in life – you could also be a young person with a whole lot of trauma and be an older person who is completely rocking in life but those on way fewer occasions this is true.


That’s what I was hoping earlier when I realized Saint has been pretty quiet :sweat_smile::crossed_fingers:t4:

Once full automation is done, we can move toward name embedded major subs.

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Yeah I remember those posts. Name embedded is what I’m looking forward to more than almost everything!

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That should increase the power a lot. Can’t wait for it either. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m wondering if you of all people are going to benefit so much with DR that you may feel like a new person in a new life, and the life you had pre-DR might feel like a dream that someone else had.


I feel that way at times already. I have even posted about it somewhere, probably my journal how I look back and think " who was that guy? " .


I’m intrigued. Do you have a link to the company that makes this device?

Time and again, it is amazing me how quickly DR is working. And we’re less than 2 weeks into just stage 1 without the name embedding!


@James, your story is going to be one of the greatest Legends of Subliminal Club.


@James it is truly my wish for you that DR is “just what was needed” to get a lot of the changes you have been wanting, and I hope more and more people will be feeling and experiencing that also in the future, as well.


Last night I seriously considered running a loop if Ascension but I got to thinking how outside of what I’m running Dragon Reborn for my biggest goals have I have is to not ever having to worry about money ever again. Obviously that means running EOG as well.

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Have you considered after running DR stage 1 for about 30 days, consider running EoG stage 1 from the regular store along with DR stage 1 or DR stage 2?


Not a bad idea. Finish 30 days of Dragon Reborn Stage 1 then run the stages of Dragon Reborn and EOG side by side. Each stage for 60 to 90 days.

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You need a foundation and you need to stick to something, because going to another program every month is just switching visions for the future and nothing ever gets accomplished. Like going from boxing to football, to hockey, etc and expecting to become a professional at each one of them without ever putting in the long-term effort.

I feel Dragon Reborn in tandem with Ascended Mogul is the most profound foundation you can ever have. Later on, when you have already established a solid foundation such as a working business or whatever that brings in money, you can add EOG to take it to another level.

Stick to this advise and you will very grateful. Just go for Dragon Reborn and Ascended Mogul for one year straight, your life will turn upside down.


I figure that since DR is healing and EoG stage 1 is healing, the themes are similar. I’m guessing they would complement each other. And given the potential amplifying effect of DR… well, what more can I say?


Exactly . There is nothing wrong with Ascended Mogul but why would I want to focus on smaller things when my ultimate goal is to have fuck you money?

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