RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

How has DR been for you Meng?

For me it’s been like my best friend punching me in the stomach but for a really good reason.

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What do you classify as no results though?1-2 months isnt that long.Khan st1 is mostly a clearing stage also.AM i usually get more annoyed at people taking advantage of me,easier to anger etc at the beginning till it gets balanced later.Havent run khan st1 so can comment on what to look for in that.

My DR run was great.Really easy and light,not much recon.My healing custom that i ran before DR was actually much worse.>-< ST4 and DRU in particularly is very good for feeling good.Think joie is in them.Programs and modules that didnt work for me work better now also.There are times where external results vanished while healing was taking place but overall was a good run.Please note im the crazy person that jumped to st4+DRU after 1 month of ST1 though :sweat_smile::stuck_out_tongue:

I noticed that too.

I’m so glad DR was easy and light for you.

I did something similar. How has DR Ultima been?

@Sub.Zero and @Leandros

Are you listening to DR Ultima?

How has it been?

I think I understand. I think caution with Qv2 is wise. I’m going to introduce Qv2 slowly.

How did you get burned by RM?

Hmm,not sure about DRU effects wise but for me its a great feel good ultima and anti recon.Running st4 by itself is noticably heavy but if you run dru on the same day,no recon and no heavy processing so was really useful.It also boosts other subs and removes recon from customs if ran on same day.Feels something like RebirthU actually

I was running my 2 customs at 3 loops each and ultimas at 1 loop with great results and everything was working perfectly.Dropped to 2 loops of my customs and added 1 loop of RM and it was recon central and all my customs and ultimas stopped working for the week i was running it.I concluded it was either too strong or the script didnt agree with me but didnt get confirmation till got my qv2 custom.That ones really smooth,no recon at all.So think its RM not the tech.My subconcious really doesnt like something in it

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What were they doing to stalk you?

Local celebrities?

Thank you for elaborating so clearly! You have really committed to personal growth mate!

RebirthU absolutely made ST1 smoother. In fact it’s a wonderful Ultima to use anytime you’re changing your stack or changing stages


Thanks for posting this mate!

That’s amazing! That sounds similar to the revisioning process that Neville teaches (I’ve not studied it myself, but I’ve got a friend who’s really into Neville stuff so he’s told me a bit)

It may be that, or something similar. I’ve tried things like that in the past, but was unable to make any appreciable impact. Now it just happens. I slip into an intense daydream state and I see myself reacting to something that happened in a much healthier way. It happens frequently for a while, hitting the situation from different angles, and after a while, I am mentally as I would be if I had handled it that way. Pretty awesome.

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I’ve listened to DRU (v1) for one month and it worked very similar to the Elixir but felt better than that sub.

I haven’t listened to DRU
But I will in 6 months😁

LMAO !! I have my moments…

inside-I am always very intense- in disposition I am very laid back, insanely intense, or the life of the party.

The times I feel laid back inside is when some sort of storm literally or metaphorically is occurring outside.

Just want you to know I appreciate you @RVconsultant :slight_smile: – metaphorically your like warm energy bumpers in a bowling alley- you make sure everyone at least hits the pins and avoids forum gutter balls.

I have run 1 loop of DR for 2 months Stage 1 and going onto my 10th week of DR stage 2.

Overall directly from DR, although I am not religious, I’d say DR gives me the Serenity Prayer in motion- the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. Inside that wisdom I am seeing and opening up to things I thought I couldn’t change when in fact I can.

I also feel fundamentally better in life, less neurotic, less anxious, more comfortable with who I really am, and more owning of and at peace with residual insecurities and/or personal issues.

I also have a paradoxical more realistic sense -that life COULD (maybe not) be full of non-perfect states/ feelings/ challenges and that it’s important to be ok with that and live and love my best fully anyway.

and sense that life gets infinitely better and I just have to learn to be OK with how good things can get. (without some internal thermostat sabatoge)


On another note @RVconsultant how’s QV2 for internal processing sound for you?

They were major TV celebrities here and Fashion models aswell.

All crazy things we know they would not do, for example i was working at the Bar doing cocktails and one of them just went there to ask me a random thing but then admitted she just wanted to have my number, had one very famous married celebrity came in with a friend and started flirting directlt with me with her friend.

The place i worked is near a luxury whorehouse where businessman pay like from 1k to 10k to get laid with top quality woman, in the launch hour it was normal to see them roaming my store, some of them even went there with other girlfriends to drink,flirt and even going as far as talking to my boss to know my name or telling they just wanted me to go at their table.

My wife who was just my girlfriend at the time wouldnt let me go to public events without her at my side :joy::joy:

I had to stop completly one time bcs i was getting allot of problems with my friends with their wifes, even when i was quiet and not doing nothing things were happening.

Not even talking about the crazy stuff when i was opening activlt sets of girls and getting into different veneus with them.

The thing is that at the time i didnt had the bases i have today, it was driving a ferrari without brakes.

Thanks for saying more. I mean some of your post it’s like I imagine you causally walking down a street and in your wake is a trail of girls swooning in ecstasy or standing with their legs crossed with a look of agonized pleasure on their faces as they are biting their lips.

Thanks man! Okay so in this metaphor then problems are the gutters… and the person is the bowling ball… and what they want are the pins.

So… I hope calling someone a bowling ball isn’t an insult in someone’s country… :grin:

For me the biggest moment of this was when I was walking around a shop and realized I felt as relaxed as if I was at home! WOW!

Then I noticed I feel that way where ever I am. This for me is HUGE!

I’ve had states of big discomfort and yet feel calm and assured. I can also run Khan without feeling a need to dominate the world.:grin:

I’ve noticed I tend to make fewer obstacles for myself.

Not there yet. I’m going to be gradually adding it over the next month or so. When Qv1 was out I did it all at once and whoa! So slow and gradual for me.