Results for custom ultima stacks

Hopefully I’ll get mine soon as well. Went for a physical improvement custom.

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I have been using my new ultima custom stack for two days nothing to write home about as yet. I did two loops on both days.

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what are the modules? haven’t been checking that other thread at all

Healing Custom, it should be hyper versatile depending upon which sub I stack it with!
It’s called WhiteTiger’s Foundation Builder :

I Am
Attachment Destroyer
Blue Skies
Power Awareness
New Beginnings

I’m doing this with @SubliminalUser ! (I keep tagging him hahaha)

@TheBoxingScientist Your ultima looks sick! I can’t wait to see you reporting some movement :sunglasses:

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any updates on how your ultima is treating you? @TheBoxingScientist

Forgot to post my update here!!!

Extracted directly from my journal! I’ll see how it transcribe into my actions in the next weeks!


First run of my new custom!


@anon52452268 nothing to write home about yet will update yiu guys towards the end of this week as i need ti give the product time.


I am really happy with my new ultima custom sub :slight_smile:.

@SaintSovereign @Fire thanks for making my dream a reality.


You’re very much welcome.

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share more ???


You can’t post this and not share your story mate hahaha you have to tell! :heart_eyes:


@TheBoxingScientist must be running overcast-auraQ… the way he’s keeping us in the dark


@Azriel my new super ultima is comprised of aura of craving and earth shaker together with one other module i forgot which one is. Its helped me meet gorgeous young women.

Might just tweak it but i have to ask Saint whether he can make Libertine available as i want to name embed it !.


Aura might push it overboard but it will be really nice to check out a name embedded libertine will work

lol, @TheBoxingScientist, I meant in relation to what you said about your dream becoming reality due to your custom Ultima.
Like what happened or how it’s working that you were so pleased about it.

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Does anyone have any more results for their Ultimas?

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Can anyone please share results for physical changes ?

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if anyone has custom Ultima with physical modules please share results!!

@TheBoxingScientist can you share about the details and/or specific results with your custom Ultima?

It may lead the way :wink:

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Worked very well for the first week then the results seemed to fade overtime.The second week the results were sporadic and they began to fade not sure why. I am going to to stop using it for a whole week then try listening to it again.

I am holding back from making a physical changes ultima till I see others getting results.