Rise to Stardom

Just got this ad. A sign?
Especially since I’ve been insecure af recently. Pretty sure it’s not recon from WANTED but a drive from it instead making me want to do something about it. But my issue has been my face. My body isn’t terrible. Do I have a six pack and am I super lean? No, but my arms and chest are quite bulked up. Legs are okay, it’s mainly that I carry a little bit of fat.

But regardless of how much fat I gain or lose my face is always round in the cheeks area.

Nah you’re gonna be fine. You might win the lottery today though…:grin:


Please Jesus.

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Something I didn’t mention. Mainly because I wanted to keep it private.

I am a procrasinator. If I know I’ve got something I need to do, the fear or whatever holds me back. Keep this in mind.

I want to move to LA (it’s always been a dream of mine) and for that to happen I need a visa. With me working in dance and the guy from before ruining possibly money making in that aspect I was frustrated and annoyed as hell.

Regardless, I’ve been playing R.I.C.H just a couple times a week.

My dad said he would help me with the money but I’ve been procrastinating on actually telling how much because I felt bad. I hate relying on people.

Fast forward to Sunday and I get a message from my bank saying the whole amount has entered my account. I’ve not told him the whole amount, I told my money a round about figure but the amount is with me now to pay off.

Not only did he send me the whole amount, but initially he said I could have up to a certain amount - which was 1.5k less than the whole amount. Part of the reason I didn’t ask him because I didn’t want to be cheeky and ask for all of it if I could help it.

Looks like plans are getting started.


R.I.C.H manifestation.
I got a random message on Reddit legit out of the blue from someone I don’t know messaging me asking for a code for Huel (the meal replacement thing I use).

I don’t know how this person found me since I didn’t advertise or anything but they messaged and literally seconds ago they registered.

If someone uses my code they get £10 off, and so do I. Funnily enough Huel just released a new product today that I’m super eager to try and I’ll get to use the code for now.

Super excited.

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I have been following your journal for months.

I am going to encourage you to consider taking 4 rest days in a row, and keep your mind open to perhaps do 2 weeks off.

I’m wondering if the subliminals might be affecting you more than others, and perhaps you might need fewer loops.

Yeah, I’m definitely more sensitive to the persuasion of the subs. I’ve noticed.

I took a wash out just over a week ago. Last week I started subs again.

I think my recon was from my extra loops of MSQv2 and WANTED. Which I’ve now cut down on.


Ok good am thinking about a washout too

Wash outs are great for sure. I’ll be doing one every 4-6 weeks.


Sounds good. For how long?

I need some PCC aid.

For those of you that have used it in the past, I’m not sure who that is - maybe @Azriel , @Lion (I’m not sure)?

Ever since using this my energy has been super sensitive on who to trust and who not to. I’ve pretty much always been like this but it’s been even more sensitive whilst on PCC - or what I feel is PCC.

Anyway there’s a guy I spoke about in my journal a while ago, and now he’s at the studio all the time - he’s a nice guy but there’s just something about him. Something off about him. I’m not sure what it is, it feels like he’s hiding something and I have no idea what. I’m so confused.

Is this something that is related to PCC? I feel like I can’t trust him right now. But I also obviously could be wrong and I’m so unsure on whether this is even related to PCC or something else in my stack but my feelings toward this are so strong. We talk a lot but I’ve had to take my distance because the feelings are so strong towards this.

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Most likely a week. I found it difficult to stop listening :joy: but really depends. Max 2 weeks for sure. Until Q+ comes out at least.

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Yes, this is with most certainty PCC. It doesn’t mean he is a series killer but it would be surely wise to follow this nudge.

I don’t think he’s a bad guy or his intentions are bad it’s just there’s something he’s not telling me and it’s made me keep my distance.

He’s actually really nice, but he’s definitely hiding something.

That you for the input man!

Maybe he has feelings for you? :joy::kissing_heart:

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That’s what my boyfriend thinks too. He said he’s been non-stop talking about me (like how he cares for me), my body, and all this kinds of stuff. Which I found a little strange.

However the guy has just broken up with his girlfriend like a week ago and is adamant that he’s straight.

I hope whatever it is gets found out quick because the energy…I can’t explain it.

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Seems like a lot of sexual tension you two are building :smirk::smirk:

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He has helped me out with the fetish I wrote about in the past, like 5-6 months ago. He keeps saying he wants to do it because he feels bad that I’ve been so nice and helped him out (non-sexually) and he knows the fetish is a relief for me.

But in the past there was two guys that I fell for that helped me out and I thought they were also both gay/bi and that didn’t end out great and left me feeling sucidial and all sorts. That’s why I don’t went to jump to conclusions this time.

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You are definitely a wanted man, let me tell you this. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@Lion has run it. :slight_smile: