RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

Hi @RVconsultant ,

May I ask how many rest days are you taking these days with ZP ? ( When you are not testing )

I’ve taken at least 2 and sometimes up to 5.


@RVconsultant have you ever felt this before? This was from a post in the Ascension thread when you were using Terminus Squared?

I’m wondering if you had a similar “negative effect” on the new Zero Point titles. The auras obviously require energy, I’m trying to figure out how much of Zero Point I can use without actually overexposing… I have had similar effects as you described in this post.

Now, on the 6th day of processing, I still feel kinda a massaging in the brain and I’ve been exceptionally tired.

The auras have faded too – I suspect I’m processing all the instructions at once which is requiring additional energy, energy which is required for the auras to execute. I’ve had this before, where I did a washout and had more reconciliation and processing whereby the auras and emotional effects mostly faded, until at some point where I substantially recovered and the Auras, a lot of manifestations, etc started returning.

So, I’m curious, from your experience did you have this before or are you especially careful with ZP?

I found the more energy I had the better I executed the script and the more results I had.

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I take more rest days with ZP.

Post deleted.

Post your request here, mate.

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Thanks :slight_smile:

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I saw your post about EF2 vs EF4 and adding SPS:Fat Burn. Would you please enter a support ticket about that?

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@RVconsultant what would you put in a Wanted Custom?

Are these just available in a custom build as a stack with your name embedded, or as individual sub download?

What do you want as your outcome? For example, custom building with WANTED to find a significant other would be a bit different than custom building with WANTED for FWB, etc.

The following should be available at the main shop as downloads:

Quantum Limitless



Power Can Corrupt

Mind’s Eye

Limit Destroyer

Inner circle

Emperor Fitness

The rest are modules at the Q shop.

However, if you wanted the advantages of Codename: Umbra, then Survival Instinct might be appropriate.

I agree, honestly I’m just curious. It seems you have been playing around with romantic and sexual programs.

Mind sharing what Customs you have personally build surrounding this?

I firmly believe that sex should always coincide with love, so that’s in regards your first question… if we could categorise fuck buddy as still been able to do that, while having a connection and loving each other, without necessarily having to “marry” our lives and feel bound with each other, and “restricted” in that way.

That’s just how I personally feel about my romantic life.

Not necessarily interested in seriously binding my life with someone else unless that person has truly ticked all boxes. Definitely not interested in fucking around. But a few deep relationships with sex and love would be possible, yes. However you want to categorise or label that I understand this is not the “normal” approach in our present society.

That just essentially means for me that I will have sex and enjoy those pleasures with someone I also have a connection of love with… without the latter, I’m not interested in the former as it will not be constructive to either our well-being.

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Based on this, you could build one such as:

Alexander’s Play

Or if you want the body shifting of WANTED without all the sassiness, here are some possible substitutes:

Alexander’s Play
Physicality Shifter - Sexiness
Emperor’s Fitness
SPS: Fat Burn


@RVconsultant, well I like Wanted it fits me well because the life I’m living is complicated, complex and secretive which Wanted can then capitalise on and also help me with in a way.

I have a Custom build idea it will not include Heartsong for the time being though.

Just curious if you have Wanted in a Custom @RVconsultant?

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@RVconsultant : about ticket #11344 - can you notify staff it is about a custom order that needs attention.

I have notified staff.

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Ticket #11467 - I recieved the wrong custom
@RVconsultant thanks for your help

@RVconsultant it has been 3 days and i have seen no communication from you. Why? It is frustrating

I dont know if you forwarded my request or not. I waited 5 days for my order and now 3 days on top of that have passed and no response from you or customer service

Because I’m human, and I made a mistake by not telling you that I did notify staff. And I just notified them again.

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